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Starting school can be horrendous and frightening. How would it be dealt with? |
Starting school can be horrendous and frightening. How would it be dealt with?
This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition! The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Denise was tentatively looking forward to her first day of school. She wondered how these new girls were going to react to and treat her. She wasn't treated well in her prior school, and hoped that here things would be different and better.
Since a bus didn't come close enough to her house, Denise's mother arranged a carpool comprised of neighborhood girls who would be also attending. There were sisters Mary and Diane who lived a block away. Mary was Denise's age while Diane was two years older. Another block away resided Marie, who was Diane's age. She was also Diane's best friend. Six blocks from Marie's house lived Janet, who was also the same age as Diane and Marie.
All four girls knew each other, and were indifferent to Denise and her mother, Corrine. During the drive to school, the girls chatted away, oblivious to who was driving and that they were receiving a ride. Corrine charged the girls $5.00 a week for gas to help defray expenses.
How should Denise break the ice with these girls?
Ask them how their summer was?
Try to get to know the girls she doesn't know that well? |
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