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Rated: E · Fiction · Sci-fi · #705607
An E.T. Petshop has new beasts for sale!
The shop was full, buisness booming and Orth, the owner was very pleased.
His biologists and botonists were doing their jobs well indeed.
Out on the survey station, the team had recently returned from a field trip.
They had returned with news and samples from a small world in a previousiy unexplored sector.
The ships sensors had picked up strange signals coming from near a small star.

The world was almost entirely covered with water, which was a bonus, but best of all the small areas of land was found to harbour an
astonishing bio-diversify of carbon based life forms.
Most highly prized among the specimans captured,
were a quasi-intelligent bi-pedal species, not unlike Orths people but hairless for the most part, and only half the size.
They had artificial furs and dwellings. Their technology was thought to have been given them by an advanced race of beings, perhaps
in an effort to help them overcome the natural selection process,thus avoiding extinction since they appeared to be particularly i11 equipped for survival having neither useful tooth or claw.

It was first theorised that they were the juveniles of a species similar to Orths people,
however none were found fully furred and biologist concluded they were adults, hairless from birth for their entire span, hence the
artificial fur.

Orth immediatly secured legal claim to the world
and ordered in depth study of the bio-system, and further shipments to the quarantine station.
Orth hurried down the ramp, claws clicking on the oridian surface as he went. At sector 4 quarantine the airlock slid open, scissoring shut behind him.

The specimans were more than he could have hoped for. They were spectacular. In various bio-ceils lining the wails, were creatures of incredible beauty. Such graceful forms ,patterns textures , and colors for Which there were no names.

Orth walked along the rows awestruck and exited, looking at each in turn. In this cell a variety of small bi-peds of strange appearence which were flying and making high pitched chirping sounds, which Orth felt were quiet pleasant. There colors were bright and vivid. Most. beautiful.

In the next, a furred creature with whiskers and claws like Orth himself, with a long appendage at the rear and striped in a most pleasing manner, again in bright colors for which Orth had no words to describe.

This creature huge and heavy, almost filling the cell alone, was thankfully herbivorous, thought Orth to himself. It was a quadruped with appendages front and rear, longer at the front, with large aural lobes hanging from Its huge head. It's flesh was hairless and wrinkled.

Each new cell contained amazing unimagined lifeforms, some disturbingly similar in appearence to their captors. Orth hurried on, it
was sector 5 he wished to visit. The hairless bipeds.Zolth, a biologist and Tanth, a behavioral scientist were there to meet him as he stepped through the portal.

They exchanged greetings as they went congratulating each other for the most successful
survey in a number of years.
Arriving at the bio-ceii Orth saw that they had caught three specimans together which Tanth informed him were a 'pack'. They were indeed as strange as Zolth had told him.

They were totalLy hairless with tne exceptions or the top of thier head and above the reproductive organs, the larger male having a small tuft above it's mouth, the juvenile excepting its head was altogether hairless.
Both males appeared to be in a state of sexual excitement.
Zolth quickiy explained that this was not the case, the creatures were unable to retract the organ into the body and the theory was the organ became rigid when ready to mate.
The female had only two nipples. Was this an imperfect speciman? 0rth asked. Zolth explained that they had examined a number of the
specimans on location and two appeared to be the norm.

It was thought that perhaps they bred infrequently and bore only one or two cubs.Orth was concerned that the creatures may not readily breed in captivity but Tanth explained they they had been placed in cryronic suspension for transport to the home world and they may need time to recover.

Zolth beleived there were a surprisingly large population on the blue world, he beleived that their technology allowed a larger population than would otherwise be expected for a world with so little land mass.
The large male had begun banging on the window of the cell with it's strange paws. The trio moved closer and the speciman began to make motions to it's mouth. Orth was amused. They debated the meaning of this .

Tanth suggested a bizzar pre-mating ritual until the creature began to imitate mastication with its mouth. Food! they were amazed, the creature was obviously asking for food. Zolth was excited.
"What did I tell you Orth?" he said. They were intelligent, perhaps bordering on sentience.

Tanth explained these creaLures appeared to be omnivorous. They had been offered a variety of pLant material from their habitat, but
had refused all but a few root-like vegetables.
The small one had refused to eat. and the adult, pair reluctantly.
Zolth had experimented by placing a few small specimans of the blue world fauna inside the cell.

They had ignored all but an odd furred creature that hopped and had exceeding long aural lobes.
The large male had caught it and killed it useing its upper limbs instead of teeth. If had offered it to the female and the cub but
both had refused,and the dead creature was left at the door of the biocell.

Tanth had gone in to remove the creature to prevent disease but once inside had decided to burn it with his laser. He had used a low
power setting and befor the carcass was destroyed the specimans intervened.
The large male had moved towards Tanth holding its upper limbs out stretched.

Tanth became alarmed
fearing an attack but the creature had kept its eyes on him whilst slowly, it bent and retreived the half burnt carcass.
The carcass was torn in two and again offered to the female and cub but again they refused. Zolth broke in "You won't beleive what happened next!"

The large male took the carcass and moving slowly
as before placed it on the floor near Tanth and moved away.
"It raised a limb and indicated my laser then the carcass" said Tanth "So I burnt it some more".
Immediatly the creature had raised its limbs as before, outstretched and Tanth had stopped.
The carcass was retreived and all three began to eat.
A repeat demonstration was performed for Orth and he watched fascinated as the creatures fed. "I forgot to mention the artificial fur" said Zolth. They had been removed so that Orth could veiw the creatures.

These strangly colored furs, made of unknown plant material were now returned to the cell.
The creatures quickly covered themselves although the cell had been warmed to the temperature where they were collected, they seemed happier to have them.

Orth found himself strangely fond of these odd creatures, perhaps they could be taught to serve.
Orth decided to keep these very first for himself, they would make fine and unique pets for his cubs.
In his shop, Orth put up a large sign. BLUE WORLD PETS! COMING SOON!

© Copyright 2003 Sir laughalot (laughalot at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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