Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/719176-Calm-Before-the-Storm
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #719176
Chapter 1- Kyle Seals has first encounter with Mr. Blair
Kyle Seals Chronicles

Chapter 1: Calm Before the Storm

Kyle Seals lifted up the wooden gate, allowing him access to his home. Walking into his spacious apartment, he found that no one else was there. Carrying two bags over his right shoulder, he wore a black jacket with tribal designs on the sleeves and a black hat which he wore backwards. Two motorcycles were parked next to the entrance and he headed down the few stairs leading to the living area. He went into the office and checked for any messages. He had five new messages. He gave the machine the finger and went into the weapons room.

Kyle tossed the two bags up onto a counter and emptied them out. In one bag were various weapons that he put back in their appropriate spot. The other was a pile of money which he put into his safe. He unhooked his weapons belt, carrying twin holstered guns, and set them on the counter.

Kyle went into the large bathroom and looked in the mirror. He examined the multiple cuts and bruises he had just sustained, and felt a sharp pain on his side. Removing his jacket he found a spot of blood on his right mid-section. When he took off his white tank top he found a long sliver of wood, dug into his flesh. He raised his arm and yanked it out, letting out a small grunt of pain. He eyed the sliver in disgust before tossing it aside.

He stumbled into his bedroom and collapsed onto the bed, face down on the pillows. His hand reached out, searching for the remote to his radio. After fumbling around, he finally found it and pressed the play button. The disc that was in happened to be Korn and he dropped the remote, content with the music that was playing. Kyle lay there for several minutes, beginning to drift asleep, until he heard the gate open and the light steps of bare feet on tile approaching his room.

“Kyle, are you here?” A smooth, soft voice called out. Kyle raised his arm and responded, but his voice was muffled by his face being buried in his pillows.

“There you are,” the voice said at the door to his room, “are you alright?” Kyle again responded in a muffled voice, obviously too exhausted to speak clearly. Kyle turned his head to look at his visitor, although he already knew who it was. It was Bliss. The shapely girl walked over to his bed, dressed casually in torn up jeans, a white tank, and her shiny black hair pulled into a pony tail. She wore very little make-up, but her face was naturally beautiful, with her smooth pink lips, and her enchanting green eyes. She had a small stud on her nose, a piercing in her lower lip and tongue, and multiple piercings on her ears.

“You look like shit,” Bliss told him and Kyle gave her a ‘no duh’ look. She sat on the bed next to him and began to rub his back. Kyle said nothing but closed his eyes enjoying the massage. “Out working again?”

“Mm-hmm,” was the only response Kyle could muster out as her hands roamed his chiseled back and shoulders. After a few minutes she noticed the multiple cuts on his body.

“God damn, you’re worse than I thought.” Bliss told him and jumped off. “Stay here I’ll be right back.” She whispered in his ear and he opened his eyes thinking ‘where am I going to go’. He heard Bliss rummage around the bathroom before she came back holding a first aid kit. “Okay, now, roll over.” But Kyle only mumbled his disinterest.

“Come on,” she said grabbing his arm and rolling him onto his back, “ you need to clean yourself up.” Bliss sat close to him on the bed to examine the wounds better. She noticed the large cut from the sliver on his side. “Ooh, did that hurt?” Bliss asked wincing at the sight of the wound. Kyle just showed her his thumb and forefinger signifying ‘a little’.

“So what was it tonight?” She asked as she began to wipe off the dried up blood with an alcohol
soaked rag.

“Kidnaping,” Kyle responded, “some rich couple’s kid was abducted a few days ago. The kidnappers didn’t want the police involved so they hired me to find their son.”

“That was you? It’s been all over the news.” Bliss told him as she threw the rag to the floor.

“Yeah, I tracked the kidnappers down in time but found there was a few more of them than I originally thought.” Kyle explained, as Bliss measured the cut to apply the appropriate size bandage. “A fight started, lots of gunfire, I think something exploded. I can’t really remember.”

“So, how much did they pay you?” Bliss asked as she taped the bandage over the cut. Kyle raised his head.

“I didn’t charge them.” He said to himself, wondering why he didn’t..

“Kyle you’re so sweet.”

“I know,” Kyle said as he lay his head back down, “god it sucks.” Bliss just smiled and pulled out the band in her hair, letting it fall freely down her back. She lay next to Kyle and rested her head on his shoulder, putting her hand on his chest. They stayed there in silence, each enjoying the momentary peace. They found comfort laying next to each other, each becoming very comfortable and Kyle began to drift off to sleep. After a few minutes, Bliss lifted her head and propped it up with her hand.

“Kyle?” She asked, breaking the silence.

“Hmm?” He replied, keeping his eyes closed.

“I just.... I wanted to thank you.” She said and Kyle opened his eyes

“For what?”

“For saving me,” she told him and Kyle’s mind filled with memories of a couple of weeks ago when Bliss was almost turned into a vampire. But Kyle was able to find a way to keep her human before she fully turned.

“You’ve already thanked me like a hundred times,” Kyle said, and Bliss lowered her eyes.

“I know, it’s just...” Bliss paused, “you never gave up on me. I was to the point of turning into one of those, things. Anyone else would have just let me turn, or even killed me.” Kyle sat up and Bliss looked back at him. “But you kept on fighting. You never gave up and you saved my life in more ways than one.”

“We’re a team,” Kyle explained, “I would have done the same thing for anyone.” Bliss again lowered her eyes, slightly embarrassed.

“I know that. I just wanted to thank you, because I’ve never seen that kind of loyalty,” Bliss told him, “I never thought that someone would do that for me.”

“Come on,” Kyle said, “if you were gone I’d only have Damien to talk to. Besides I love it when you walk around in only your underwear.” Bliss smiled and laughed, before she gazed into his eyes. “I’ll always be there for you.”

Bliss leaned in close and kissed him gently on the lips. Kyle was shocked and confused and finally broke away. He was about to say something but Bliss quickly put her fingers on his lips, keeping him quiet.

Bliss kissed him again, but this time, Kyle did not resist and accepted her. They kissed in a passionate embrace and Bliss swung her leg over, laying on top of him. She pressed her body against his and he held her close, allowing his hands to explore her back. Bliss pushed her tongue into his mouth and he felt the bar that was pierced in it. Bliss flipped her hair to one side and held his face with her hands. Kyle moved his hands to the bottom of her shirt and began to pull it up.

Suddenly the phone rang, and they both jumped. It rang and rang, with neither Kyle nor Bliss wanting to answer it. Finally it stopped and Bliss and Kyle smiled at each other. Then it started to ring again. Bliss reached over for it, obviously annoyed. Kyle grabbed the remote and turned down the music as Bliss answered.

“Yes? She said into the phone and listened for several minutes. Kyle could tell whoever was on the other end was complaining about no one ever answering the phone.

“Lousy, just like your timing.” Bliss said into the phone then handed it to Kyle. “It’s Damion.” Kyle took the phone and Bliss rolled off of him. Kyle put the phone to his ear.


“Kyle,” a gruff voice said, “I think you need to get down here to the front entrance.”


“There’s someone down here who wants to see you.” Damion told him, and Kyle became annoyed.

“Who the hell is it?”

“Just get down here. Fast.” Damion said quickly and hung up. Kyle turned off the phone and looked at Bliss.

“What’s going on?” Bliss asked with a raised eyebrow.

* * *
Kyle and Bliss finally reached the front entrance of the building to find Damion and Danielle waiting for them, standing next to a long black limo. Damion was tall and muscular. He had short, spiky black hair and light brown skin. He wore a sleeveless shirt showing off his toned arms. Danielle was shorter, with blonde hair pulled into two pigtails, wearing a tight red t-shirt, a black skirt going down to her knees and glasses.

“What’s up?” Kyle asked and the door of the limo opened. A pair of silky legs stepped out and a woman dressed in business attire with her brown hair pulled into a bun stepped out. She took off her sunglasses and looked at Kyle.

“You must be Mr. Seals,” she said handing him a business card. Kyle reached out and took the card, eyeing the woman before looking at it. “My employer sent me here to arrange a meeting between the two of you.”

“Mr. Blair.” Kyle read from the card, and looked at the other side, noticing it only had a name. “Am I supposed to know who that is?”

“Unlikely,” the woman told him, “but you will soon, whether you come or not.”

“And who are you?” Kyle asked.

“I am Mr. Blair’s personal assistant. You may call me Rebel.”

“Rebel, huh?” Kyle asked and then looked back at Bliss, “Don’t girls have ordinary names anymore.” Bliss just gave him a look, and Kyle turned back to Rebel.

“What does he want with me?” he asked.

“It is not my place to say, I am just to escort you to Mr. Blair’s place of business.” Rebel told him.

“Uh, just give me one minute to think it over.” Kyle said and walked back to where Bliss, Damion and Danielle was standing. “Any thoughts?”

“I don’t trust her,” Bliss said, eyeing Rebel.

“Me neither,” Danielle added, “but she was able to find out where we were and she knows who you are. Maybe we should play along to find out who this Mr. Blair is and what he wants.”

“I was thinking the same thing.” Kyle said and looked to Damion, “What do you think Damion?” But Damions attention was focused on the curvaceous Rebel in her short mini-skirt. “Damion?!” There was still no reply, and Kyle slapped him on the side of the head. “Hey!”


“What do you think?” Kyle repeated.

“Given the circumstances, I vote ‘do it’.” Damion said with a smile and looked back at Rebel. “She clearly wants it, just look at that skirt. It’s easy access. But if you don’t feel up to the job, I’ll gladly take the responsibility.” Kyle, Bliss and Danielle just look at him.

“You know, it frightens me that one day you might reproduce.” Kyle said to Damion and then turned to Rebel. “Alright we’ll come.”

“I’m sorry,” Rebel said, “but Mr. Blair has requested only your presence. I am not authorized to bring anyone else.” Kyle rubbed his face.

“Fine, let’s go.” Kyle said and then looked back at Bliss, who nodded in response. Rebel opened the limo door and Kyle got in. Rebel turned her head and saw Damion, and looked him up and down. She then saw Bliss, who was still giving her dirty looks. Rebel just got in the limo and it drove off.

“Alright,” Bliss said as she turned around and headed back in, “let’s get to work. Danielle, I need you to get back to the office and start tracking his position. Me and Damion are going to follow him.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Danielle asked as they followed her.

“There’s no way we’re going to let Kyle go to that place without back up.” Bliss explained to them. “Now let’s get to work.”

“Geez, she sure is bossy,” Damion said to Danielle as they walked inside.

* * *

The limo journey was mostly in complete silence. Rebel sat across from Kyle, with her legs crossed. Kyle couldn’t help but admire her appearance, but she also gave off a strange vibe. Kyle tried to talk to her, to find out more information, but Rebel only told him that everything will be explained once they arrived. Kyle just sat back and accepted her response. Kyle had no watch so he didn’t know exactly how long the ride was.

“We’re here.” Rebel told him and Kyle looked out the window to see them pulling up to some kind of club. A large neon sign kept flashing in bright colors the word ‘DV8'. The limo stopped and someone opened the door. Rebel got out first, and Kyle followed. Once he was out he saw a long line of people waiting to get in. Kyle thought it funny that only good looking people dressed in the latest fashions were being allowed inside.

Rebel led him right past the crowd to the front door, where a large bouncer was waiting. Rebel said nothing to the bouncer as she walked past him. Kyle followed her in and the bouncer gave him a strange look. Kyle entered the club and looked around. There were two levels with multiple dance floors and bars located all around the club. Kyle noticed that there were twice as many girls as there were guys. Rebel walked directly through the crowd, people deliberately stepping out of her way.

People were looking at Kyle in wonder. He felt out of place dressed in only his black tribal jacket with his unshaven face, and barely styled hair. Kyle was thankful he never came to this type of place. He followed Rebel through the crowd and they came to a room with a long glass table inside. Rebel shut the door, blocking out the loud music, but the walls were made of glass. Rebels high heels clacked loudly on the floor as she walked to a phone and began talking into it. She put the receiver back down and almost immediately the door opened.

Kyle turned to see several beautiful girls walk in, followed by a man with semi long black hair. He was dressed in a suit with no tie and the top few buttons of his shirt undone. The girls sat down at the table, and several large men dressed in suits entered and just stood around the room.

“Mr. Seals,” the man said as he walked to Kyle, holding out his hand to him, “thank you for coming. I am Mr. Blair.” Kyle took his hand reluctantly and shook it.

“Yeah, I figured.” Kyle said and looked cautiously at the men in the room.

“Please have a seat,” Blair said as sat down, but Kyle remained standing. Blair looked at him with a smile and motioned for him to sit. Kyle looked up at all the people again before finally sitting. Rebel walked behind Blair and put her hands on his shoulders and he took one of her hands in his. “Would you care for a drink?” And a server offered him several different beverages.

“No, I’m good.” Kyle told him, and pushed the tray away from his face..

“How about a cigar,” Blair offered, “I know you’re quite partial to them.”

“And how would you know that?” Kyle asked slightly angry.

“Please Mr. Seals, I’m just trying to make you comfortable.” Blair told him and then pointed to the girls at the table. “You can have anything you want here.” Kyle looked to the girls who were all looking at him seductively. Two girls were suddenly standing next to him and one sat on his lap. She kissed him on the lips before the other pulled him away and kissed him as well. The girls then kissed each other passionately right in front of him.

“Pretty nice aren’t they?” Blair said smiling, puffing on a cigar, but Kyle just pushed them off.

“How about you tell me why I’m here.” Kyle tod Blair and the girls walked away very offended that they had just been rejected. Blair looked at Kyle, his smile beginning to fade.

“Very well, Mr. Seals. I can see that you’re smarter than I’ve been led to believe.” Blair said and stood up. “Let’s get down to business.”

* * *

Outside, a red Ferrari carrying Damion and Bliss drove slowly past the club.

“He’s in there,” Bliss said as she looked at the information on the screen. Damion slowly stopped the car and looked at the club. There were several bouncers around, who were admitting people inside and rejecting many.

“It’s not going to be easy getting in,” Damion said to Bliss and she looked up. Bliss tapped on the keys of the laptop a few times, contacting Danielle who was back at the HQ.

“Danielle, I need a structural drawing of this building. Find it fast.” Bliss told her.

Across town, Danielle sat in front of multiple computer consoles, rolling her chair back and forth, typing quickly on the keyboards. She wore an ear and mouth piece on her head and eyed all the different information through her small framed glasses. Computer information was popping up on the different screens and changing quickly , trying to find the correct program. Danielle found it difficult to find the program for the club, and thought that it was very strange. But then finally the design for the program appeared on the main screen.

“Got it,” Danielle said and downloaded the information to Bliss. The drawing of the building appeared to Bliss computer. Damion leaned over, viewing the information.

“There’s no other entrances to this place,” Damion said to her and Bliss tapped on the keys again, changing the view of the building.

“What about this door?” Bliss asked, pointing to a side door on the screen.

“No, that won’t work,” Danielle said through the intercom, “that door is wired. If it opens even an inch, it will set off alarms throughout the entire building.”

“Yeah and when that happens, all those guys at the front will be on our asses.” Damion added and Bliss looked up at him with a sparkle in her eye.

“You’ve just given me an idea.”

* * *

Rebel came walking back in with a file in her hands. Kyle watched with curiously as she handed the file to Blair. Blair took the file still staring and smiling at Kyle. He finally opened the file and looked at it, flipping the pages very casually.

“I don’t suppose you know what this is, do you?” Blair asked as he puffed on his cigar.

“Why would I know?”

“In case you haven’t already guessed, I acquired all of my possessions through somewhat illegal means.” Blair told him as he put out his cigar into an ashtray. “I have been recently hired to eliminate someone for a person named Victor Slate.” Kyle smiled to himself, not surprised at the sound of the name.

“This is the file on the mark,” Blair said sliding the file down the table to Kyle. Kyle stopped the file with his hand, still looking at Blair. He looked at Rebel and the several men surrounding him before finally opening the file to see several pictures of himself along with several pages of information. Kyle glanced through the papers casually, but carefully. It had a lot of information about him that he himself had never seen. After reaching the end, he closed the file and pushed it aside.

“Well, looks like you have just about everything you need right here,” Kyle said.

“Indeed. With only a snap of my fingers my men could kill you in a heartbeat,” Blair told him, smiling even bigger, “but that would be too uncivilized.” Kyle looked around the room very quickly but very discreetly, looking for possible escape routes. It wouldn’t be easy to get out of here. He was sure that all of Blair’s men was carrying a weapon of some kind.

“I am well aware of your deeds, Mr. Seals,” Blair continued, “your reputation has become somewhat of a legend. I would do well to have someone such as you working for me.”

“You seem to be doing well enough on your own,” Kyle said to him, as he saw a laptop sitting on the table, not very far from where Blair was sitting.

“True, but it is the very nature of life to become better and more powerful than you already are.” Blair began to explain, “Therefore, it is my goal to overthrow Mr. Slate and take over his empire. Don’t you see? We have the same goals, you and I. Join me and we could rid this city of Slate.”

“And I’d just be trading one criminal mastermind for another.” Kyle added and looked at the exit.

“It’s rather simple Mr. Seals, you either join me now, or you can die right now.” Blair said and Rebel nodded to the men. One walked up behind Kyle, putting a gun to his head. “I don’t think you have much of a choice Mr. Seals.” Kyle gave him a slight smile and leaned forward onto the table.

“I guess my reputation isn’t as good as I thought.” He told Blair, and then an alarm began to scream throughout the entire building.

* * *

Danielle smiled to herself and sat back in her chair. She was able to hack her way into DV8's computer and access the security system. She set off the alarm for the building, which sent most of the security personnel to a certain location that she had designated.

“That’s it, she’s done it,” Bliss said, and looked to Damion, “let’s go.”

Damion walked quickly towards the entrance where all but one bouncer was left. Bliss followed behind as Damion approached the bouncer who quickly stood in front of him.

“Hey you, get the fuck to the back of the line.” The bouncer said to Damion and grabbed his shirt. The bouncer was slightly taller, and much thicker. His face had scars received from several bar-fights and Damion just looked at the bouncer with a smile. Damion suddenly grabbed the bouncer by the collar and slammed his nose with his forehead. Then Damion just tossed him to the side, landing right next to the crowded line. Damion then walked confidently into the club with Bliss.

“Hey mother fucker!” another bouncer yelled at them when he saw the two walk into the club. He came running at them but Damion easily stepped to the side and used the bouncers own momentum against him, throwing him straight through a glass window, shattering it into hundreds of tiny shards.

A couple more men came running at them and one grabbed Bliss from behind. He pushed Bliss towards the wall, but she put her feet up onto the wall and pushed off. The man staggered back but still held onto her. She freed one of her arms and drove her elbow into the bouncers stomach, then she kicked straight up, bringing her foot past her face and kicking the bouncer square in the forehead, forcing him to let go and fall to the floor unconscious.

Another bouncer came at Damion, this time with a knife. He stabbed at Damion who sidestepped, grabbed the hand, and snapped his wrist. Damion then grabbed the bouncers hair and slammed his face hard down onto a wooden table, breaking the side as his face smashed down through it. Another swung at Damion with some sort of pipe, but Damion ducked beneath it and put his arm across the bouncers chest and over the shoulder. Damion used his strength to suddenly pick the bouncer up off his feet and slam him down through a nearby table, causing it to erupt in an explosion of broken pieces, leaving the man unconscious on the floor. All this fighting had spilled over into the rest of the crowd, causing an all out brawl.

* * *
The alarm had gone off in the building and everyone looked around in confusion. Kyle had not planned on it but he wouldn’t let this perfect distraction go to waste. He grabbed the bottom of his chair and pulled up hard, bringing the leg straight down onto the gunman’s foot, causing him to scream in pain and drop his gun. Kyle stood up quickly and threw the gunman into two other men standing together.

“Stop him!” Blair yelled and another thug charged at Kyle. Seeing the computer on the table, Kyle grabbed it and smashed it across the head of the oncoming thug, causing the computer keys to fly through the air. The thug fell to the floor unconscious and Rebel stepped forward. Kyle picked up the gun from off the floor and pointed it at her. Rebel stopped in her tracks.

“Ha! Looks like your pansy little file didn’t tell you everything did it?” Kyle said to Blair sarcastically.

“You’re only delaying the inevitable Mr. Seals,” Blair said to him, “even if you escape now you won’t have time to celebrate. We’re coming for you.” Kyle pointed the gun at Blair.

“Celebrate this!”

Rebel then suddenly kicked the gun from Kyle’s hand sending it soaring into the air, and then kicked him again in the stomach, pushing him backwards. But Kyle recovered quickly and the gun fell straight back into his hand. He pointed it again at Rebel, this time at more of a distance.

“Back the fuck off,” Kyle said angrily waving the gun towards Blair and his men, “throw your guns on the floor.” The men did as they were told and several weapons fell to the floor. Rebel stood up straight, eyeing Kyle. The door to the room flew open and Kyle turned to see Damion and Bliss running in. Rebel began to move, but Kyle quickly turned back around, pointing the gun back at her.

“It’s about god damned time,” Kyle said sarcastically to Bliss and she moved to his side.

“Are you alright?” Bliss asked seeing the several armed men, and Kyle just nodded. “Let’s get you out of here.”

“Fine,” Kyle said, backing towards the door, “next person to come out this door gets a... a lead salad!” Bliss followed him out, but Damion was again staring blankly at Rebel. Rebel took her gaze off of Kyle and looked at Damion. Her cold hard face seemed to suddenly melt away into a look of intrigue.

“Damion, let’s go!” Bliss yelled back. Damion snapped out of his trance and followed Bliss and Kyle, looking back at Rebel once more before they left. Rebel started to go after them, but Blair put a hand on her shoulder, stopping her.

“Let them go,” he said to her, “their time will come.”

* * *

Damion’s red Ferrari streaked past the oncoming cop cars responding to the fight that broke out at the club. Damion looked at the cops from his rearview mirror, making sure that none of them turned around. Bliss sat in the back seat but was leaning forward near Kyle. Damion thought it weird that she has been so attentive to him lately. Kyle slugged Damion in the arm suddenly.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Kyle asked angrily.


“You and little miss kick me in the chest back there.” Kyle told him.

“She kicked you in the chest?” Damion asked smiling, but Kyle just gave him a look and the smile quickly faded. “What can I say? She wants me.” Kyle closed his eyes and shook his head in disgust, letting out a groan.

“So, was that Mr. Blair in that room?” Bliss asked, breaking the tension, and Kyle nodded in acknowledgment. “What did he want with you?”

“I’m not really sure,” he said and looked back at her “but I think it’s going to be a long week.” Bliss wrapped her arms around his chest and squeezed tightly.

“It’ll be alright, I’ll always be there for you,” she whispered into his ear and kissed him on the cheek. Kyle wanted to smile, to thank her, but his mind was still focused on what Blair had said.

“We’re coming for you...”

To Be Continued...

© Copyright 2003 nortonman (kyleseals at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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