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Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #783343
Similar pasts can create a better future...
CODE: H (set in the Horus/Kemet storyline)

TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): Both scenes: NA (Scene 2 just prior to "Secret Children")

PAIRING: Upuat/Maftet (M/F)

EXPLANATION: They were both characters who had survived rape and battery and for some reason I thought they would make a very compelling couple. I don't think I was wrong. Strong lynx goddess Maftet (see "Apophis's Day," the adult version, and "Apophis's Day On Earth," the PG-13-rated version, for her story) is exactly the influence that poor tormented Upuat needs in his life, and the moody wolf god is exactly the kind of person to bring out Maftet's softer side. Notice how he turns to mush whenever he's around her! If you've ever read my novel Horus, can you imagine THAT Upuat BEGGING for anything, like he does here? Well, it's the same god--in that novel, notice for example how whenever the group is in trouble, Upuat is the first to yell, "Maftet!" and Maftet is the first to yell, "Upuat!" (Me to both: GET A ROOM!) Maftet really puts him through the wringer at first, but only to make sure he's the right one for her--and he's very persistent. (Know that Upuat is NOT acting out of character in these scenes--due to what happened in his past, he really does tend to get submissive in the company of powerful women.) Take note that this pairing happens long after the events in "Chosen," when he's settled down somewhat and tried to put his past with Seii (see "Role Reversal") further behind him. Plus--a dog (wolf) and a cat (lynx)! What could be CUTER? They're also both loners who like to fight, so of course it was inevitable that they'd end up together... Notice the gruesome story that Upuat outlines in "The Painful Past." This details the events leading right up to the beginning of the out-of-continuity non-erotic story, "Secret Children." I believe Upuat really DID father these children, and they really were murdered by Seii; but the scenario of Anubis returning them to him is out of continuity, just an idea I played around with. I have yet to figure out what becomes of Maftet's admission at the end of "The Painful Past"...hmmmmm. *thinks*

DISCLAIMERS: Some details may not fit into the main continuity of the storyline, but I'm not sure.

* * * * *

Let Me

Upuat brought up his hand and touched her face. "Let me pleasure you, Goddess."

Maftet wouldn't let her own piqued desire show as plainly as his did. True, over the past weeks she had taken more notice of the deep, soulful color of his eyes when he looked at her, the tenderness in his voice when he spoke to her, the fire that his touch had started to arouse in her. She still tried to deny this last; yet even as he touched her face and stared into her eyes she felt her heart beat faster.

She just smiled at him coldly. "After all you've shown me, I don't think you could."

It was an unreasonably harsh thing to say; it stung her as well as him, she could see the hurt in his eyes, yet he pressed on, undaunted.

"If you tell me what you most desire, anything at all, I'll do it. Just let me try."

The corner of her mouth twisted. She toyed around with him further.

"Lose your sword."

He pulled the sword from its scabbard and tossed it away.

"Remove your jewelry; look like a common person."

He did so unhesitatingly.


To her surprise he did so, dropping to his knees and taking her hand. "Most gracious Goddess, tell me what you desire and I'll do it."

She couldn't believe that she had Upuat, the wolf god, the war god, cowering before her, at her feet like some common mortal. Her heart was thumping now; he was truly serious about what he'd said. His hands squeezed hers.

She turned away. "You'll have to guess what I desire."

He stood quickly and followed. "Then let me, Goddess--just let me try."

She whirled around, grabbing his arm. "Go ahead. Try," she cooed, giving a wicked grin.

He stepped forward, cupping her chin and kissing her deeply. She allowed him, but did nothing else in response. I won't let him know, she thought. Yet he drew her close, caressing her neck and back as he kissed her. He ran his hands down her sides, touching her hips. Maftet fought down a shudder; his touch was slowly but surely arousing her in ways she'd never known. He'd kindled a fire inside her, and the longer he caressed her the hotter it grew. She had to force her head to stay clear, force herself to keep from moaning in desire. She would not let him know how she felt. Not yet.

Upuat brought his hands to the front, fondling her breasts through the material of her dress. He didn't try to remove her clothing, yet she strained to suppress a gasp. He was surprisingly tender, gently squeezing and kissing her. He pressed against her momentarily; through his kilt she could feel that he was hard and erect already. It surprised her, the strength of his desire; she couldn't believe that he'd managed to hold off this long, while she taunted him and teased him, or that he still was refraining from pulling off her clothes. She could barely keep herself from doing so.

He dropped to his knees again, cupping her hips in his hands. He looked up at her, his eyes delirious with passion. "Let me please you, Goddess," he whispered. Maftet could no longer control her breathing; it came in short gasps, and her eyes were glazing over as well. Upuat lifted her dress open slightly at the slit in its side, there to allow her freer movement of her legs; he pulled it to the side, baring her lower body. He grasped her hips and burrowed his head into her belly. Maftet gasped. Upuat began kissing her, his tongue tracing along her navel and the line of her hip. He didn't touch the area between her legs, though she ached for him to; it was as if it were the most sacred part of her body, which he refused to defile with his presence unless she blessed him with her permission. He ran his hands down her lower back and buttocks, still nuzzling her belly. Maftet felt a searing fire burning deep inside her, in a place that she knew only Upuat could reach.

Unable to control herself any longer, she clutched his head in her hands, moaning and directing him lower. He responded, grasping her thighs and nuzzling between her legs. She moved against him, swaying her hips, moaning, wishing that he could put out the fire raging within her. I'm only tempting him, she thought, luring him with things he can never have. Yet she knew, with some longing, that no one could put out the fire but Upuat.

She couldn't stand it; the heat was so intense, an ache growing where Upuat nuzzled against her. She had to have him on her, against her, inside her! She clutched his head again, moaning as he pulled away to look up at her. She felt her knees growing weak. He drew himself up, facing her.

"Now," she whispered.

He responded with a passion. Grasping her head, he kissed her again, his tongue probing her mouth. She wrapped her arms around him and sank to the ground. He supported her on the way down, laying her back on the grass so she didn't fall. He pulled down the straps on her dress, pulling the dress down, freeing her breasts; she wriggled out of it the rest of the way as he cupped her breasts, sucking on them hungrily. She arched her neck, her breath coming fast. He touched her thigh, feeling the mound between her legs; she whimpered, agony stabbing through her. She couldn't wait.

"Come inside me, Upuat," she whispered. "Fill me with yourself."

She spread her legs wide, and could feel him raising his kilt over his hips and pulling off his loincloth. He stroked her thighs. His voice came, heavy in her ear.

"Let me pleasure you, Goddess."

He slowly pushed inside. Maftet gasped and arched. She clutched at his hips as he pulled back, her grip tightening when he entered her again. He was filling her, as she had asked; his heat was intense, even next to her own. He thrust into her slowly and gently, his breath labored; he fondled her breasts, her thighs, her buttocks, lowering himself to kiss her. Maftet wrapped her arms around him again, receiving him above and below. He broke the kiss eventually, looking down at her, his eyes narrowing and his breathing hoarse.

"Do I please you, Goddess?"

"More than anything else, Lord Upuat," Maftet replied, her own voice faint. She rubbed his back. "Enough of talking. Fill me, Upuat! Thrust inside me--faster, harder! I want to feel you deep within me. You make this too simple with your leisureliness!"

He grinned and snarled, bringing his mouth down to cover hers. He began moving again, thrusting, straining into her. She threw back her head with a gasp, clutching his back. Her face was alight with passion. Upuat growled in his throat and bore down onto her, pushing his hips into hers. He was throbbing hot inside her. Maftet cried out and arched, clenching her teeth as her head whipped from side to side. Upuat burrowed his face into her breasts, squeezing them together as his hips pumped faster. The fire raged uncontrollably in both of them. Maftet grabbed his buttocks, laughing shrilly and pulling him into her, deeper, deeper. She writhed underneath him, her hips twisting. Upuat suddenly grabbed her shoulders and bucked sharply into her; she cried out, arching, her fingernails sinking into his skin. She could feel him convulse and his seed gush into her; he howled at the sky as she writhed and screamed. After a moment or two his hardness began to subside; panting hoarsely, he parted her thighs, drawing himself out. He lifted himself from her, moving to lie at her side. Maftet lay gasping at the night air, her chest heaving. The fire had been quenched; Upuat had pleased her, indeed.

She felt a sleepy satisfaction take hold. When Upuat brushed her face, she turned to him, snuggling up against his side, feeling his warmth, his gentle touch. With a sigh she drifted off to sleep.

* * * * *

Maftet opened her eyes, slowly drifting out of a dream in which Upuat made passionate love to her, and turned her head to find the object of her dream indeed still beside her, asleep. His breathing was slow and regular, his face peaceful; she wondered if he dreamed. She touched his cheek, tracing the line of his jaw; he murmured in his sleep, turning his head and taking her hand in his. His eyes fluttered open. As soon as he saw her he smiled, and she bent to kiss him. He received her gladly.

"I didn't mean to wake you," she said softly.

He smiled again. "I want nothing more than to wake to the sight of your face."

This time she smiled, running her finger along his chest. Her eyes were coy. She could feel her heart beating faster in her chest.

"Would you mind, Upuat," she murmured, " if I were to take the lead?"

He immediately understood. "I live for nothing but to please you, Goddess."

She kissed him. He accepted her. Slowly, carefully, she brought herself up, putting one leg across his thighs, drawing the other one to her. Already he was breathing faster; she could see his desire, urgent and hard, beneath his kilt. She pulled the front flap aside. He rose toward her, thrusting outward. She murmured in admiration, stroking him with one finger.

"You're so hard, Upuat."

"It's all for you, Goddess."

"You're sure you're not dreaming of someone else?"

"Everyone pales beside you. No one could arouse me as you do."

"You respond so quickly."

"To you, yes, Goddess. I wish to be inside you."

She glanced up at him. "You always call me 'Goddess.'"

"It is because you are."

"We hold the same rank and importance, you and I."

"But I will always fall at your feet and worship at your altar, Goddess."

Her heart thumped. She brought herself forward along his body so she was above his hips. She kissed him, then rose and, with her fingers, spread herself open for him. Panting now, he grasped himself and let her lower herself, straddling him, shifting her thighs into position outside his hips. He swallowed reflexively, a whimper rising in his throat. Maftet bent over him, her breath fast.

"Don't be passive, Upuat! Feel me! Caress my back--squeeze my breasts! Pleasure me as you say you wish to!"

He obeyed, grasping her breasts and kneading. Maftet let out her breath, held his sides to support herself and slowly began to move, undulating against him. Upuat jerked and cried out; he thrust upward, plunging into her. She gasped, paused for breath, and started moving again.

Upuat whimpered as she rocked, unable to stop himself from arching upwards, into her. Maftet was moving slowly, painfully slowly; he gritted his teeth and grabbed her hips, straining into her, before he could stop himself. He barked at the air.

His animal cry stimulated her. Her eyes flashing, she leaned forward and began grinding her hips into him. He cried out again and grabbed her, pulling her, straining deeper, further. He throbbed inside her. Maftet began bucking, riding him, throwing back her head and screaming. Upuat's hips pumped up and down, thrusting furiously and frantically into her; his own head fell back and he howled madly. With a shock he slammed upwards; Maftet's thighs squeezed around him tightly as they climaxed, his seed spurting into her. She shrieked wildly and bent over backwards, her breasts heaving; finally Upuat relieved himself, groaning and falling back. She fell with him, waiting for her strength to return before slowly disentangling and pulling herself off. Upuat was gasping for air, his lungs burning. Maftet collapsed beside him, breathing heavily, caressing his chest. He touched her face.

A long while passed. The sky grew lighter. Finally he turned to her, raising himself on one elbow and brushing back her hair. In the dimness she could now see the desire still strong in his eyes. It hadn't been only lust.

"I want to wed you," Upuat said softly. "I want you to be my wife and live with me."

She arched an eyebrow. "Wouldn't you rather take me as your mistress, as Sokar and Selket have done?"

"If that's what you wish, yes. But for my own thoughts I want you as my wife. I want to be your husband."

He was asking her to marry him. All of these weeks he hadn't just been after her for one thing, not even a committed thing. He was in love with her. He was a puppy eating--no, begging to eat--from her hand. And she knew he didn't care about that.

Deep inside she found herself wondering if Hathor had planned it this way.

"I need my freedom, Upuat," she persisted.

"I would never take it away from you. You could be free to do all you please all of the day."

The corner of her mouth twitched upwards. "And what of the night?"

He brushed her face again. "That you could spend lying with me, if it's your wish."

He definitely didn't mince words! Her heart thudded heavily in her chest; simply the thought of all those nights, endless nights spent together with him, again sparked the fire within her.

Instead of saying so she smiled, cupped his face in her hands, and kissed his forehead. "I would love nothing more than to become your wife."

A look of pure, radiant joy spread across his face; she doubted that anyone had ever seen Upuat look so happy. He gathered her up into his arms, hugging her close. She nestled against him. "I thank you, Goddess, for letting me please you!"

She caressed his neck with a faint smile.

"I thank you for succeeding, Lord Upuat."

The Painful Past

Maftet stroked Upuat's head, cradling him to her. They lay curled against each other in her bed. They had spent a busy night making love, in new and interesting ways that Maftet had been willing to try out. Now they lay spent, and when he let out a small exhausted whimper, she cupped her breast in her hand, offered it to him, and sighed when she felt his mouth close around it. He suckled at her quietly for some time, and she held him close as if she were his mother.

She thought back over all that she'd been told about him, wondered if even half of the stories and rumors were true. She stroked his head again. She had to know.

"Do you think of her, often?"

He took his mouth away from her breast. "Yes," he said, without even asking who she meant. How did he know?

"What did she do to you, Upuat?"

She didn't expect him to answer...but he did. "She took me away, trapped me, removed my memory. I can't remember anything before she had me. She had a stick. It had powerful heka. She tried to convince me to comply with her. I refused and she beat me badly, then used the stick. I could not move or fight. She stimulated me. It was painful, not pleasurable at all. But it worked, just the same."

He put his head down upon the pillows and stared into space. Maftet put her head down as well.

"How often did she do this?"

"Every night. I would sit in my cell and wait for her. Then I would fight. But she always subdued me. One day she came to me and I did not fight. I was too tired, too broken to fight anymore. When she took me that night she was gentle. So I decided that rather than put up with the pain she inflicted, I would comply and let her do as she wished from then on. It worked, sometimes."

"Not always?"

"No...not always." A pause. "Whenever she was displeased...or if I had displeased her, by not knowing what she wanted...she would be painful." Another pause. "Sometimes, she simply liked pain...once, she shackled me down upon my stomach...she wanted to try something different." He averted his eyes, looking down and away from her. "She used her stick...sat upon my back, as if I were a horse, while shoving the damnable thing inside me. The agony was so intense...my movements to break free must have excited her for I felt her come upon my back." A final pause, and then, "I could not bear to admit it, until now...but I must have enjoyed it as well...as during it...during it, I could not help but cry out, and when I jerked against her...when I jerked I felt myself...my seed flowing from me...upon her bed. I had not even known I was hard until I came. I felt a wave of pleasure course over me, yet I was so disgusted. I could still feel the pain she had inflicted. Her eyes laughed at me...she laughed at me...mocked me for doing so. Her little pup was not so little after all, she told me. She always admired my size. I believe...I believe that whenever I took her, I hurt her."

"Why? Why do you believe this?"

"Merely because she enjoyed pain...both to give it, and to take it...once in a while, she would command me to tie her down, and to ravage her violently. Once I beat her most soundly as I went, and I enjoyed it." He scowled. "And she enjoyed it, as well."

"How do you know...?"

"Because she congratulated me, once we were done. She called me her 'good puppy.' Once in a while I was to command her and she was to be my bitch. I could control her however I wished. Yet this was always for a short time only, and she was always my mistress again, come morning." A brief pause. "I believe now that she did this to confuse me...make me think I had more power than I truly did...for she always wore her stick, even while I was subduing her. I could not forget that she controlled me." He paused again. "There was also--one time when--" Then he trailed off, frowning, his eyes growing dark.

Maftet waited for him to speak, and when he did not, gently traced her fingers over his breast.

"Upu?...what was there, one time?"

He was silent for a long time. When he spoke, he didn't look at her.

"I believe...at least one time, I may have gotten her with child." He stopped, faltering, then continued. "No...I do not believe...I know that there was. Her belly began to grow. At first she was very angry with me over this, beat me nightly, used the stick on me. But when her breasts filled with milk, it was as if her mind changed. She became...kindly. Spoke to me soothingly, brought me to her pool, kept me in her bed during the night. Stroked and touched me gently when we were together. Called me her good puppy, told me that she would deliver me a pup--a pup of my own." He shut his eyes and whimpered softly.

Maftet touched his face. "Please...go on."

"I began to believe her, damn me...I thought perhaps a child had been all that she'd wanted out of this, perhaps she had been angry because it had taken so long for me to give her one. Though she still persuaded me to make love to her, when possible. Usually I would take her in her pool; I would recline at the edge, and let her come upon me, and we would couple beneath the water; she seemed to find this most pleasurable. Other times, we would mate upon her bed, she kneeling beneath me; she claimed that this was 'only fitting,' considering that she was due to bear my pup. She would let me drink the milk from her breasts; seemed to enjoy it when I did so. Though I waited merely for my child to be born; I longed so badly to see him, or her, to know my own offspring."

"So Seii...mothered your child," Maftet said softly. "Did you ever get to know them?"

"It was a he," Upuat said, voice quiet. "And no, I did not know him. His mother murdered him upon the day of his birth, before my eyes."

Maftet blinked and stared. Upuat shut his eyes again, his face pained.

"I heard her cries of pain; I came to assist. She had a eunuch there, a prisoner somewhat like me; she ordered me back, let him take care of matters. I did not understand why she did not want me near for the birth of our child. Still, I stayed and waited. And when I heard that first cry...my heart had wings, and flew as far as a hawk across the sea. I saw my babe, the child of my loins, in her arms. She looked up at me and smiled, and her eyes were so loving and radiant that I came close. And then she pulled out her dagger and...and..." He whimpered and covered his eyes. "...And...the blade...plunged...and severed...deep in, and straight across...my son had only enough time to let out one cry...before she took him from me...I did not even have the chance to h-hold him in my arms before he was g-gone..."

He began sobbing silently. Maftet snuggled close to him and petted his head, stroking his hair. They lay together for a time before his tears began to slowly abate. Maftet placed her head down against his own.

"Sweet Upu...why did she do this? This horrible thing? To her own child?"

"I...I feel I will never know completely...she smiled at me the whole time she did it, even with his b-blood upon her hands...told me I was a good pup, but not quite so good as to raise my child on my own...perhaps in the future she would trust me with the task...or something of this manner...I do not know. I do know that a second time I observed her belly begin to swell...but I never knew what became of that one, if it was mine...nor do I wish to know, now...I only hope it was swift, and painless...my poor child, whom I never knew...who had not even a name or a proper burial..."

"We will carve him a statue, sweet Upu, and recite prayers for his safe journey to Aalu every night. Your child will not be alone."

"I simply do not understand why..."

"This was not your fault, either, dear one...you could have done nothing, you must know..."

"I know..." He shut his eyes. "Still, I wish that I had swallowed my terror, wrapped my hands around her throat right there, and squeezed..."

"Sweet Upu...dear Upu." Maftet kissed his chin, then his forehead. She stroked his breast and draped her leg upon his own. He gave a small sigh and shuddered.

Maftet pressed her head next to his, and gave a soft purr in his ear, which she knew he liked. He sighed again and shivered a bit from the feeling. She trailed her fingers over his abdomen.

"Dearest one, do you wish for one more tonight...?"

"Yes," he murmured. "It feels cold in here, and I cannot bear to be alone..."

"Hush, I would never leave you alone, sweet one, though I will warm you for the night..."

She drew herself over him, lying over the length of his body. He looped his arms around her waist and nuzzled her neck. She smiled at him gently and kissed his muzzle, hearing a soft whimper. Her fingers played slowly over his stirring member.

"Sweet Upuat," she whispered, as she parted her legs to come down upon him. "I must tell you something before the night is through."

"Wh-what is this?" he panted, back arching just slightly, straining.

"I do not know if this will be good to you or bad," the lynx goddess replied, hands cupping his penis, guiding the stiff rod up between her legs and inside her body. They both shivered and sighed. She slowly brought herself back down to rest upon him, and her ankles latched around his own.

He took one of her breasts in his mouth and nibbled, gently scoring her skin with his teeth. "Please tell," he said, "so I may judge."

She gave a soft smile, leaned close to caress him. Her cheek pressed against his own and she nibbled at his ear as he sighed.

"Sweet Lord Upuat...your child...I now carry within me, as well."

His body stiffened against her. She lifted her head to look down at him and saw his eyes, wide and shocked, staring back up at her. She understood this, having heard what she just had...of at least three children he had fathered...only one now surviving, the demigod Isdes. His two others, murdered before his eyes. His surviving son, the child of a rape. And now...?

"You...you are...certain?" he whispered.

Maftet nodded and smiled. She took his hand, pressed it against her belly. "Within seven months."

He stared down toward her abdomen as if to see for himself. The shock didn't disappear from his face.

She leaned back toward him, cupping a breast. "They are not full of milk yet," she murmured, "yet you may pretend they are...and when they truly are...I would gladly bring my wolf the first offering."

He shut his eyes and whimpered loudly. She could tell that she had excited him. She smiled and licked at his neck. His hands clutched her close yet again, and she locked her legs against him as they began to rock, back and forth, building a tempo, whining and hissing softly as they mated, wolf and lynx joined as one. And once they were done they joined their bodies together one last time, he mounting her kneeling from behind, and when they came she hissed and he growled, as was only right. They then lay back, and silently thought of the child they would bring into the world; and they held one another close, and slept.

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This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.)

I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that.

Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome.
© Copyright 2003 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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