Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/810688-Cal-Tin-Mere
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Sci-fi · #810688
Their world has been attacked, they must flee to surive.


There was a silence, a more than peaceful, silence. It was a natural noiselessness, the large room existed in this silence. The air sat still and uninterrupted, it had been several days since it had been disturbed, from the time when its previous occupier and agitator last left the room and slammed that big brown oak door, locking it for the outside, hurriedly scurrying away like the rodents which had never before occupied this room. The bed lay uncharacteristically unmade. A large wooden writing bureau sat, beautifully carved with the script of several ancient texts, it had been sitting unmoved where it had been for years, its appearance altered, for now it sat unmoved with a paper stabbed onto it. On which paper days before an author scribbled a note to someone and thumped his ivory cast dagger down upon it.
A large green animal hide sofa sat stylishly against a back wall, one of its purple cushions lay un-stylishly fallen on the floor where the previously neat owner hastily grasped his cloak before leaving through the oak door and locking it.
A old hologramatic communications device remained beside the vast window, it had been here since its installation many, many years ago as for furniture it was the most recent arrival, but it had saw several occupants enter the room take residence grow old and pass away in the now uncharacteristically unmade four posted bed. It witnessed its own installation, a elderly man seemed quite excited to have such a modern gismo, the grey hologramatic communications device had long ago stopped buzzing after its previous use, when its last user switched it off and stepped out of the circular base plate making his way to the writing bureau stabbing a note to the desk, grasping for his cloak knocking a cushion off the sofa opening and slamming the door of the room never to return.
Unfortunately no one felt it necessary to check the central data banks for the last transmission of the old grey hologramatic communications unit, which unlike the more modern holo-comm devices its memory was that of a 2,3 crio-beam system and therefore could not be tampered with. If someone had indeed checked this memory instead of taking some the incredible actions that would soon be described, this would be a very short and dull tale.

The tranquillity of the room no matter how grand or untidy its furnishings were was about to be broken.

“KNOCK IT DOWN” a deep, dark voice screamed. Several seconds later there was an explosion the large brown oak door wavered and fell to the floor, as it gave way it let out a cry! Four foot soldiers scurried into the room weapons drawn and took positions at various points of the room the one at the front shouted clear, a man marched into the room dressed elegantly in a black long sleeve top with a gold trim over this he wore a long brown robe, his leather boots clipped as they impacted the floor.
Each soldier was wearing a silver breast plate with a crest of arms over their royal blue uniforms their silver helmets shone in the brightly lit room the red crest stood firm, with their movements. Each carried a blaster pistol and wore side armed blade.
The king threw his long brown robe to the side revealing his blaster which he drew from its holster.
The room was empty except for its furniture a large grand 4 poster bed against the far wall a large oak table with a chair there was a couch against one of the walls a communication hollo port lay beside the bay window inactive. A great fire place sat on the other wall with a royal portrait of the royal family hanging above it.
On the table was some paper with a highly decorated dagger attaching it to the table.
The king walked over to the table and pulled the dagger, lifted the paper and unfolded it and began to read aloud.

“My lord and friend

For the past six months I have advised you my comrade of the Kaldar’s movements in the eastern states, of their intentions toward this Bastian of Orskian and the massing of enemy troops in the tri systems of Poul Ra Soyl ,
Unfortunately you have chosen to ignore my warnings, thinking that I am merely the teacher of your kin, consider dear friend we fought side by side at Fur Long and De Sake. Time now has come and I had to act to protect all that we fought to preserve.
You were, are a kind sovereign you governed your realm fairly and honourably. But when the darkness comes and the Kaldar attack you will be conquered and the succession must survive for they are the key if they fell into enemy hands all will be lost and I cannot let that happen. So I have taken them to safety.”

The king paused and looked around at his escort and Gestured. The soldiers left and stood outside the door in the great hall way.
He mumbled the rest of the epistle;

“I know my deeds will provoke you to banish my name and will if im mistaken will cost me my head, but I have taken precautions. It would appear to me that we are entering the Fourth Age.
Good luck and may the Gods smile on you and our people in the near future.

Your loyal adviser and brother in arms
Beth Na Ir.”

The king dropped to his knees he whispered
“no, no please no.” then he and screamed
“BETH NA IRRRRRRRR. YOU TRAITIOUS BASTARDDDDDD.” He fired his blaster in anger at the bed knocking off one of the posts; and dropped back down in a slump.

Outside the room in a well lit corridor, where the dark marble freshly polished floor reflected more light up into the space above it to give the impression that the floor indeed was illuminating the room.

The lead guard, Captain Duvall stood to attention at his full six foot five inches, his broad shoulders hardly moving. He a captain in the royal elite special guard, an ultra elite force within the royal military know as black squad this referring to their combat uniforms being black, and designed to absorb all available light making them harder to spot and identify, held his position on one side of the door two of his companions stood to attention on the other side of the door and an officer stood beside him, none of them made a noise or gesture.

There was a loud blaster shot, from as Captain Duvall realised a mark 3 dilation blaster, he instantly looked to his friend and comrade Corporal Mich she said

“ahh shit.” They all spun on their feet drew their weapons and soon had taken covering positions, around their king in the room Corporal Mich instinctively radioed into the command and control the emergency code
“echo theory”

They four took up positions within the room with Captain Duvall activating a royal protection blast shield around his king and began to radio the full story into his c and c. another corporal blew out the window with his blaster, all this only seconds from the original blast.

The king sat slumped to the floor. He saw his guards return hastily weapons drawn not long after the shot, he wasn’t to know that they were thinking that he was under attack. They seemed to be in a panicked one of them shot out the window, two others began taking positions to assess the danger, the head stood by him and activated a button on a devise he pulled from a pocket which made an energy barrier rise above both of them. One radioed for a medical team to report and for a reinforcement team to be sent to the southern tower. All this the king thought before one even checked the him.

The king looked up, he noticed that Captain Duvall was surprised when his king looked up at him. He deactivated the protection field and began calling off the general alert.

“Get me my General at arms” the king screamed. Getting to his feet and storming out of the room.

“tori is going to love this sir” spoke Corporal Mich. Captain Duvall looked out the shattered window
“yea I know” he said seeing that several green guards were waving and laughing at them from the southern tower.
“the king wishes to see mon re ta” he said in to the comm..
“are you sure this time?” came the joking reply

The throne chamber was a oval shape room at one end two colossal doors with elegant sculptures of the early years of the domain. Of great battles, great kings, queens, of the uprising, of the castigation and trial of the rebels, of the celestial knighting of the original king, the annexing of the Mertolic Forti Duchy, and of the peaceful amalgamation between the two republics of Old Orsken and of Trionion.
On the ceiling was a work of fine art, a painting and sculpture of the entire Mert Orskin republic, every inch of the nation captured by a great artist, sometime in the past this artiste was commissioned to demonstrate the greatness of Mert Orskin in a work of art, he as a true patriot displayed the whole state with the then sovereign being shown struggling to embrace the entire galaxy thus holding it together.

On the walls where many family portraits indeed every king had the most renowned painter at the time to paint a great picture of the royal family with the king on his throne his primary wife the queen at his side and his children at his feet, behind them was the whole nation of Mert Orskin.

Even the floor was a work of art. The finely polished dark marble had a white circular centre and in this centre was three dimensional solar compass this compass pointed to every little place within the realm.
One cannot imagine how difficult it would be for an ancient artist to display the compass set in marble as a three dimensional object, it was indeed a centre piece of the chamber, that is if the throne itself was over looked, but this was not possible.

The throne was a vast golden and diamond entity with six majestic and imposing golden steps leading from the magnificent floor to the base of the throne chair. The chair was infact two with a place for the primary Queen set slightly lower than the other, which was of course a larger more ostentatious and defined seat for the King. Crimson padding and more gold. The throne was invaluable, made so expensive that no one could comprehend how expensive it actually was. Above the throne was a majestic family crest, made of silver and blue diamond and other equally expensive and luxurious materials.

The throne chamber itself was at the absolute the centre of the Mert Orsken kingdom. It currently was awash with activity advisors talked amongst themselves politicians argued over the best coarse of action judges talked about the legal presidents of this situation in general courtiers enjoyed the free food and drinks oblivious of what was happening behind the scenes. The king sat on his throne alone. The queen sat at the base of the throne column weeping her maids surrounded her, consoling her.

The room silenced as the huge doors swung open and a troop of twenty Royal guards in formal uniforms marched in two columns of ten with a four foot gap between them they halted in the centre of the chamber.
“ROYAL ESCORT COMPANY ATTENTION.” Shouted a major as all the troops stood to attention stamping their black boot clad foot to the floor.
“ROYAL ESCORT COMPANY PRESENT… ARMS” shouted the major again as all the troops removed their hats and bowed their heads.
From the rear of their ranks marched another man in a different but similarly smart ceremonial uniform. The king arose walked down the steps and stood at the base of the throne with his wife.
The marching soldier approached the throne, at the front of the escort columns. He stopped, stood to attention, and removed his hat. He said
“General at arms, Mon re ta reporting as ordered, SIR” and dropped to one knee and bowed his head respectfully.
The king spoke his deep voice boomed across the chamber.
“Mon Re TA you have read the letter left by my conspirator within,” he paused and Mon Re Ta nodded.
“How do you now regard this situation we now find ourselves in?” Mon Re Ta took a beep breath and began.
“Sire Beth Na Ir has been a friend to you for many a year and has always been loyal and sincere. This course of action on his part leads me to two possible conclusions to why he has betrayed you.”
The king nodded and Mon Re Ta continued,
“Firstly he has taken leave of his senses in which case the heir is in grave danger and must be found.
Secondly his claims are just and the kingdom is in substantial peril.”
“JUST….. You say……. a man kidnaps my children…. This kingdoms heir to the throne and you claim it to be JUST.” The king shouted.
“Sire if I may.” Mon Re Ta spoke in a calm manor the king calmed down.
“he showed no signs of madness before he left, so he might of foreseen a possible invasion I don’t know how but remember he was your fathers general at arms and has a greater list of contacts than I or any of the agents in the information bureau.” He lowered his gaze.
The king thought for a moment then said
“I have a third possibility. Perhaps he has joined the ranks of the Kaldar and has been promised riches and a kingdom in the far regions of the alien territory. What do you think of that? Mon Re Ta?” the king stopped and looked at his general at arms who looked up and said;
“My lord I do believe he was too much of a good willed man to of done so but….”
The king interrupted him once more and said
“Enough I have heard all the evidence and now I have to take action.”
He turned and raised his hand reaching for his wife, she took his hand and together they mounted the six golden steps, she sat on her throne and as she did the king sat on his. When he sat down and adjusted himself the queen who was elected to be his primary wife fifteen years earlier turned her head and they looked into each others eyes and motioned for his general to approach which he did. Solemnly and gracefully climbing the steps to the raised platform at the base of the throne, he once more dropped to one knee and bowed
Standing up again the king said whilst withdrawing his sword
“Mon Re Ta you are elected to the rank of Commander and Chief of the Dalgety fleet” he pointed the sword to the mans forehead
“With it the ninth and twelfth armies. You will appoint a new general at arms and take all that you need to search the stars for Beth Na Ir and let it be known that no one utters that name until I do, he will become known as mortal.” He leaned forward to his new commander and chief whose head now soaked with blood, and said
“Bring my children back…” he paused, took a deep breath and continued in a whisper

The newly promoted Commander in chief did an about turn and he with his escort left the room. As he walked out he realised that the kingdom was making a grave error, he began making plans and issuing orders protecting this monarch as best he could without disobeying direct orders.

Generations ago from the system of tin mere and empire was forged, over the generations the successive emperors reached their grasp further and further into the stars. The family of Cal Tin Mere the dominant house took control in the twelfth generation of the first age, seizing direct control, supported by the military, they took the crown. Their allies in the rebellion were given duchies in some of the far provinces, six such provinces were formed. They were the, Mertolic Forti Duchy, Tin mor duvan Duchy, Orsken Duchy, Cal Reb har Duchy, Trionion Duchy, and that of the Duchy of Mere Tun oh.

The empire was know as the Cal Tin Mere empire. It was so vast though that it took months to travel from the core systems such as Tin Mere and Fortoal, to the distant reaches of the empire on systems such as Mersk and Makerieffa. And communications were limited to point to point transfers, so a lines of satellite bases were developed, making same day communication between the central government and the distant duchies possible.

Sometime in the third generation of the second age an alien species was discovered primitive technologically speaking, but with a deep intertwined spiritual culture, it was never understood how that a species with limited technology managed to be found on more than four systems over three of the duchies. They seemed to be peaceful and eventually were enslaved by the empire. Their rights were removed. Their breeding was controlled to prevent an uprising amongst the slaves.

But as the dukes passed power on to their own families and the empire lost control of the six provincial states. Several pulled away and formed new states individual from the imperial control. All central control was lost as the central empire reeled inward upon its self trying to control the innermost states leaving the far reaching provinces to the wilds

By the ninth generation of the second age a cold war had developed, with many provinces immersing themselves in the art of espionage. Almost all contact with the central systems was severed. Within this generation many of the duchies feared and distrusted the core systems and the duchies of Tin mor duvan and Cal Reb har. It seemed that the central systems had ceased to be. In order to protect themselves many duchies unified, forming larger protectorate states.


Less than one week after the Dalgety fleet set sale for the stars the new general of the guard received word that the border nations had been over run by the forces of Kaldar. Days later the citadel was under sedge. Merth Ga Trau the new inexperienced general at arms was unable to organise the active defence networks with that add the loss of one quarter of all the kingdoms fleet and men on a mission to find the heir, as well as the border patrols which made up a further quarter of the fleet being three weeks away, it was not long before kaldarian forces were on the streets of the citadel.
“General there’s a report in from the math quarter its fallen” the young soldier reported to his commander the news that the garrison had been taken by enemy troops. Knowing that in minutes the castle would fall.
The top of the control tower at the centre of the castle screens blinked of battle scenes from around the planet.

When the attack began Mon re ta had his flag ship return bringing with it more troops, and fire power he had hoped that the new general at arms would not of let the enemy into the primary system, he was dismayed when he arrived to find a kaldarian foundation troop ship orbiting, distributing its forces onto the home world. he issued orders to prevent that ship laying fire onto the surface and to attack any further kaldarian ships in the vicinity. He took one of his smaller troop Landers to the city, to rescue the king and royal family.

It was only when he landed that he realised how cheaply the home world had been surrendered, few of the active defence weapons were operating, local defence forces where operating incoherently free from central orders. They captured a small garrison freeing troops. Issuing them with orders to flee to the country and set up local resistance to the new kaldarian government.

He took a squad of elite troops to the city where he was shocked at the devastation which greeted him. There was fighting on every corner. Civilians took up arms and desperately fought to save their world.
The premier queen sat with the king who was issuing orders to have the final royal staff evacuate the palace. In the not to distant surroundings blasts and explosions could be heard.
“get the final staff to their…” BANGGGG and explosion ripped through his sentence. Followed soon after by the screams of several men, the queen sobbed loudly
“stop crying dam it, you’re the queen act it.” A nurse maid ran to her
“where are my commandos, my marines…” BANGGGGGG louder closer the queen twitched, and continued her cry
“for gods sake woman.” He noticed in her eyes a fear he had never saw before.
“please get her ready to leave, I could not bare it if she was hurt.” He spoke to the nurse maid.
“this is not a ship. You don’t have to go down with it.” She screamed at him
“but you are my life, my love and as your queen I will remain at your side.” The king realised that she would not be made to leave.
Out side they heard a guard say
“sir thank god.”
The door opened

The commander in chief entered the kings chamber and shouted
“Sire my personal ship has landed. We hold a secure garrison to the west. Not four miles from here. We are boarding some locals you must come with me to save the monarchy. Only this way will it not be a total loss.” His combat uniform was tattered and he had a soot stain on his cheek.
“Commander you are a clever and cunning soldier. But you are the second most loyal subject of this kingdom, second only to Beth Na Ir. Take your ship and your armies search him out and return when my kin are equal to you both.
Train them to be great warriors and brilliant kings and reinsert them as the rightful heirs to my throne. I have been blind in my glory not to trust my friend.
Please Mon Re Ta find him and beg him for forgiveness for me”

The queen screamed as the general at arms collapsed into the room bleeding from his chest his grey uniform torn and his helmet split his blaster was drawn. He fell through the door and landed on the floor the king hurried over to the door and with Mon Re Ta's help they closed it.
He mumbled out

“Sir they’re in the palace it’s a matter of min…” he coughed and blood pored from his mouth. He slumped to the floor the king lifted a chair and threw it through a window, it shattered some of the glass fell to the floor and on to a room only a few feet below revealing the rooftops some were ablaze and some had large holes in them. He drew his weapon and he walked over to his primary wife who was weeping uncontrollably her nurse maid was doing her best to consol her the king dropped to one knee leaned forward and whispered into her ear

“Forgive me my one true love” he kissed her and as he rose to his feet he brought the handle of his heavy blaster down to the back of her head. Her nurse maid screamed in horror the king nodded to Mon Re Ta
“Take them to safety.”
Mon Re Ta approached lifted her arm and threw her over his shoulder he motioned to the nurse maid who stood wiping tears from her eyes he walked over to the dead general and removed the weapon from his hand he passed it to the nurse maid and again gestured to the window.
Mon Re Ta turned back to his king and saluted he said
“May the gods favour us on this black day” with that he spun round on one heel and ran for the window and leapt out following the nurse maid.
As Mon Re Ta jumped out the window the king walked to the closed door and lent against it he rubbed his brow with the end of his blaster. His eyes were closed he took a deep breath.
“Smile upon your faithful servant in his hour of need.” With that he swung open the door.

“twenty seconds” the pilot screamed all around him anti attack craft lurched at the large enemy vessel, which was bombarding them and generally into the heavens surrounding it. Captain Vimes removed his helmet. He thought to himself
“one minute from now we will hold our lives with contempt.” They he wiped the sweat from his forehead. Replaced his helmet and said
“Gentlemen if I may have a second of your time,
soon you will be in hell, if you have been good you will die. If not you will make your way with me to the enemies control posts. You have all been given orders. One minute from now they will mean fuck all.
Stay alive, don’t die and above all
RASIE HELL!!” as he said the last it the fifty men he was looking at in
the darkened attack vessel yelled out a
“yeaaaaaaaaa” they all believed in him, they had served with him for years seen countless attacks, but this was the most important one of all as it was the next one. Things thought the captain tend to be more important as you do them. The ship shook.
“locking in” shouted the pilot.
“this is it” shouted a corporal
“moments from now…” thought the captain amazed at how much irrelevant thinking he could do seconds before battle, and wondering if everyone else felt the same… “we will be on board an enemy command ship.”
On the far side of the boat one of the walls began to glow red and a laser cutting tool opened a hole in the enemies hull. A large red circle formed and the wall of the metal hull began to melt under the great heat great chunks of liquid metal began dripping to the floor.
Behind captain Vimes the wall sealed as the pilot left the attack cabin on his return to the mother ship to pick up another load of troops, this was his fourth run. As an explosion caught his eye he looked back at the scene on the enemy vessel only to see an attack cabin four or five decks up from his last load lose pressure and explode back into space, decompressurizeing the deck. He saw the troops drift out into space. He returned to his job getting back to the Lanab safely.
By now a great fire fight had begun on board the enemy ship and captain Vimes and the ships forces.

On the bridge of the Lanab the noise was completely distracting. Alarms were buzzing their concern for the situation; communications stations screaming in everything you thought was wrong with the ship and its crew but were too afraid to ask. The captain was shouting orders which were being ignored, control posts were shouting their warnings men and women cried in pain on the floor, the forward decks were burning, the ships systems were over loaded and no one seemed to be in command. The ship shook once more crew men fell to the floor, bulk heads were closing as another section of this great ship the Lanab were penetrated by multi phase cannons the captain never arose from the ground. The Executive officer approached him
“Admiral he’s dead.” He shouted to an older man sat in the centre of the smoky bridge the admiral sat staring out the window at the countless small vessels approaching and sealing themselves to his flag ship he smiled and let out a chuckle he turned his gaze to his old wrinkled hands
“Not a day’s work” he muttered.
“admiral” another huge shudder the alarms were getting louder the executive officer now lay sprawled over a command consul and sparks shot up all around him as circuits were shorted there was relative silence for a moment or to as the remainder of the crew took grasp of what was happening.
A man stepped forward from his post at the side of the bridge he wore a green navel guard uniform he lifted his hat from his head and wiped the sweat from his brow. He looked confident in this turmoil his voice broke the insanity he walked over to a com. Point.
“Engine room this is bridge fire up all warp going engines, and prepare for short haul.”
“Yes sir err who is this” the engine room replied
“This is lieutenant Arm Sti Rong I am taking command of this vessel as all senior staff are out of action now we can argue until we die or you can help me save us”
“Yes sir”
“Torpedo room this is bridge, load two mark sevens and ready to shoot”
“Sir Yes sir” the torpedo room answered.
“Helm take us about, log in a coarse for section alpha. And prepare to set sail” the huge ship began to turn to face two larger ships closing in on the Admirals command ship.
“Ship reporting ready sir” the helms man barked out the new commanding officer approached a terminal with a female officer sitting and spoke to her gently
“Im gonna ask you do something a little different to what your trained to I need those portals open as we set sail do you under stand” the officer sat still shaking but she nodded her head. He walked back to the centre of the bridge. He spun around on one heel and raised his arm
“Target those to bad boys” the new commander shouted over the noise while pointing to the two massive closing enemy ships with smaller attack ships poured from them.
“Bridge this is engine room ready” squawked one of the coms.
“Captain at arms are you ready” the commander spoke
“Enemy vessels targeted and ready to shoot” his captain at arms said
“All decks. On my order set sail for point alpha and shoot as soon as the points go green.”

Many of the Lanab’s outer attack crews who had attacked and taken many enemy smaller ships watched in absolute horror when their command ship glowed and prepared for warp. They had no way home and were on enemy vessels fighting for their lives no support was coming their home ship was leaving them there to die.

On one such Vessel Captain Vimes and his squad had secured the bridge another squad had the engine room and a further one had all offensive battle station.
“Captain.” Said an ensign, Vimes turned to look to him,
“what is it?” he questioned
“it’s the Lanab, sir she’s setting sail!” he said
“that cant be” said Vimes looking at the screen noticing that indeed the ship was setting sail.

The Lanab glowed as its light engines heated up the enemy officers gloated as they saw the only thorn in the Kaldar attack fleeing in flames, orders were issued concerning the gathering of surrendering forces and ships and to the perusing of the Lanab.

The Lanab vanished to those watching either in horror or triumph less than thirty seconds latter the tables had turned.

“Set sail……” the ship roared forward the ionic engines powered the huge mass of the ship faster than the speed of light
“All lights are green” a petty officer screamed out
“Shoot dame it shoot” the commander cried over the loud noise.
Two pops were heard as the Lanab’s forward torpedo portals fired their weapons into the blurred space before collapsing under the pressure of warp space.

The last thing a 19 year old crew man saw was of his base ship begin to glow second latter it had vanished. Silently a smaller ship flew past toward the place were the Lanab once was he felt his body arch side wards as a blast wave blew past him, he turned to see the two colossal enemy ships erupt in two massive fire balls as the oxygen instantaneously combusted then the two ships began to shrink all in a millisecond of the Lanab vanishing. It reappeared behind the two flaming ships. Ensign Mak Toui Yiu lost his battle to hold his breath he tried to inhale in the vacuum of space and his lungs collapsed killing him slowly and painfully. The last thing he thought was
“Got you. You bastards”

The Lanab roared again as it exited warp space not even seconds after entering it. Behind the engines of the vessel were the remains of the two enemy command ships silently imploding upon themselves?

this is part one of a work in progress...
© Copyright 2004 scrabsy (scrabsy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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