Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/838334-Summer-Growth
by RyanZ
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #838334
gaining weight on the farm
It started as a usually end of school, warm days and the excitment of summer vacation. My Parents were having some problems so they Farmed me out, I got sent to Grandma and Grandpas in the country. They owned a big farm where they raised cattle and crops. My grandparents where the classic heavy set grandparents that you think of robust and full of life.
I showed up to discover that my Grandma had invited my cousin to come and stay with them also, that way I would have someone to hang out with. We hit it right off, We looed almost identical both about 5'8" slender build, ok skiny as a rail as grandma called us. Grandpa let us go out to the barn and help with the chores. It was hard work but we where having fun.
Grandma was always in the kitchen cooking up a storm. She would bring us cookies and Milk, of pices of pie. We worked and ate and played all summer. Before we knew it we where out growing our clothes both hight and weight had grown. Grandma would go to town and bring us back new jeans and shirts in bigger sizes, we did't care what we wore as long as it fit we were having so much fun.
By the end of summer I was in the bathroom and looking in the mirror I was shocked I actually looked buff. I had some pecs develiping and my abs were getting cut, I even had some bulges on my arms. I was very excited because I new this would help me play football this fall as I was going to be a Freshman in high school. I steped onto the old docters scale and started to move the weights up 100lbs, then 20,30,40,50,152lbs. Wow I had gained about 30lbs in three months.
My parents were glad to see me and they were getting along better after a summer to work on the relationship. I went back to school and was on the jv team fro football. I had a great school year and began to notice and be noticed by girls. I worked out a little and added 15 more pounds to my frame that was know 5' 10" tall. I told my parents that I wanted to go back to grandma and grandpas for the summer again. They worked it out and so off I was again for another great summer.
My cousin Jason was back also only he had gain a little more weight then me so we looked more like brothers then twins. Grandma was up to here usuall tricks and feed us non stop. After the first month our paints were tight, and our shirts were getting a little small. This time she let us go into town and buy our own clothes. At the store we discovered that the 36" jeans fit a little lose but the 34's were way to small. We bought two 36" jeans each and a pack of large t-shirts and 2 button up the front shirts in large also. We headed over to the Icecream shop to get a treat, and what a treat we got. Behind the counter were two of the most beautiful girls we had ever seen. Jenny, and her friend Mary. We discovered that we were in the same grade, they lived in town Jennys dad owned the icecream shop and Marys family owned an Italian resraunt in town. They seemed to like us and we could not wait to get back to town and see them. So the every other day to daily trips to town and Grandmas cooking took its toll. By the 1st of Aug we bough 38" jeans and bigger shirts. The Girls seemed to be making our sundays and shakes bigger, just for us. When I said something about my weight gain, Mary looked right into my eyes with her big blue eyes and said, "I like a man with some meat on his bones" she touched my arm and walked away. We started to take them for walks at night and would go the the movies with them.
Summer was coming to a close I steped on the scale, just courious I thought. Moved the weights up to 207lb, NO WAY, how did that happen, I looked down and saw that my Abs were gone and I had a little beginer belly hanging out there. Jason came in and saw the look on my face and laughed at me. Move over he said he weight 220lbs he slapt his belly, don't worry he said you will lose some when you start training for football next week, besides the girls like us like this.
When I got home I could see that my parents were a little conserned about my weight, but they didn't say anything because I was happy. I made Varsity Football because of my new size. I had a great year at school, I would e-mail Mary all the time, we couldn't wait to see each other in the spring. I had gained a few more pounds over the winter, I was up to 215, I was working out so I was built, stocky if you will, with a little belly.
Jason was huge that spring 250 pounds he had not worked out at all and it showed. We went right to work on the farm and ate, and ate and ate. We would sneek off the see Mary and Jenny when ever we could, which seemed pretty often. By the 4th of July I was in size 40" jeans with a tummy hanging out over them. Jason was trying to cut back a little but he was huge. We had a great 4th July picnic under a tree by the lake. By the time the fireworks ended Jason and I could hardly move, I had unbottoned my top button of my jeans. We laid there like beached whales, our girl friends were rubing our bellys and pretty soon we were making out like crazy.
Another month of eating and making out and I felt huge, the summer was flying by. Grandma and grandpa thought it was cute that we had girl friends. Grandmas snacks were getting bigger it seemed and we just keept shoveling it in. ripping out of clothes was a weekly thing it seemed. I steped onto the scale the summer was ended again I moved the weights over 263 pounds. I patted my belly that was now unmistakable, it was big and ball shaped, I didn't think I looked to bad I had monster thighs and pecs and arms I was just big all over and I had grown to 6' 1" not bad. Jason had gained up to 298 pounds, wow dude alsomst the big 3,0,0.
I headed home my parents were now worried about my weight. I stode into the living room with my size 42" jeans and XXL t-shirt. They said that they were worried about my weight gain, If I gained to much more this winter they were going to send me to a fat camp insted of to the farm. I was really worried, I lost 15 pounds playing football we were state champs. I didn't gain more then 5lbs all winter I worked out alot and ate alot but keept it at 258. I got to go back to the farm. Jason had been put on a diet by his parents and now weight 245 lbs, I was bigger then him. He and I knew it was not going to last long. We where going to have a blast this was going to be our senior year and we wanted it to be our best yet. So it begain like other summers. The non stop eating fest the tight clothes and the love making sessions with our girl friends, then Grandpa had a stroke and we needed to do more around the farm. Jason and I worked all the time keeping the farm going the girls came out to the farm and would cook breakfast and dinner for us so grandma could take care of grandpa. It took its toll on all of us I was realising that I was getting really big I steped up to the scale 289 lbs in the last 40 days wow, Mary keept telling me not to worry about it that she thought I looked great.
Grandpa passed away, Jason and I went to get suits for the funneral. I could not belive my dinentions when they messured. I had a 44" wist I had begun to lose some definition and was getting all rounded out every part of me I stood in the mirror in the shop, and looked at my self I was enormus, my but had gotten bigger all of me was huge, so was jason. Our parents came to the funneral, after words they came and talked with Jason and Me , Grandpa had asked if anything happend to him that Jason and I would get the farm and keep it running. We were shocked but after thinking it over we excepted I enrolled in school for my senior year weighing in at 310lbs, The football team was full of big fat guys I was supprized that I had never noticed before. Most guys in town were stock to fat. By spring break I was 340lbs with Mary at my side during the day and grandma at night I didn't have a chance Jason was huge also almost 365lbs. I graduated in June, at 368lbs Mary had put on a few also but it gave here the best curves. Jasons parents bought out his half of the farm and sent him off to school in Europe to lose weight. Mary and I got married and she moved into the frarm house with me and Grandma. By Fall I was 400lbs and Mary was pregnate. Life was perfect.
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