Registered Members are denoted by grey portfolios. All Registered Members have the ability to fully participate in Writing.Com. They may post in forums, vote in polls, add to interactive stories, keep their favorite authors and items, use "Tell-A-Friend", and so on. Registered
Members may create portfolio items and once they do, they become Registered Authors. They are not authors to begin with ONLY because they have an
empty portfolio.
Preferred Authors are denoted by yellow portfolios. Preferred Authors
are hand selected by Writing.Com Staff. Staff may consider nominations made by other Preferred Authors and Moderators. [Top]
Selection criteria that can be considered includes:
positive involvement within Writing.Com and its community
positive interaction with other members on Writing.Com
quality of items in portfolio
a minimum of 50 quality reviews
reviews must be given to a mix of other members
must be 13 years of age or older
at least 5 rateable items in portfolio
quantity and quality of their item ratings
accuracy of content ratings in authors portfolio
number of ratings given out to other authors
number of other authors who have been rated by member
amount of time author has been a member - at least two (2) months,
variety of items in portfolio
accuracy of personal and demographic account information
technical understanding of Writing.Com's site features
The number of Preferred Authors will be limited to no more than 10% of the total Registered Authors. That means if there are 20,000 authors, a maximum of 2,000 can become Preferred.
Promotions are not automatic; they are given out from time to time by Writing.Com Staff members. Members are promoted as staff's time allows; there is no set schedule. Since surprises feed creativity, we do try to be unpredictable for the timing of promotions within Writing.Com.
Please note that promotions within the community are determined on a member's past performance and on site activity.
Keeping a promotion is based on a member's current performance. We do reserve the right to relocate a Preferred Author to Registered Author if that Preferred Author does not follow the simple rules and guidelines of the Writing.Com community and our Preferred Authorship.
Please do not campaign to become a Preferred Author. Rest assured that members interacting positively within the community will be noticed in due time. We hope Preferred Authors will remain on our site for a long time, so please do not be offended if you are not quickly promoted. Likewise,
please do NOT ask to become or pester Staff or Moderators to become a Preferred Author. It is not nice and not something we prefer! In order to prevent this from happening, please understand that you will be assured NOT to be promoted by contacting us regarding a possible promotion or overtly campaign for one.
If you have been promoted to Preferred Author, please do NOT send emails to Staff asking who nominated you. Members are promoted based on their own merits, not because of any nominations. Nearly all members promoted to Preferred Author are not nominated by anyone at all! Their activity within the community stands out on its own.
If you are a Preferred Author or higher and would like to nominate a Registered Member for upgrade, please place nominations here: "Nominations for Preferred Author" Nominations are not always followed by an automatic upgrade to Preferred. Please know that they are all considered and will be added to a list for future referral if we feel they are not ready yet. Some authors just need a little more time than others to fill out the criteria.
Writing.Com Moderators are denoted by blue portfolios.
Moderators are Preferred Authors who have been chosen by Writing.Com Staff and are considered volunteer leaders within the site. Writing.Com Moderators are usually able to answer most site questions for members who need help or point them in the right direction. [Top]
Selection criteria that can be considered includes:
must be at least 18 years of age (by law),
positive and helpful involvement within Writing.Com and its community,
a genuine concern for Writing.Com and its members,
interaction with other Writing.Com members,
interaction with Writing.Com Moderators and staff,
knowledge of Writing.Com and its tools,
a minimum of 250 quality reviews
reviews must be given to a mix of other members
number of ratings that author has given out to other authors,
amount of time author has been a member - at least twelve (12) months,
accuracy of content ratings in authors portfolio
quality of items in portfolio,
variety of items in portfolio.
technical understanding of Writing.Com's site features
These criteria, along with any unique attributes an individual may possess, can be examined and considered, with varied weighting, when Staff chooses new Writing.Com Moderators. Once chosen, Moderators are expected to continue their involvement and interaction beyond their promotion. Should this, or any of the other factors used in determining an individual's promotion change, Writing.Com staff, at its sole discretion may relocate the individual to a more applicable level. Additionally, all Moderators have the ability to lower their level at any time should they decide the position is no longer right for or of interest to them.
Moderators do have some responsibility within the site. They have the ability to change the content rating of items if they notice that something is not rated correctly. Remember, we make no promises that ANY content rating is EVER accurate, but we try our best.
The number of Moderators will be limited to no more than 10% of the total Preferred Authors. That means if there is 2,000 preferred authors, 200 of them may become Writing.Com Moderators. Moderator consist of less than 1% of the
Writing.Com Author base.
Please do NOT ask to become or pester Writing.Com Staff about becoming a Writing.Com Moderator. Please do not campaign to become a Writing.Com Moderator. In both cases, you will be assured to hinder your promotion.
Writing.Com Senior Moderators are denoted by purple portfolios. Senior Moderators are promoted from within the ranks of Moderators by Staff. The position of Senior Moderator will be the highest position achievable at Writing.Com (besides Staff). This position is not based on the length of time of membership (18 month minimum, though), but more on the overall activity, improvements and achievements since their very first login.
They have a genuine concern for aspiring Authors and are a great inspiration to other members of this site. They are focused on writing and helping others write well, our first and foremost goal here at Writing.Com.
Senior Moderators will have a higher level of responsibility within the site than Moderators.