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Meet Sylvia, equivalent to Moses the prophet on her world, but on Earth, hidden, for now. |
Inspired by "Alien Bond: Spring of Life" ![]() I have retrieved the Word of God from hiding, after 1000 years of it being hidden from my people. I've heard God's voice tell me where I was supposed to go, and what I must do there. In faith I have continued to step out. By faith I stepped over the pit of hell-fire to retrieve that Word. The flames did not harm me, as the Lord told me they couldn't. The screaming and wailing did not scare me, for I was called to the task at hand. I've seen hell shut up before my very eyes and sealed by the power of God. After that happened, there was silence. The noise of anguish and despair was no more. Then I was told to go to Earth, which is over 200,000 light years away, and help a most beloved people. I thought I knew what God wanted me to do, but I didn't see the big picture at first. YAHveh's plans are always much bigger than mine, or anyone's for that matter. I've helped one person at a time overcome critical illnesses because of visions from Him. He, however, had greater faith in my ability than I had in myself. I was to be a unifier of His people. My people's reason for being, as He has revealed to me, is to be universal missionaries to all heavenly bodies with life upon them. Most people in my world have told me that I could leave Armava and go to Earth because the Holy Spirit was strong within me. It was strong enough to withstand the hell on Earth that is more wide-open than any of my people have ever seen. YAHveh told me, though, that I will be the first of many, for the Spirit He poured in me, is of the same measure as the Spirit poured in all of them. I've lived and hid among the Earth humans for nearly two years. They aren't the only humans in the universe, but they are different in that they've been spared the turmoil and wars of our nearby galaxies. They are not as in as much spiritual turmoil as the humans I've worked with before. The other race accepted me for who I was, but, as I had seen with our tap into Earth's communication systems, these humans would not so readily accept me. One thing I can't understand about them - and it was no different with the other race of humans - is that many find the secret of their well-being in life in things that pass away in a moment. I am not under the curse of Man, because my ancestors didn't believe the lie from the devil about the forbidden fruit. Spiritual law has been sown into us from the beginning. Because of their strong discipline and faith, my people do not suffer from the pursuits of fleshly desires and our days are not numbered as the humans. I live until the mission God gave me to complete is done, and not until then am I taken into heaven. We do not know physical death, unless someone of another race in the universe would dare to take our lives. No other race can physically or spiritually abide on our world, except for the prophecy foretold that one human will walk with me on it. I am judged by God during my lifetime and spiritual suffering anguishes my soul if my steps slip from God's will. I do not, however, desire wealth or good health because they are both a given. Money is as plentiful as air to me and my people: we neither worry about it, nor dwell on counting its worth, and it leads us nowhere. The Spirit of God leads us and Him alone. Another secret I've found that humans misunderstand is love. Love is a spiritual need, not a physical want. I cannot see how physical love can exist without spiritual love. Unconditional love is the lowest form among my people. There is no jealousy or envy. There is no strife, lest one of us strays from the path God has set for us. The love between an Emmon (mother) and an Avan (father) goes beyond unconditional love. The spiritual bond of love cannot be broken. Sex is not a frivolous escapade, but the second intertwining of two souls after that of the spiritual bond. It is an extension of a communication, vested in love. A child is the bond between two lovers and is a representation of their adoration for each other. I do not understand it when love is taken out of sex, mostly because the short instance of physical pleasure is nothing compared to an eternity of bliss in heaven. I have found my secret of life relies on the Holy Spirit. I've felt Him reside and surge within me, creating a peace no man could understand. I've seen and felt a part of the Spirit leave me at times and create waves of signs and wonders, using my inborn gifts to perform miracles. Without Him, I am nothing. Without Him, I am an empty shell. With Him, I am a powerful warrior for the kingdom of God, and no one can stand in my way, lest their spirit dare do battle with the Spirit of God. The one thing I want to shout from their rooftops, is that this same measure of the great Holy Spirit dwells in humans too - if only they would seek Him above their own idols. To read more about Sylvia's visit to Earth, go to "Alien Bond: Spring of Life" ![]() |