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Cassie, a crippled girl, a homeless kitten and his mother hope for a Christmas Miracle. |
In a barn in Vermont, a golden kitten curled up next to his mother in a dog house on Mr. Myers Farm. Mr. Myers is a mean old farmer and his wife had just died. Timmy, the little kitten and his mother Mandy were the only cats on the farm. Timmy got his golden coat from his mother who was a beautiful cat. Mr. Myers stuck his hand into the dog house and stuck Timmy and Mandy in a laundry basket. "My wife died. You were her cats and I hate cats. I am getting a big mean dog to replace you critters." The mean old farmer stuck the basket in the truck and drove down the road. He left the mother cat and a kitten by a pond. Timmy was so scared as was his mother. The truck drove off with the mean old farmer. Mandy washed her kitten and told him things would be alright. They walked to a house by the woods. There was a tree house in an old oak tree. Mandy and Timmy climbed up into it and spent the night. The next morning they hunted mice and drank water out of a dog bowl. Luckily, the dog was no where around. Mandy didn't know where her and Timmy would live but they kept traveling in the snow. They made friends with a herd of deer. The deer said they were welcome to stay with them. It was the best plan for now thought Mandy. In Maine, a crippled ten year old girl in a wheelchair sat by the fire place next to the Christmas tree. Cassie had been in a car accident with her mother in a terrible snow storm two years ago. Cassie didn't talk much. She blamed her mother for the accident and she hated Christmas, the snow and winter. She would never forget the accident. She cried everyday for awhile, Now, she was a bitter child. Her Nurse Adeline took good care of her. She loved her as Cassie loved her nurse. The house her family lived in was a Victorian Mansion. Any other child would love living there but not Cassie. Life was cruel. Her mother Laura watched her from the kitchen. Laura cried everyday. The accident was an accident but she blamed herself for Cassie's accident. What kind of life would Cassie have? She tried to avoid hitting the tree but the snow and ice were too much. She couldn't control the car. Laura sustained minor bruisies but Cassie was crippled. The doctors hoped she would walk again but it looked like that would never happen. Laura sighed as Cassie sat by the fire. Cassie hadn't smiled since the accident. Neither had Laura. Cassie's father Bryon hoped for a miracle. Life wasn't fair to his family. Mandy and her kitten stayed with the deer. Mice were in good supply and they drank water by a stream and they slept next to the deer to keep warm but Timmy knew his mother wanted a warm bed in a building for them. Another night. It was snowing again. Timmy jumped at the snowflakes. It was so cute. Mandy just smiled at her kitten. It was so cold tonight. She and Timmy would have to depend on the deer for warmth as usual. The deer, Mandy and Timmy were settled down for the night. All of a sudden, they heard a noise that sounded like bells and they heard a man say: "Rudolph, land the sleigh. Dasher, prepare for landing." Timmy was so scared was Mandy. Mr. Myers! What would they do? They were ready to run. The deer told them to calm down. It was just Santa. Tonight was Christmas Eve. Santa loved all God's creatures. Santa got out of the sleigh. "Ho! HO! HO!" His belly shook like a bowl full of jelly. Timmy went up to Santa and rubbed up against him. Timmy noticed the reindeer and he went over to them and rubbed against them. The reindeer nuzzled him. Timmy loved them. They look so much like the deer that he and his mother had been staying with. Santa reached down and picked up Timmy. "You are so cute. You and your mother are coming with me tonight. Don't be scared. You will be happy and love what we are going to do tonight." Timmy smelled Santa. Mandy smelled noses with the reindeer. Timmy and Mandy said Good-Bye to the deer. Santa put Mandy and Timmy in the sleigh. He served them warm milk and the two elves he had with him, petted them until they fell asleep. Santa made his deliveries and he landed his sleigh at Cassie's house. Santa woke up Mandy and Timmy and they were so amazed when Santa went down the chimney with them. Timmy looked at all the Christmas Tree decorations. He ran up to the tree and batted the ornaments. Cassie was asleep on the day bed surrounded by rails but she woke up and saw Timmy. "A kitten!" she exclaimed. Cassie set up on the day bed and Adeline came running. "Put the rails down, Adeline." "What? Miss Cassie, you will fall out of bed!" "Please, Adeline. I won't fall. I promise." Adeline lowered the bed rails. Cassie stood up and walked to the kitten! Laura and Bryon had heard Santa arrive and came downstairs. They knew Cassie slept on the day bed at times in the living room when she couldn't sleep. Cassie smiled. "Look, Mommy and Daddy. I can walk. Look at the kitten and his mommy. Can we have them?" Laura and Bryon embraced their daughter. It was a Kodak moment. They told her she could keep the kitten and his mother. Timmy washed Laura's face and tugged at Cassie's hair. Timmy and his mother had found a home. Santa finished unloading the Christmas gifts. Cassie walked over to Santa. "Santa, you gave me the gift to walk again. You gave me Timmy and Mandy. I love you, Santa." Santa hugged Cassie. "I am Santa. I love you, too. I wanted you to be happy again. Santa loves and cares for all his children. Be good to Timmy and his mommy. Be good to your parents, too." Santa winked. Laura and Bryon thanked Santa as they hugged him. Santa told them he had always watched over everyone and he would always make Christmas miracles come true along with Jesus's help. It was time for Santa to go. He left cat beds for the kitties and kitty treats. Timmy and his mother had their snacks but they slept with Cassie in her bed. They looked so sweet and cozy together. Mandy and Timmy had a good home. Every year, Santa came to visit and Cassie left Santa snacks. Cassie was happy and when she grew up, she got a job as a Nurse working with physically impaired children and Santa helped heal these children. Cassie never forget her Christmas miracle and the two cats she loved more then anything. Christmas. The most beautiful and magical time of the year. ** Image ID #1500238 Unavailable ** ** Image ID #1500251 Unavailable ** ![]() ![]() |