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Rated: 18+ · Folder · Sci-fi · #916244
In the future, SHAMROCK's no more. It's time for humanity to step up to the plate.
Long after (a few centuries) the whole "Kat is the Goddess Incarnate" bit, humanity takes center stage. It all begins in the ancient ruins of a destroyed monastery in China, when a young and attractive archeologist (hmm, remind you of anyone?) discovers the remains of what appears to be a robot.

Being a technological whiz-kid too, he works day and night to restore the android. From his mother's house. Yes, he still lives with his mother. Oh, and he's shy. And a nerd. Kind of a loser, actually.

All that changes once he gets the robot up and running. The two become fast friends, and she (the robot) even helps him out with his shyness around the girl of his dreams. This idyllic life isn't fated to last, however.

Tragedy strikes, causing the techi/archeologist/rockstar (lol, yes, he joins a band...) to withdraw emotionally and lose all faith in humanity.

Fast forward another few centuries.

Having reprogrammed his friend to be a sex slave (hence the 18+ rating on this folder) and started a robotic sex-slave business that eventually dominates the cynical, decadent, corrupt, post-modern age. He also begins drinking the highly-addictive drug that's a natural by-product of the she-robot's self-sustaining operating systems, which has side effects of ceasing the aging process and making him super strong & fast & slightly more intelligent.

So while he could have become the richest man on Earth by marketing this so-called "miracle drug," he becomes the richest man on Earth by running the most successful sin-trade operation in recorded history. It was sheer selfishness that led things to become this way, as he'd rather have the drug all to himself and leave everyone else wondering why he's still alive after all this time.

Some conservatives stand in his way, of course, but when you have a highly addictive drug that allows you to live forever and a business that capitalizes on a man's primal needs & sheer human curiousity (what goes on behind those walls is strictly kept a secret) ...well, let's just say you get friends in high places.

Rich, powerful, decadent...our archeologist has come a long way. He lives in the lap of luxury, surrounded by carnal pleasures, but he's not happy. Dumb luck and a short-circuit allow the she-robot to reboot to an earlier save point, with absolutely no memories of ever being a sex slave. Imagine her surprise when she finds what her archeologist friend has been up to!

She tries to change his heart, but he ignores her--and he's in control. Long ago, originally for safety procautions, he programmed her so that she could never harm him and would always obey his commands.

A nosy reporter sneaks into the chateu de carnal pleasures, just one of many women who feel that the whole enterprise of selling sex is immoral. Immoral...what a concept in such a corrupt society. While there, she overhears a conversation she *shouldn't* have heard, and it puts her life in danger.

Once our former-archeologist Jerico (I JUST remembered the name I made up for him, hehe) sees this nosy reporter, he sees that she looks IDENTICAL to his lost love, Sara. This stirs up feelings in him he long thought he could never feel.

So anyway, Jerico (some like to call him Jerry) has to overcome his long-time addiction, save the woman who looks like the one he once loved and lost, and fight off hordes of demonic minions that, for some reason, want to get their hands on this woman. Realizing he can't do this alone, he lets his she-robot help him.

Shocking revelations are made before the story's done, leading to a finale where Jerico must choose between destroying the woman who looks so much like Sara and destroying the world.

In the future, the world's fate is no longer in SHAMROCK's hands. It's time for humanity to step up to the plate. And that's just the first of two novels!

The second novel will be a war story and the third novel will have some very important guest stars in it as demonic forces once again threaten the planet. I don't want to reveal too much, but let's just say I named this folder "FutureKingdom" due to what the world community will be like in the future.

Demonic disasters have caused the world to unite, forcing them to publicly acknowledge the existence of supernatural forces. Billions have died, much of the natural habitat destroyed, and what's left of humanity has huddled again in pockets of civilization around the world protected by forcefields.

Not everyone can live in a utopia without demons, however...constant human replacements of ground forces are needed to maintain a barrier around the forcefields and send word back to the cities of possible impending disasters. They also are needed to patrol the massive tunnels that connect all the cities all over the world. As a result, a draft exists for all male soldiers of viable age and fitness.

One such soldier is Besnik and he, like all the other men of his generation, are required to submit sperm samples to be frozen before going off to defend the borders from the demonic hordes (females who choose to enlist are required to freeze some eggs...). Why do they have to do this? Let's just say that they work in shifts, and every trip they make may be their last.

This is sad news to the women (and men, let's admit that there are same sex relationships!) of the future kingdom such as Besnik's childhood girlfriend Kujtesa, who comes from such a rich family that she needn't ever worry about the war against the demons. That is, until this delicate flower starts turning into a demon herself.

Kujtesa begs Besnik not to leave for the war, and instead marry her (married men are except from the draft) but both come to terms with the reality of their time. They meet whenever they can, each changed by the war more and more every time. They're just kids when it all starts, but they're adults by the novel's end, even if they haven't aged very much. One of the major plot twists comes when Besnik is killed in action (MIA) by a particularly strong demon contigent.

Oh and, there is one world kingdom now, and guess who's the king. No, really, guess. Hehe. And the world is ruled by demons, with humanity struggling to hold on. Humanity can't go colonize another planet without trying to get through the demon-laden atmosphere...all space shuttles that have tried have been torn apart by truly frightful gigantic winged demons. Apparently the demons figured out that the metallic shell has a juicy, edible center.

Maybe at this point you're wondering where SHAMROCK went and how they could have allowed such a global disaster to occur. I mean, it was a freakin' mass extinction! It's difficult to find home-grown food now, and pets? Very rare and only for the very rich. And I'm not answering the Shamrock question here. :P The second novel will revolve around Besnik and Kujtesa's lives during the war and it will end with more questions than when it began.

In the third and final novel (it's a trilogy, muhahaha), human-demon confrontations will intensify until, when all seems lost, humanity will become aware of ANOTHER great and powerful supernatural force in the world, and this one is willing to help us... let's just say this second novel will contain scenes of army-on-army action as demonic forces have finally found ways to infiltrate the world's cities. Imagine how horrifying/scary that will be for the humans alive at the time...it's kind of like those zombie movies where everyone's dying and you're running and panicking and waiting for the s***t to hit the fan. Hehe.

The greatest global kingdom ever known will be forged from the fires of war, with king and queen reigning jointly, and once the battles are through humanity will live side-by-side with the Old Races as Earth enters a renewed age of space exploration and utopia, the demons having been banished for good. The thing is, however, not all of outer space is friendly... but that is another tale altogether.
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