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Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #917296
This is a story about a married couple, I guess it could be called a romance.
Ashtyn decided to put off cleaning her house for a while to go for a walk, the fall day was positively gorgeous. Knowing she would have plenty of time to pick up before Niles got home, Ashtyn grabbed her shawl and headed out the door.

Their home was nothing huge, but it was always warm and welcoming. A charming three bedroom, Niles had built for them before they were married. She loved it dearly, just as she did the man who had diligently prepared a place for them to share their lives together.

The house was what she referred to as her dream home, with all the little extras she had wished for as a child. Such as a porch that rapped all the way around, with porch swings and charming white wicker furniture on each side. Along with her, own little crafting loft, built above their room.

Many special moments had been shared on her porch and all throughout the house as well. Niles was the first and only man in her life, and she cherished him every bit as much now, if not more than she had the day they were married.

A smile lit her face as she carried thoughts of Niles with her on her walk. Ashtyn looked around seeking out the most colorful leaves she could find, along with pinecones and berries to make an autumn wreath. The colors were so vibrant and alive even in a season of sleep, even as the trees shed their old lives to be ready for a new awakening in spring.

When her basket was full and her need for fresh air was sated, she returned home to quickly clean up and start dinner. For dinner, she made venison stew, fresh bread and put out newly churned butter. From the pantry, she sat out blackberry preserves, and then she went to the icehouse for milk and cheese.

With dinner under way, Ashtyn set about making the wreath to put on the mantle. Taking the grapevine she cut, she began wrapping it into a loop on which she would later add the leaves and pinecones. With that done, she threaded a needle and started stringing up the leaves.

As she finished her task, she heard Niles thumping mud off his boots on the stairs before walking in on her freshly scrubbed floors. God she loved that man. He was always so thoughtful, kind, and gentle. Though his caring nature was not to be mistaken for weakness, he was every bit a strong man. He had strength of mind, heart and body, and a quick wit to boot.

As for his strength of body she smiled, he had very strong hands. Thinking of his hands always sent shivers of delight through her. She quickly placed the wreath on the mantle and went to the door to meet him with a kiss.

Ashtyn opened the door, crossed the porch and threw her arms around him. This was how she greeted him everyday, always wanting him to feel her love for him as well as hearing it.

She believed that love was a choice of action, a showing of ones deepest emotions and feelings. So while she always told him she loved him, showing him how much gave her great joy. Likewise, he in turn went out of his way to keep her happy, safe and loved. He made her feel cherished, in every touch, every kind word spoken and in each passionate kiss.

Niles had been working for about seven hours and decided to knock off for lunch, he loved his job as a veterinarian, but the days were sometimes long even at times running into late night. Today had been a good one, and he smiled as he sat outside enjoying the fall colors.

Ashtyn had prepared him cold chicken sandwiches, cucumber slices and cheese. She was always so thoughtful to send him extra, never knowing when it may be one of those long days, as he sometimes stayed through dinner and arrived home to weary to stop for food.

Early that morning a friend had brought in a batch of puppies, orphaned when their mother was caught in a fox trap and died. They were very cute, English Shepherds and he decided to take one home to Ashtyn.

She had wanted a dog for a while, but he had been waiting until he came across an animal that was just right for her. He found it this morning, a beautiful black and white puppy with one blue eye and one brown. Smiling, Niles walked back into his office to put away his lunchbox and set to work once more.

With pen in hand he sat out the ink bottle and began the least favorite part of his job,
keeping record of all that occurred in his office. This part always took so long and often backlogged due to emergencies interrupting the completion of his records.

Luckily, he didn't have much to do in this area today and would make it home on time, ahhh to be able to spend time with his angel. Ashtyn was gorgeous; she was petite, but strong of heart and mind. Her hair was a light golden brown and her eyes a shade of violet he’d never seen before.

She was a one of a kind woman, willing to work as hard as anyone and a heart as big as all outdoors. Niles knew as soon as he had met her that she was who he wanted to marry. Even after the years they had been together, he still wondered what had drawn her to him, maybe pity. No, she was kind, but not foolish and she would never admit loving him if she did not.

Breathing a sigh of relief he put down his pen, finished at last. Niles put all his papers away and headed for the back of his offices to check on the animals kept in there, he wanted to put out fresh food and water for the night.

As he walked cage to cage, he spoke to the animals in gentle tones, calming and petting them. Each of these creatures held a special place in their owner’s heart and so he treated them with the care he would want his pet treated if left at the mercy of another.

When he came to the box of puppies he picked up the one he deemed fit for Ahstyn, patted its head and scratched it behind the ears. Setting the puppy down he got a bowl and filled it with goat milk then he put that in the box and watched them drink till it was gone.

He then when into the area where sick animals were kept, to feed them and give them there medicine if it was needed. Niles frowned, three animals lay dead and he would have to give their owners the news when they came to pick them up. If he thought records were his least favorite part of the job, he was wrong, this was definitely worse.

After cleaning and wrapping the animals, Niles washed his hands and decided to stop for the day. He missed Ashtyn and was going home to her, his sweet angel. He grabbed his coat and lunchbox then locked the door.

Niles went to the stables located behind his office, as he hitched up his horse and buggy he fed the animals and put out fresh water for them. He had one last detail before he could leave; he had to muck out the stables. Oh, how he hated coming home to Ashtyn smelling like a barn animal.

Snapping his fingers he went back into the office to get the puppy, how could he forget that? Niles grabbed a box and clean blanket to keep it warm the ride home. After locking up once again, he put the box in the front of the buggy so he could see the pup.

On the ride, home Niles smiled knowing Ashtyn would be at the door to greet him. God he loved her, the way she welcomed him home every night, dinner waiting, and always-lively banter. He loved her voice.

Ashtyn was an extraordinary woman and he was blessed to have her. He thought of all the joy they shared together, all of their intimate moments and thier moments of play. Smiling at where that always led, hmmm he couldn’t wait to get home.

After unhitching the horse, he picked up the box and headed for the house. In his excitement to give her the pup, he almost forgot to knock the mud off his boots before entering the house. Backing up he cleaned his boots then set down the box beside the stairs as he heard her opening the door.

Smiling, Niles held out his arms as she rushed to kiss him. She looked lovely in the light blue dress she was wearing, it brought out the color of her eyes in the most beautiful way. It also hugged her body in a very sexy way. A wide grin spread across his face as he stepped back and picked up the box to give to her.

Ashtyn giggled with delight as she opened the box, grabbing the puppy she hugged it and at once noticed the eyes.

“Oh, Niles he’s beautiful, what’s his name?”

“Darling, he is a she and you have to name her.”

Carrying the dog inside, holding Niles’s hand, Ashtyn had a happy gleam in her eye.

“I think I'll call her Gypsy, her eyes are so magical, I love her thank you.”

Niles took Gypsy and put her back in the box then kissed Ashtyn passionately holding her close.

“How was your day my love?”

“It was wonderful. And yours?”

“I had a good day, you were on my mind all day. Couldn’t wait to see you, touch you and taste your lips.”

Ashtyn smiled, and hugged Niles Tight, returning his kiss with a longing kiss of her own. Releasing him, she looked into his eyes.

“I love you so much and as soon as you have had your dinner we can move on to our room for dessert.”

Bending over to pick up the box, she lingered to scratch Gypsy’s head, then she carried it to the kitchen. Ashtyn washed her hands, grabbed the hook and pulled the stew away from the fire. Then she carried it to the table and served their dinner.

Upstairs in their room Ashtyn slipped out of her dress and stood before Niles in her shift.
She held her arms in the air and let him lift it over her head. His breath caught as it did every time he saw her, her body even more beautiful to him now than it was when he first saw it.

Ashtyn unbuttoned his shirt and ran her hands over his hard, sleek stomach reveling in his lean muscular build. She unfastened his belt and buttons on his pants, watching as he stepped out of them.

Later, they lay arms and legs entwined, complete in each other. Ashtyn grinned, completely satisfied, she decided now was the time to give him the news. Her mind began to spin, but what was the best way? Sitting up she ran her hand across his chest, her eyes shining and her face aglow with delight.

“Niles, I love you so much, you are my life.”

Niles smiled happily, fulfilled.

‘I have loved every moment of our lives together even the tough ones, and I cherish you.”

“I love you too dear, are you okay? You’re crying, what’s wrong.”

Ashtyn smiled brightly at Niles and shook her head.

“Nothing, Niles I couldn’t be happier…”

“Then why the tears, my love?
Niles got a very stricken look on his face; he looked like a child on Christmas morn.

“Are you?”

Ashtyn nodded, laughing as he jumped upright hugging her.

“We are going to have baby, to love and cherish and watch grow together. It has finally happened after all these years.”

Ashtyn and Niles talked long into the night laughing, hugging and kissing.
Neither could have been happier than at that moment. Each knowing that indeed they were lucky to have each other to cherish, love and hold dear, but now they would learn of a new blessing…

The blessing of multiplying their love and watching that tiny love grow, to go on and find another to cherish.

© Copyright 2004 lady_scarlett (lady_scarlett at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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