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Rated: XGC · Other · Erotica · #918157
The price of freedom?

When I rate an article "XGC", I really do mean it has Extremely Graphic Content. XGC stories may contain references to non-consensual sex, mind-control, sexual enslavement, incest, homosexual sex, and just about anything else.

If any of this is likely to offend you, please do not read any further.

In the dream, a girl sat at a computer. Behind her stood another girl, identical in appearance. They were both giggling as they edited the settings on the computer.

"Unable to have an orgasm, of course," said the typist.

"Of course," agreed the other, "or have any pleasant dreams while she's asleep."

"Unable to eat, perhaps?" said the first, typing away.

"She'll starve to death, even with the Stone's influence, surely?" the other objected.

"Not if she swallows enough cum," was the giggled explanation.

"I like it! Hey, what about. . . "

The dream faded as the immortal Goddess known as the Queen of Dreams awoke. She opened her eyes as the door opened and a man walked in. A leering smile crossed his unshaven face, and he undid his trousers. They fell to the floor, and he stepped out of them. Then he went to the Queen, climbed onto her naked body, and began fucking her breasts. Automatically, the Queen began moaning in fake pleasure.

Like everybody else, he assumed the vacant look on her face was down to drugs. He was wrong. The truth was that the Queen's mind was simply not functioning. Her fake moans of pleasure, her words of encouragement, all were the product of years of habit, with no real thought behind them.

When she had first been enslaved by the Dreamstone, she had fought as hard as she could against its control. She had been desperate to escape the fate Ellie had bestowed on her as revenge for the pain that had been caused by the Queen's meddling in human affairs. As failure followed failure, she had surrendered to the inevitable and given up hope.

Broken by the unending enslavement, she had even come to enjoy it for a while, until the sheer boredom and mindless repetition had overcome even that. Finally, she had retreated deep into her own mind, and for years had remained barely conscious, shut up in a small, cramped room, where she spent the whole day fucking almost nonstop for the profit of the pimp who had found her on the streets and locked her in there.

So no surprise registered on her empty, cum-covered face when she saw that her next customer wasn't a man, but instead one of the girls from her dream, staring at her with inhuman violet eyes.

The girl smiled at her. "I hadn't expected you to be this far gone," she said, "what happened to the supreme will of the Goddess of Dreams?"

The Queen made no answer. The girl laughed, and hiked up her almost indecently-short skirt. "I guess I can mix business and pleasure. Eat me, your majesty."

The Queen reacted to this, and immediately knelt before the girl and started licking at her bare pussy. All the long years of her punishment had made her an excellent performer, and the girl came quickly.

The Queen returned to her bed, and waited for her next instruction. Laughing, the girl held up her hand. In it, a leather strap hung, with a gemstone hanging halfway down. The Queen recognized it instantly as the collar that was supposed to be around her neck. The collar that held the Dreamstone!

A new compulsion, as strong as the one that had enslaved her for years, took over the Queen, and she leapt at the girl. She didn't reach her, but fell to the floor, suddenly fighting for breath.

"I poisoned my fingernails," the girl told the choking Queen. "Scratched you while you were busy. Thanks for the Dreamstone, your majesty. You can thank me for ending your pathetic existence in your next life." She walked out of the room.

The Queen. . . died. As her human body succumbed to the poison, her divine spirit entered a dark tunnel, streaking towards a dazzling light. Her heart soared with joy at the beauty and familiarity of the dazzling white glow, and its healing glow drew her mind up from the depths it had been languishing in defeat in for so long. "Free, at last," she rejoiced. "I'm going home!"

Then she slammed into a barrier, and rebounded with stunning force. The dark tunnel faded, and her spirit was back in the room that for so long had been her prison, looking at the body that had held her even more firmly captive.

What happened? she wondered. Why didn't I return to the Dreamworld? Why am I back here?

And then she realized. Ellie had, right at the start, told the Dreamstone to bar her from the Dreamworld. That prohibition continued, even now her spirit was free of the prison of flesh. Unable to go anywhere else, her spirit was trapped in the waking world.

She flew away, out of the room and into the world outside. There had been many changes since she had last been able to look freely at it. She wondered briefly how many years had passed, then dismissed the matter as unimportant. To an Immortal, time is meaningless.

That was Ellen that took the Dreamstone, she thought. But why? And was it really her, or has Donna gained some measure of influence over her?

She shuddered at the thought of the Queen of Nightmares in control of the Dreamstone whilst she remained trapped, powerless and bodiless, unable to even enter her own kingdom. I have to get the Dreamstone back, she realized. But how, when I don't even have a body?

Possession. It's the only way. I'll have to take over somebody else's body and use it to take back the Stone.

She swooped down to the ground, and selected a random passer-by. She slid into its body and extended her mind into the human's.

Only to find a barrier, as impervious to her power as the one barring her from the Dreamworld. The human's mind was wrapped in a dream already!

Of course, the Queen realized with despair. Donna wrapped every living human in dreams to make them obey her. Ellie must have modified those dream-controls so they'd obey her instead, AND made them immune to outside influences. Blast the girl!

What about children born since then, though? Are they affected? She drifted down the street until she found a mother pushing her baby down the street in a pram. This'll do, she thought, and again slid her spirit into a human body.

But the baby was shielded too. Damn her, the Queen thought, she made the traps continue to be created. But I have to find somebody who's not trapped in a dream!

That left her with little choice. The Queen's spirit drifted away, and began its search for the Queen of the waking world. Ellie.


Ellie was in a foul mood as she stormed down the corridor of her luxury yacht, the biggest and most luxurious in the world. Even with every human being in the world obliged to obey her every whim, there was one thing beyond her control. The weather. She'd been planning on going windsurfing on the nearby island that was world-famous for the sport, but the air was utterly calm, without so much as a breeze.

She slammed the door behind her as she entered her private rooms. To her surprise, Ellen was laying naked on the bed, smiling at her.

"Where the Hell have you been?" she snapped.

"I felt the need for some men, love," Ellen told her. "Donna's getting a little too used to our little games."

"And there aren't any men here on board?" Ellie asked angrily.

"Yes, but they're all too clean and decent. I wanted her to have filth, the lowest of the low. And there's this brothel I heard about on the mainland where the whores are kept drugged to the gills so they'll obey any depraved. . . "

"Enough! I get the idea," said Ellie, nauseated.

"I can give you the address if you'd like to try it," Ellen giggled, "To remind you of old times."

Ellie screamed in fury and slapped Ellen across the face. The force of the blow sent Ellen sprawling onto her front. Grabbing a small lash from the side of the bed, Ellie whipped Ellen's ass as hard as she could. Ellen screamed in pain and rolled over, but Ellie just struck at her breasts instead.

Rolling and scrambling over the floor, Ellen tried to flee, but Ellie kept at her, whipping at her ass, her tits, her face, and anywhere else that looked tender. Finally, Ellen was trapped in a corner and Ellie struck her furiously until, exhausted, she too fell to the floor.

Ellen, her whole body covered in ugly red wheals, looked at her. "Feel better now?" she asked through her sobs.

"Much," Ellie gasped as she tried to recover her breath.

The whip marks faded from Ellen's skin, and in minutes all evidence of her beating was gone. Ellie recovered her breath in the same time.

"So, shall we fuck now?" Ellen asked.

"No," Ellie said, getting up. "Get somebody else to do it. I don't want you now." Ellen nodded, and left the room.

Unseen, the Queen of Dreams watched her go. What's she playing at? she wondered. For a moment, she considered trying to enter Ellen's mind, but knowing that the Queen of Nightmares was trapped within her put her off the idea. The last thing she wanted while she was powerless was to risk a confrontation with her worst enemy.

Instead, she slid into Ellie's body. As she'd hoped, nothing barred her way. Now, she thought, it's been a while since I did this, but let's see. . .

Ellie padded through her suite of rooms until she came to a sturdy door with an electric lock beside it. She placed her hand on the lock, and the door slid noiselessly open.

Inside was another set of rooms, mostly filled with beds. A group of about a dozen gorgeous young women also occupied the rooms. "You majesty!" one gasped as she noticed the door open. The girls all fell to their knees.

Ellie stood and looked at them for a while. She'd come in here planning to make love to one or more of her girls. But now she was there, she didn't feel particularly drawn to any of them. What do I want? She wondered. I feel a need for. . . something. . .

She turned and walked back out. The door slid shut behind her. She left her rooms, and wandered around the ship. She passed the gym, and looked in at the well-toned bodies of the women within, but felt no interest in any of them. She started walking faster. She passed the sunning beds, but even the sight of all the bronzed, bare flesh on display here didn't move her. She broke into a trot, and went aimlessly from place to place, desperation stealing over her as she failed to find what she was looking for.

Finally, exhausted, she collapsed in a chair in one of the ship's bars, and fought for breath.

"Are you alright, ma'am?"

She turned and looked up at the speaker. One of the bar staff, by the looks of him. Without meaning to, she found herself asking him, "If you could have me do anything you wanted right now, what would you make me do? Truthfully?"

He hesitated for a moment, then said, "I'd make you take off your top so I could fuck your tits and cover you in cum, ma'am."

Without another word, Ellie pulled her top off, followed by her bra. Then she reached out and undid his belt. She pulled his pants down, pulled him to her, and trapped his cock between her breasts.

"Do it," she told him as he hesitated. He immediately obeyed, and relief flooded through her as his flesh scraped her nipples. She bent her head slightly so that every time he reached the top of his stroke, she could lick the tip of his cock. Barely a minute later, she blinked cum out of her eyes as he came all over her face and tits.

She reached up and scraped the cum off her face, and licked it off her hand. Then she lifted her breasts to her mouth and licked them clean too. She laid back, feeling much more relaxed.

"Go away," she told him, "and forget this ever happened." He turned and left. The Queen followed him, cursing.

When I try to take control over a human, the Queen reflected, my voice joins the horde of needs and wants that bombard every human mind. Primitive desires are powerful, but tamed by upbringing: A human male WANTS to fuck every pretty woman he sees and solve problems by hitting them until they go away, but DOESN'T because he's been brought up not to. I would try to control a man by making him ignore his upbringing and take up fucking every pretty woman he can.

Ellie should be easy, as she's a lesbian. It was child's play to force her to fuck a man, as her body naturally wants to do it.

But what did it gain me? Nothing. She spent so many years as a slave that forcing her to fuck against her will is about as effective as trying to dig a hole in water.

I'll never get control of her, the Queen realized. That only leaves one possibility. The reincarnation of the human spirit I once unwittingly shared a body with. Ellie's daughter. Jenny.

I just hope Ellie didn't put HER in a controlling dream, or I'm doomed.


Jenny wiped the sweat from her brow and looked up at the mountains. They seemed to go up forever, reducing her and her companions to the scale of ants.

A cry of "Keep up, Jenny!" jerked her out of her reverie, and she brought her attention back to her fellow hikers. Five guys, one other girl, and a pack mule. They'd been planning this trip for months at college, and Jenny still couldn't believe how fast the time had passed.

"Coming!" she called, and picked up her rucksack again. Grimacing as the cold, sweat-dampened fabric came back into contact with her back again, she fastened the straps and followed her friends up the mountain trail.

"How far is it to the lake from here?" she asked as she caught up.

"About ten miles," said Dave, "so we can't keep stopping for you to have a rest if we want to be there before nightfall."

Jenny grinned. "Why does that matter? Are you still afraid of the dark, Davey?"

"I just don't want to get a headache from you screaming when bats get tangled up in your hair," he shot back. They laughed, and the hike continued up the long and winding path. After about an hour, they took a break.

Jenny collapsed and laid sprawled on the ground. "Too hot," she said.

"Well, if you will dress for winter" said Terry mockingly. "We're only wearing shorts, and yet here you two insist on wearing vests as well, what do you expect?"

"I expect to jump in the lake as soon as we get there and hear it hiss as it starts to boil," said Mary as she sank gratefully to the ground. Steve, her boyfriend, sat down next to her and handed her a water bottle. Mary gulped it down, then squirted some at Jenny.

"Careful," warned Dave with a smirk, "her top'll probably go transparent if it gets wet."

"It's already wet," Jenny pointed out, "I'm dripping."

"Spare us the details," Dave grinned. She threw the water bottle at him. She knew he was hoping to wind up as her boyfriend by the end of this trip, and in truth she was thinking about it herself. But her dreams had always put her off having a boyfriend. . .

Three hours and two rest stops later, they arrived at the lake they would be camping at. True to her word, Mary dropped her rucksack, ran to the water's edge, and leapt in. Jenny kicked off her shoes and followed her.

"Ahh, that's better," she sighed as the cool lake water washed away the sweat, heat and dust of the long trek. Then she screamed as something grabbed her ankle.

Dave surfaced and grinned at her. "Just when you thought it was safe to go into the water. . . "


By evening, they'd pitched their tents. Three of them - Steve and Mary in one; Terry, Ray, and Ted in the second; and Jenny and Dave sharing the last one, to the surprise of nobody.

Feeling unusually daring, Jenny went further than she ever had with a guy before, and undressed in front of Dave. As far as underwear, anyway. She couldn't bring herself to let him see her naked.

They talked for a while, but they were both tired, and soon fell silent to go to sleep. But Jenny didn't stay asleep for long. She woke up suddenly, startled. For a moment, she'd been convinced there was someone else in the tent: A woman, with odd eyes. But the tent was empty.

She closed her eyes and tried to go back to sleep, but her mind was racing with too many thoughts for her to drift off. Thoughts about how a guy who fancied her was right next to her, and what she could be doing. . .

But she couldn't do it. She just wasn't that kind of girl. But she felt too horny to do nothing, so she slid off her underwear and started playing with her pussy.

Somehow, in spite of how horny she was feeling, she wasn't getting anywhere, so she removed her bra as well and used her other hand to play with her breasts. That helped, but it was only when she lifted her breasts upwards and started sucking on her nipples that she finally started to feel like she was getting there.

Yes, she thought. Here it comes! Her body tightened into that moment of exquisite tension that makes an orgasm such a wonderful relief. She bit her smiling lower lip softly to ensure she would make no noise when she came.

But she didn't come.

That state of agonizing anticipation that usually lasted just a second at most dragged on. The smile slid from her lips and she whimpered softly in distress. She remembered a time when she'd been on the verge of orgasm at school but had to stop suddenly when she'd heard footsteps approaching. That had felt like this, but it had faded away in a few seconds. This was just keeping on happening!

Desperately, she renewed her efforts to get off, sucking on her nipples and rubbing her clit so hard it hurt, but to no avail. In desperation, she tried to stop, in the hopes that the feeling would fade away, but it just got worse. She quickly restarted, but the overwhelming need to achieve orgasm didn't fade away. Her whimpers of distress became moans, and she began to writhe in agony. Her sleeping bag was too restrictive to contain her contortions, so she used her free hand to unzip it and throw it aside. Naked and exposed, her right hand finger-fucking her pussy and her left holding her tits to her mouth, she moaned and cried as she fought eagerly to come.

So when her struggles woke Dave, his eyes opened very wide. "What the Hell. . ?" he began in amazement.

Oh no, Jenny thought. I can't believe he's seeing me like this! What do I say? "Help me!" she moaned through the rock-hard nipple held against her lips. "Please!"

"Help how?"

"I. . . can't come," Jenny moaned in humiliation. But her need was more than she could bear. "I need to so bad. . . Please!"

Dave needed no further prompting. He threw his sleeping bag out of the way and hurried to Jenny. "I didn't think you were this kind of girl," he whispered to her as he pulled her hand away from her pussy. "Are you sure about this?"

Stopped from masturbating, Jenny's need to come climbed in intensity beyond bearing. She choked out "Please!" just before she became incapable of speech. To her relief, moments later, she gained some measure of relief as her pussy was forced open by Dave's cock. It hurt, but compared to the agony of unfulfillment she was in, it was unnoticeable.

She wrapped her arms and legs around him and squeezed tightly. "Faster," she moaned, "Need it. . . "

Further speech was impossible as Dave's lips covered hers and his tongue filled her mouth. As she felt his cock thrusting in and out of her, she automatically matched his strokes, forcing him deeply inside her and encouraging him to fuck her faster. At last, his body tensed and she knew he was about to cum inside her.

The world vanished, obscured by the most amazing fireworks she'd ever experienced. The orgasm she'd needed so badly she'd begged a guy she hardly knew to take her virginity to give it to her flooded through her, filling her whole body with an ecstasy of pleasure and glorious release.

Slowly, it faded away, and she found herself laying under Dave, quivering softly as he kissed her and fondled her breasts. Her pussy felt sore, and made her all too aware of the presence of the foreign body in it.

She felt sick. I can't believe my first time happened like this, she thought sadly. Begging for sex like a drunken cheerleader. . . what happened to me?

Tears leaked from her eyes. She unwrapped her legs from around Dave and struggled slightly. He got the message, and slid off her. Her relief as her pussy was freed to contract back to its normal small size made her gasp.

"Well," said Dave between kisses. "I wasn't expecting that to happen so soon."

He thinks I'm some kind of slut, Jenny thought. How will I ever live this down? She rolled over and pulled her sleeping bag back over her.

"Jenny? You alright?" Dave asked, puzzled.

"Just. . . just leave me alone, Dave," she said pleadingly.

"What's wrong?"

She hesitated. "That was my first time," she finally admitted. "Please, just leave me alone."

Even more confused, Dave returned to his own sleeping bag. He'd had a great fuck, and if she didn't want to talk now, that was fine by him. He fell quickly back to sleep. Jenny, to her surprise, found herself doing the same. Her exertions had exhausted her. She closed her eyes, and sank into the blissful oblivion of sleep.


She woke up and opened her eyes. Dave was still in his sleeping bag, looking at her. It took her a moment to realize she hadn't zipped up her sleeping bag, and he had a clear view of her bare breasts.

"Morning, sunshine," he smiled.

"Hi," she replied nervously.

"How you feeling today?"

She moved slightly and winced. "Sore."

"Sorry about that," he said sincerely. "You should have told me it was your first time. The way you were acting, I thought you wanted me to. . . you know."

"I did," she admitted. "I just don't understand why it happened."

"Why what happened?" he asked, looking puzzled again.

Should I tell him, she wondered. If I do, at least he might not think I'm a sl. . . "I woke up feeling really horny," she said quietly, her face glowing red in humiliation. "I tried to cure it by. . . you know. . . "

"I saw," he smiled.

"But when I got to the point where I was about to. . you know. . . somehow, it didn't happen. I felt like. . . Look, have you ever been just about to. . . " she steeled herself: She HAD to say it. . . "just about to come, and then had to stop suddenly?"

He nodded.

"You know that awful "Oh my god I really need to come" feeling you get when it happens?"

Another nod.

"Well, I hit that point and couldn't get past it. It just got worse and worse. And then you woke up, and I just couldn't take any more and. . . " she trailed off.

"I get it," said Dave. "Any idea why it happened?"

"None," she shook her head. "it's never happened before."

"Well, obviously."

"Why obvious?"

"Well, if it could only be cured by getting somebody else to help you out, then last night wouldn't have been your first time, would it?"

"Oh, I see. That's true," she agreed.

"Tho I'm surprised it WAS your first," he mentioned.

"Why?" Does he still think I'm some kind of slut? she wondered.

"Well, you're a really pretty girl and all. . . "

Jenny blushed. "I've never really been able to face doing it," she confessed.

"How come?"

"I. . . I have these dreams. . . "

He frowned. "Dreams?"

It would be nice to tell somebody about them, Jenny reflected. What the hell. "Every night, for as far back as I can remember, I've had these weird dreams. I'm in a small room, empty except for a bed. And the whole time, people just come in, have sex with me, and leave. One after the other, non-stop."

"Wow. . . "

"I don't know any of them," she continued, "but the worst thing isn't that they're hurting me. It's my mind during the dreams. It's like I'm a vegetable. My mind is just totally blank. The only thing I feel is this total despair. That's the worst of it."

"This happens every night?"

"Until yesterday. Yesterday night, it was much shorter than usual. There was only one man, and then a woman. Then I couldn't breathe. And then. . . I think I died. And then I woke up. And last night, I didn't dream of anything."

"But you didn't have a full night's sleep," he reminded her.

"That's never mattered before," she countered. "Every single night for my whole life, I've had these dreams."

"What, even when you were a kid?" he asked in surprise.

She nodded. "As far as I can remember."

The Queen slid out of Jenny's mind and body at that point. There was nothing else likely to be said that was of interest to her, and she needed to think about this.

Jenny had dreamed of the Queen's own experiences? Even her death? This was news. It implied that the link created in Jenny's past life, when she shared her soul with the Queen, was still in place. The consequences of this needed thinking about.

But the effects it had had on Jenny would be very useful - it was totally against her nature to have gratuitous sex. So the Queen's manipulations should be very effective in making her do things she didn't want to do just because she was told to. . .

Continued in:
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