Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/933849-The-Answer-is-Right-There
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by Kohana Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Emotional · #933849
Cuts, bruises, no emotions? What has happened To Mai's bestfriend Hiroshi?
Story will be added on day by day, please be patient. I do not have enough details in later chapters. Sorry and thank you!

Chapter one

The alarm clock went off loudly in Mai's room. "GRR, you stupid alarm clock!" Mai said as she got out of bed heavily. "You alaways go off when I am having a totally awesome dream!" She went to her dresser and pulled out a pair of underware and a bra; along with her school uniform so she could take a shower.

Before she had gotten into the shower, though, her best guy friend Hiroshi's light was on. "He's never up this early!" Mai said aloud.

She had noticed a shadow being banged up against something hard but didn't think too much about it. He most likely just hated being up this early early. 'Probably just threw something.' She thought to herself.

'I mean he is a bit reckless after all, Although that was what drew us into a best friend realationship.' She continued to think, 'Except, I guess I am starting to like him quite a bit more.' She stopped abruptley; shocked that she could say that about her best friend for at least 2 years.

When Mai finished getting ready she went towards the kitchen to pick up some toast and a glass of orange juice.

As she was walking she stopped in front of the full body hall mirror. She looked herself over and smiled. She was a pretty girl in her short skirted school uniform. She had black hair with dark purple streaks. Her socks reached her knees and her penny loafers were new. Her face was clear of any sort of acne and perfectly porpotioned. With hazel eyes and light rosed tinted lips. A very pretty girl indeed.Not popular though cause she hangs ou with the 'low' crowd at school.

When Mai left the house she was completely stunned to find Hoshi standing there waiting. She walked up to him wondering what he was doing there.

"Hiroshi, is someth-" She stopped suddenly.Hoshi was covered in brusies, cuts... her eyes were livid with anticipating fear of what could of happend to him.

All he simply said was, "So ready to go?"

---------Chapter 2----------

As they were were walking Mai had a million questions pressing up against her lips. She couldn't find the right one though, in which she could ask Hiroshi. But as she was studying him she finally came up with a semi-good question.

"So...um...Hiroshi did anything exciting happen this morning? I saw you were up early, So I thought I should ask!"

She was watching his facial expressions very carefully. Hiroshi like Mai was exceptionally an attractive young man; both of them about 17-18 years old.

Hiroshi had short-spiky black hair, it had Dark Blue highlights. He stood straight in his School outfit, Navy Blue top and bottoms. Loafers as well. He has blue eyes witch usually sparkle but today they had a cold look of hatred. They was a fire blazing in them.

His usually gentle face was now very serious and was standing tensed. At first after Mai's question his face had a look of disgust on. Now, he twisted into a fake smile. He answeres Mai's question as happy as he could; a tone of guilt in his voice,

"Yea! This morning sense I woke up early, I had time to do the regular routine and a lot more!"

At that word a lot more he flinched expecting a hit of some kind. He turned away again; more serious but actually a little more frightened.

As they kept walking Mai and him had some small talk in whick Mai had to hold back questions. She had an odd feeling to just squeez Hiroshi in a big hug. But withdrawn herself from her earge.

How could she have feelings now wehn he was hurt?
But she just kept her overly big mouth closed.

For the rest of the walk to school, at school and the walk home. With the occasionally depressing hi's.

Their friendship seemed to be splitting and they were both trying to mend it in their own way.

----Chapter 3------

The next day was Saturday. Mai decided to ask Hiroshi over to watch some scary movies with her.

When she was in front of his house she heard yelling and things being thrown. When she rang the bell, everything in the house was stopped. It was quite eary.

When the door opend it was Hiroshi's dad straightening his clothes out and was breathing heavily.

When he saw Mai he flinched at the sight of her shocked face. He turned around and called Hiroshi down.

When Hiroshi came down he was wiping his face with a wet rag. When he took the rag away from his face there were more cuts on bis face and he was bleeding.

MAi hesitated to ask him for a second but then saw a look of pain in his eyes. Si she went on to ask, "Um...Hi-Hiroshi would you like to come to my house to watch my newly box set of the worlds Scariest movies?" She added a nervous giggle.

Hiroshi didn't even answer he ran out of the house as fast as he could taking Mai's hand. They ran to her house fast. Hiroshi cut through the yard and When they got to the front door of her house relaxed on the patio.

"Mai, sorry about that... I want to tell you something but it's a bit to personal. Please forgive me and smile.You are much more better-looking when you do." HIroshi said as soon as he caught his breath. They both blused and went inside.


As they were watching 'The Grudge' Mai was hiding undera few pillows screaming in fear. Hiroshi was laughing at her and called her a sisy which made her tackle him.

As they rolled around on the floor HIroshi pinned her and they strated laughing even harder.

Mai looked at the t.v. and screamed again. This time though she had no pillows to cover her face so she grabbed Hiroshi's shirt and hugged him. Before he realized what he was doing he hugged her back and lifted her chin slowly.

Mai looked at him curiously. He was moving towards her face and she closed her eyes. But opened them when she felt spit on her face; she found a happy Hiroshi sticking his tongue out at her.

Ahe hit him on the back and when he flinched she did not even hesitate to lift his shirt up to see why.

There was an enourmus bruise not to old. She knelt down next to him and asked, "Hiroshi what happend?!? Who dod this to you?" Hiroshi's good mood vanished as he looked grim again.

"It's none of your business. Don't worry about it." He said sternley. Mai looked at him hurt. They could tell eachother almost anything and everything. Bu Hiroshi is changing! Why? What's happening ot him?

After the movie Mai walked Hiroshi out and again as they stood on her porch. HIroshi started to blush Mai couldn't tell why so just left it to the back of her mind.

As Hiroshi stepped of the porch before he left completely he said/asked, "Um....Mai, I know this will seem weired and all but will you start going out with me? I kind of like you a lot!" He bowed his head deeply and blushed redder.

The thought of Hiroshi blushing about 4 minutes ago came rolling back to the front of Mai's mind. She thought on it for a second and decided. She answered Hiroshi happily,

"YES! That would be great! We can drag our relationship further!" She blushed at what she had said. She also thought Maybe she could figure out why Hiroshi has gotten all these cuts all of a sudden.

When HIroshi left he had a handsome face on that was glowing brightly with the light shade of pink from the blush diminishing. And Mai waited outside for her mom to come home sense she was still scared of the movie she had saw.

-----Chapter 4------

The next morning Hiroshi was waiting for Mai again. When they saw eachother it was weird. You know sense they are going out now. It was just plain awkward.

What made Mai even more uncomfortable is Hiroshi had a blackend eye. He acted as if it were unnoticiable. But by God it was. It was really dark and quite puffy.

She thought of asking him but it felt really odd. Except one problem her big mouth just had to open,

"Hiroshi! Why is your eye all puffy!?" His facial apperence darkend at the question. Mai instead of waiting for an answer grabbed his arm to start walking off to school.

Sorry it has been a long time! To be continued...
© Copyright 2005 Kohana (kohana_chan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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