Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/974667-Second-Chance-Alternate-Endings
by FC2000
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Drama · #974667
What would you do if you had a second chance in a defining moment of your life?
Second Chance

The snow continued to fall, gradually clouding my vision. A white drizzle has befallen the surroundings, creating a blank, barren oasis of peace and solitude. The cold numbed the senses and the bellowing, merciless wind raged unrelentingly.

As I made my way out of the cemetery, I realised that I still remembered the fateful day as if it was yesterday…the environment unchanged, the conditions identical. It was exactly the same, yet different… all things change, eventually, inevitably. It is no good dwelling in the past. I breathed out a puff of air. The frosty air lingered, and dissipated. I slowly made my way towards my BMW, mentally preparing for the long drive home.

Across the road from where I stood, a, small, young, smiling boy of around eight years-old beckoned to me. He looked dashingly familiar, but I just couldn’t place his face. His hand motioned in a repetitive wave, as if to indicate that I should come across to him. All this is strange enough, but the one thing that startled me was…simply unbelievable. He was clearly suspended in mid-air, approximately half a metre off the ground! My shocked, shaken eyes searched desperately for the source of this madness of a vision. A very well-disguised stool perhaps, or a tight rope fastened on to his back… But try as I might, I could not locate the telling sign!

I could not help but adhere to his direction. The road was empty and I swiftly crossed the border that split reality and fantasy. Just as I was about to reach him, however, he disappeared — right in front of my eyes! Vanished into thin air, without a trace! I looked high and low around me, but again, failed to find the answer to this disappearing act. I shook my head. Must be seeing things…thoughts of apparitions, ghosts, spirits entered my head… I made a mental note to book an appointment with a psychiatrist.

As I turned my head for one final glance, I stopped. My body, my heart and mind all froze, suspended in time. For the second time of the day I was utterly stunned. My mind began to quiver in a tsunami of turmoil. I shuddered violently as I attempted to comprehend what I was seeing. And I began to remember…

It was exactly twelve years ago. I was eighteen. I was just leaving the cemetery after visiting my parents’ graves, when I saw, nearby, a stunningly pretty girl of around my age, silently sobbing, devastated at the loss of a close one. I was drawn to her grace (despite her crying) and unmistakable beauty immediately. As I made my way towards her, she raised her look head, and, on noticing me, presented me with a pained yet sweet smile.

I sat down across from her and asked, perhaps a little shyly, “Are you ok? Need a tissue?”

She accepted the tissue I held out and nodded in appreciation. After a few minutes of silence and reflection, I spoke again. “So ahh...you wanna talk about it? I know it’s hard but sometimes…you should let it out, you know…”

She looked at me, her eyes displaying a vulnerable, defenceless look of emotional exhaustion. “Maybe you should take a bit of a rest,” I said. “You’re obviously tired…do you live near by? I can give you a lift home…”

She continued to stare at me. “I mean,” I said. “If you don’t want me to, it’s ok. I understand…Haha, never talk to strangers and all that…”

“Thanks, it’d be wonderful,” she smiled, tired but genuinely.

“Well let’s go then…you can’t sit here all day…”

“Who are you visiting here?” She asked suddenly.

I bowed my head. “Oh…my parents…they died in a car crash a year ago…”

“Sorry for bringing it up…I just can’t imagine how people can ever get used to the death of their loved ones…this here is my Grandma…” She gestured to the gravestone. “She’s lived with me ever since my parents divorced when I was little …”

We talked for hours — of our feelings, our dreams, our happy moments in our lives, and our disappointing ones. We talked about interests…my love for basketball and her love of art. We talked about friends and loneliness when we’re by ourselves. We forgot about everything else and the world seemed to stop…

The sun was beginning to set. I said to her, “We really should go. It’s getting late.” She nodded in agreement. “Follow me,” I said.

As we made our way towards the road, I thought about this newfound friendship... or was it something more? I wondered if I should ask her out…No, she’s too depressed and confused right now, with the loss of her Grandma…maybe when she feels better, I told myself.

As these thoughts roamed my mind, I heard a screech of wheels. I immediately realised that I had just crossed the road and that the sound came from my right. I turned and to my horror, spotted a vehicle speeding dangerously and erratically down the road. And then it hit me. Where was she? My eyes travelled down the road — she was standing right in the path of the oncoming car! My mind panicked and I had only seconds to decide…What do I do? I looked on despairingly. She seems to be deep in thought, oblivious of her surrounding, her head slightly bowed…Should I call out to her? It would be too late anyway. Jump in front of the car and try to wave it down? Doubt it would work…

Then it happened.

I would never forget the image of the incident. It was burnt into my memory forever. My hesitation cost her her life, and I never forgave myself. I have often wondered what would have happened if I dived across and knocked her away from the path of the oncoming vehicle. Would I die? Would she survive? I guess I’ll never know…

As my eyes re-focused on what I was seeing, I made my decision instantly. There was absolutely no doubt in my mind. For there stood in front of me the exact image of the single event that had locked itself into my mind for what seemed like an eternity. She was standing in the middle of the road, deep in thought, with a car coming down the road at a million hours an hour! I had no time to decrypt the shocking phenomenon. I did the one thing I told myself I’d do if I ever had the chance to do it again. I threw myself across the path of the car, directly into her and sending her flying… away from danger… away from death.


(Ending 1)
A blinding light flashed before my eyes. Everything went black and I could feel nothing. Suddenly I could see again, a blurry vision…A constant collage of individual images — her fragile figure, sitting in the middle of the road, sobbing uncontrollably. The swirling lights of the ambulance and the police cars. The black vehicle in the middle of it all…and a glimpse of the old cemetery…But these images receded, and eventually faded into nothing…But for the first time in the last twelve years, I felt a calming peace spread over me…

(Ending 2)
I braced for the impact.

It never came.

I heard another screech of wheels and the sound of the accelerating engine grew fainter and fainter. I looked at her. She was in shock, but apart from a few scratches and bruises she seemed to be ok. I helped her up and as I did so, I realised, for the first time, that I was dressed in some weird 80s clothes that I used to wear when I was young. I shook this off my mind. This was not the time to muse about clothing. We made our way to the car, and to my surprise, instead of my BMW, there stood an ‘86 Corolla, looking as new as if it was bought yesterday. I remembered that I had owned an ’86 Corolla when I was 18…my parents had bought it for me. My key fitted perfectly and we somehow managed to make our way to her house despite her hesitant and obscure directions. It was clear that she was still dazed mentally.

It seemed that she lived alone. Inside the house, I found some tea bags and made ourselves a cup of tea. She drank it slowly, shivering from time to time. I put a jacket around her as she drank. Then I told her to have a shower and a sleep, to which she obliged, like a child receiving the direction and guidance she was looking for. After making sure that she was sound asleep, I went and had a shower myself. As I came out of the shower, I found myself staring at a familiar face from the mirror. Wait…what the hell?! I got dressed quickly and went to the other bathroom in the house. I looked into the mirror there and found myself staring at the same face — my face…only it was my face twelve years ago…

“AHHHHHHHHHH!” Screams of terror echoed around the house. It was her. I made my way as fast as I could to her room and burst inside. She was screaming at the top of her lungs. “It’s ok,” I soothed her down as she panted heavily, frightened. “Just try to not think about it,” I said. “Everything is ok now. You’re safe.” I gave her a light hug and began to make my way towards the door. “Wait,” she said unexpectedly. She stared into my eyes… and she kissed me. Slowly. Without warning. It lasted for a few seconds and I was almost shocked myself. Then she blushed and laughed. A pure, innocent laugh. Her eyes flashed with joy and as I gazed into them, I realised that I have found true happiness at last.


(10 Years later…)
To this day I still don’t know what happened and how I travelled back in time to that defining moment of my life…I’m just so glad that it did. Remember that little boy whose face I couldn’t place? Well I could place it now…

“Dad, when are we leaving?” I smiled at my son. “Just give Daddy a few more minutes, ok? Good boy.” The boy’s mother came in and hugged me from behind. “I still can’t believe it,” she said, amused. “No, not the bit about how you travelled back in time. I’m over that now. I mean, the bit where you didn’t rescue me the first time and let me die…how could you refrain from saving such a beautiful girl?” I love the way she pouts.

Our son’s voice boomed through the window of our two-storey home. “Mum, Dad are we going yet?” I looked out the window and saw him waiting by our brand new ’96 Corolla. I waved to him and stood up.

The mystery that no one can solve, I mused. The keyless lock… I shook my head and cleared my thoughts. And as I closed the door, I resolved to make the most of my second chance at life…with no regrets.
© Copyright 2005 FC2000 (evilnut at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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