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Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Emotional · #984072
A poem dedicated to my husband.

at 17 my life began,
had my independance in my hand,
two months after my deliverance from evil
a dark haired baby girl, all screaming and shriveled,
emerged from my body and took her first whiff of air
and my life as a mother started right there.

Next thing I knew I a single mother was I
A screaming child to care for and a life to provide
I took a job dealing with the funds of the old
I turned down my education, my future was told.

Then one sunny afternoon he appeared in my view,
pushing a liter, his hair all askew
I rushed out to greet him, but not look to bold
so I sent Sissy on break, go away she was told.

As he came out to leave me that day,
Sissy decided to approach him and play.
She informed his partner that I found him nice
He must have liked me to cause I didn't have to say twice.

I fell in love on the first night that we spent
I knew that this man was the one for which I was meant
Against all the odds, we laughed in their faces
We knew we had love and the rest were just graces.

A few months later I had a familiar feeling
I knew at that moment that another was coming
But this time a boychild from my body sprung forth
I knew that as a mother I was all i was worth

Now with two small children, one a toddler, one a babe
we couldn't get ahead no matter how we saved
When he was two and we fell into squalor
I decided to dance and wiggle for dollars.

For a while it worked and fed us all well
But we hadn't yet seen the deepest level of hell.
For at age 25 I found myself laiden once more
But this time the child would not make it be bore.

So I allowed my aching body to heal
but my mind never really stopped to squeal
I should have mourned her loss that day
but instead,like a fool, I was happy and gay.

A few months later again laden was I
I was sadened again and started to cry.
For I did not want to hurt like I had before
I knew that this child must be allowed to be born.

So again from my body a baby girl came to be
She and I almost died before delivery.
As soon as I looked into her eyes later on
I knew that this child was my new dawn.

I attempted to return to the job I once had
but the place was so different and I was too mad.
I tried as I might to look as I did before
but as I was winning I was shown to the door.

From that day forward my life started to crumble
Day in and day out he and I started to stumble
I almost gave in, would have been a grave mistake
at the zero hour a decision I had to make.

We talked to our doctors and pills we were given,
To help us to deal with with hell we were living.
We lost our first house, and most of our things,
But gained back our faith and our marriage took wings.

Three years later I chose to follow my heart
I applied to a school, and decided to start
Again against all opinions, I went my own way
This was my future, my path to pave.

Now both he and I are students of science and life
and no matter how hectic our day or how much strife
We work together towards our goals to get them done and in a few years we will have won.

And no matter what bumps in the road we may find
He and I will navigate together the way of our minds.
For we will some day be doctors of science and bone
and all who doubted us each day will be shown.

So tonight, I thank my love and my hero
and know if I hadn't loved him my love would still be at zero.
For I am sometimes moody and hard to deal with
But No matter where I go its him I'll be with.
© Copyright 2005 Tiffany Walters (ladymandrake at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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