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Rated: E · Book · Psychology · #986513
Difference is not the enemy
We live in the "them against us" society. Everyday we're forced to pick. We're told that if you side with "them" then you are against good,you are a traitor or you don't have the facts. "They", of course, feel the same way.

Just recently a certain celebrity has begun the attack against anyone who is not like him, using whatever influence they might have to state to the world that anyone who doesnt follow his beliefs, in thought and opinion is "irresponsible","uneducated", and "glibe".

Why can't anyone give an inch. We live like caged animals,closed in cars, behind drawn blinds, encased in Mp3's and cell phones,
ready to attack anyone who is different.

In 2005, we are not learning to be tolerate, we are learning to be forceful,unyeilding,and unable to truly love the idea that "difference" is not an enemy. Difference is the ability to be unique, to be unlike anyone else, to just be...
but of course, that's just my opinion.
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August 28, 2005 at 6:13am
August 28, 2005 at 6:13am
I wrote 5 pages today, I am exicted, about finally get the juices flowing again when it comes to my novel.

My not being able to sleep,now doesnt feel like a waste. I think i am finally getting something accomplished. i hadn't worked on the novel in so long.

i took a break to put in a load of laundry, but even while i was doing that i was thinking about what i had just finished and what my next step might be.

I guess the muse has decided to visit me, and i hope she stays with me for a while.

I also got 2 new ideas for 2 short stories.I'm so happy...
August 18, 2005 at 11:45pm
August 18, 2005 at 11:45pm
I will update my blog at a later date. I really have nothing to talk about.

Things have been slow around here. No real excitement to speak of.

"Six feet under" will air it's last episode on Sunday. thats just a few days from here. I cant believe that another great show is leaving. I dont watch tv much, but the few decent shows are slowly leaving.

I am so sick to death with tv. Reality TV is crap and its taking over the air waves... real writing and acting is non existing.

I will write more later.
August 16, 2005 at 2:39pm
August 16, 2005 at 2:39pm
I haven't been able to update my Blog, I havent had much to say.
So, I let days pass without writing anything.

I had made a promise to myself that I would write a number of pages each day, taking an hour here and there, to write.
I would write until I had nothing to say and then go back and weed through what I wanted to keep and what I thought was thrash.

I have not kept that promise to myself. I have not written since I made that promise to myself. I guess I jinxed myself by making that promise.

I guess I should have said nothing and just write when I feel the words trying to escape from my fingers, or trying to leak from my eyes...

Sometimes I have to write just so I could make the headaches go away. Its like the words are pounding to get out....

I havent had a headache in a while........
July 30, 2005 at 3:08pm
July 30, 2005 at 3:08pm
I wish I lived alone in this world.
No neighbors, no traffic, no noise, no crowds.
Life is much better in silence...
July 28, 2005 at 11:51pm
July 28, 2005 at 11:51pm
It storms outside
after four days of 100 plus tmperatures, the rain is a welcomed change.
I have nothing to say.

July 24, 2005 at 5:37pm
July 24, 2005 at 5:37pm
Tired and bored of things that breathe
Waiting for faith to end all things
Lost for words that might make sense
Surrounded my lies and false pretense

Ethics are extinct,no more in life's game
Truth, moral and lies are thought to bring shame

Sick of the BS that is handed my way
A line for my blogger,so i'd have something to say.

July 22, 2005 at 8:27pm
July 22, 2005 at 8:27pm
He leaves me breathless.
begging for ways to regain my strength.
I am left mesmerized by the sound of his silence
I am left longing for air.
July 19, 2005 at 8:14am
July 19, 2005 at 8:14am
Lately, I've hadn't had much to say. I try to write what comes to mind, or what is bothering me, but I just don't really feel like writing or saying anything.
The house is quiet. I like it when it's like this. I decided that I would wake up early each morning and spend an hour writing and maybe even try spening another 30 minutes writing at night or when I am just sitting around.
I figure if I just write maybe, from all the rantings something useful might be found.
Fort Bragg is so boring, living on this post I'm sure is comparable to living in hell. I don't see how anyone can live in here and enjoy it.
I try to make the best of this place, I can only be happy when I am in my house. If I'm out, I am surrounded by people who either feel that slavery should still be enforced, that people who are different should not be allowed to run free in public or something along that BS closed minded chain of thought.
I have yet to meet anyone who has some sort of realistic intelligent way of thought.
This place is hell, I know it is... I can feel it in my bones.
Maybe its just MY hell!!!!!
July 17, 2005 at 2:47pm
July 17, 2005 at 2:47pm
Not in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be here.
Listening to liars and dwellings with thieves.
In my dreams, I live in the clouds,
lay my head on angel wings,
and go throughout my day on backs of unicorns...
In my wildest dreams I smile easily and,
I live my days free.
July 16, 2005 at 11:29pm
July 16, 2005 at 11:29pm
Gossip is so the unhappy, the uneducated and classless can have something to talk about.

Those who cant live, judge
and those who can't see, hate

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