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Rated: GC · Short Story · Drama · #993870
A depressed wife gets fed up with her no count husband
horrorfan She sat in her chair smoking her cigerette. Her blue nightown hung to the floor. Lacey was waiting for her husband Derick to come home. He had left at ten that morning, and it was now one in the morning. The kids were asleep in the living room. They passed out about an hour earlier from exhaustion. She didn't even want the two boys. He wanted them, she was just afraid of losing him.
She had had a crush on him since she was eight. Even though he was six years older than her. When they were adults and he showed interest in her,she jumped at the chance. She had their first son,Larry,before getting married.
They got married the following year. Eric followed four years later. Before they were married everyone told Lacey not to marry Derick. They all knew he was an abusive, womanizing drug dealing ass. But she was blinded.
Her eyes finally opened that night they were busted. The cops broke down the door while she was on the phone with her sister. "GET YOUR FUCKIN" HANDS UP!!!" still rang in her ears. fifty pounds of pot were found all over the house. Lacey got probation, Derick got eight years with a possabilty of parole. He was paroled after two years,but went back after his parole officer found a case of beer in the back of his truck.
He got paroled again the previous year, and it had been hell since. He never was at home. He never spent anytime with his kids, the ones he wanted. He'd rather spend time with his convict friends than with his family. He had a girlfriend-and Lacey knew it. She didn't care. She just wanted him to leave her alone. She extiguished her cigerette and put her shoulder length brown hair into a pony tail. She reached over to the counter that was beside her chair, and picked up her Prozac bottle. She flipped a pill out into her hand, put it in her mouth, and took a big gulp of warm soda.
Lacey picked up her picked up her pack of cigerettes and took one out. She lit it as she put it in her mouth. She looked at the clock on the microwave as she took a long drawl. It read twenty passed one. She exhaled letting go of the smoke. "Where the hell is that bastard," she groaned. Not that she cared. She wouldn't care if he left and never came back. The thought crossed her mind, 'maybe he had an accident.'
She pictured his broken body laying on the ground among what was left of his motorcycle. His brains expossed after hitting his head on the asphalt of the road. Blood gushing out. She smiled at the thought. She knew it was bad to think such a thing and be happy about it,but she couldn't help it.
Then she heard Dericks bike pull up,and her smiled disappeared. "Damn." He walked through the door in his black leather Hell's Angel's outfit. His wavy dark hair all a mess from the wind, and a smile plastered onto his face. "How's it going sweetie?" Lacey didn't answer.
"Ain't you going to say anything?"

"How about get the hell out."

"You don't mean that."

She took another long drawl from her cigerette. "I'm afarid I do. I'm sick of this shit. Everything you put me through. You treat me like crap. You treat our kids like crap. We're broke because some asshole you meet two days before calls you wanting you to bail them out of jail, but when your own mother has to go to the hospital I'M the one who has to sit with her. I want you out. Either you leave or I leave."

He walked over and knelt down to look her in the eyes. "I'm not going ANYwhere. And neither are you.The day you leave me will be the last breath you take."

She had heard this before. He even liked to accuse her of cheating on him. Lacey wasn't suppose to cheat, but Derick could screw anyone he wanted anytime he wanted. This time though she was sick of hearing it.

"Are you leaving?" She asked.

He stood up and answered:"No."

"Then, I will," Lacey said standing.

"Your not going anywhere,bitch!" He pushed her back into the chair. She picked up her still lit cigerette and flicked it at him. He moved to dodge it. She jumped up and ran passed him, but he grabbed her by her the sleeve of her night gown.

"You're not going anywhere either."

He pushed her to the ground and started to kick her. After he finally stopped she stuggled to breath. He walked over to her chair and sat down.

"It's your own fault I had to do that. You know that right?"
She didn't say anything.She was still stuggling to catch her breath. She reached up to the counter to pull herself up.

"You going to answer me?" She stood at the counter finally getting her air back and looked down at the kitchen knives. "Everything will be back to normal in the morning." Derick said,firing up a joint.

Lacey picked up one of the sharp knives, and walked over to Derick. He stared at the knife.

"You're not smart enough or brave to."

She raised the knife above her head and brought in down into his skull. And she continued stabbing him even though the first stab had killed him. The more she did it the free she felt. After she was done you couldn't tell that the corpse was even human. Blood soaked the floor.

All she could do was smile and say: "I'm free."

© Copyright 2005 HorrorFan (poefan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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