Summary of this DVD... | ||
Well, we heard a lot about this series and we decided to check it out. At first, I thought it was too grisly for me. I only watched the first few minutes and gave up, but Mr. hooves watched the first two episodes on Netflix and convinced me to give it another try. It has quite a lot of gore that I ignore, but the story is a good one. Sometimes it is hard to follow who is who, not having read the book, but we have made it to the end of the first season and intend to continue on. It is about all these houses fighting over the Throne and who should be the King. The nicest house that we like is Stark. We particularly like Jon Snow, the bastard son and his adventures. We also like little Brandon and his brothers and sisters of the same house. There is a dwarf of Lannister that is good too. He has a lot of funny lines. I think his name is Terrion or something like that. He cracks us up. | ||
I especially liked... | ||
Peter Dinklage and his humor. We like the guy who plays Jon Snow and the little girl with the sword play too. | ||
I didn't like... | ||
most of the Lassiters. | ||
When I finished viewing this DVD I wanted to... | ||
watch Season 2. We are committted or maybe should be, but we are on to the next! Our netflix, we await! | ||
The cast of this DVD... | ||
is very good. They all look cold to me, like this is the coldest set they've ever experienced. | ||
I recommend this DVD because... | ||
it is a good story. Maybe it would have been better to read the books first, but we are finding our way without having done that, and enjoying it so far. | ||
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Created May 06, 2014 at 10:50am •
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