ID #112149 |
Product Type: DVDReviewer: ♥HOOves♥ Review Rated: 13+ |
Amazon's Price: $ 129.52
Summary of this DVD... | ||
This is a detective series, filmed in Northern Ireland. It is about a detective (Tommy Murphy, played by James Nesbitt) whose young daughter is murdered. The murder is a sort of hostage thing where the killers told Murphy they would let his daughter go if he did something that would involve killing a big group of people. He refused and they killed his daughter so he is haunted by that when he is recruited to work undercover in England. There is a lot of sly humor in this series, which is why we enjoy it. Claudia Harrison is quite good as Annie, in the first season. We are watching it on Netflix disk and enjoying it. | ||
This type of DVD is good for... | ||
anyone who enjoys a quirky detective series. | ||
I didn't like... | ||
I didn't like the fact that all their monitoring of his undercover work goes bad. He never gets monitored properly and this is how all the difficulties arise. | ||
The cast of this DVD... | ||
is very funny. | ||
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Created Oct 02, 2014 at 3:19pm •
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