Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/112214-M-VHS
ASIN: 0780018664
ID #112214
M [VHS]   (Rated: 18+)
Product Type: DVD
Reviewer: ♥HOOves♥ Author Icon
Review Rated: 13+
Amazon's Price: Price N/A
Product Rating:
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Summary of this DVD...
I saw this movie when I was in college. Recently we were asked to name a scary movie for Halloween and I suddenly recalled this one.

The story is the story of a psychopathic serial killer who preys on young female children. The police look for him, but a community of vigilante criminals unites to hunt him down and give him the trial they believe he deserves.

What is so fascinating about this movie is that it was made in 1930-31 in Germany. It stars Peter Lorre (of Casablanca fame) and was directed by the brilliant director, Fritz Lang. It has German subtitles, and was Lang's own personal favorite.

The movie is every bit as sophisticated as Hollywood could produce (at the time) and it is listed on many lists of the greatest films of all time.

When it was made, Hitler was about to come to power. So, you had a society that was about to annoint one of the worst killers the world has ever known. Yet, here they are discussing whether a homicidal maniac should be able to use an insanity defense.

They argue about the same things that have been debated in this country for a long time, with regard to the Death Penalty. It is a haunting portrait of a society on the brink of madness.

Horrific foreshadowing is seen in the marking of the murderer with the "M" by his pursuers. It wouldn't be long before Jewish Germans would be marked for what was to come.

The music is chilling and brilliant.

Peter Lorre is unforgetable in this role, as he actually almost evokes pity in the viewer. He screams that he cannot help himself.

Watch it, keeping in mind that Hitler would come to power within a year of this filming.

Watch it, if you dare and be sure and watch your children as that is the final message of this strange and unforgetable film. It is a rare and horrifying glimpse into German society right before they made the final descent into creating the holocaust.
Further Comments...
I wrote my review in the first section.
Created Nov 14, 2014 at 1:22pm • Submit your own review...

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