Summary of this DVD... | ||
"Patterns of Evidence: Exodus" ![]() As a Christian, I believe the Exodus was an actual historical event. Archeological evidence has not supported this belief. This film may very well provide an explanation for this. It convinced me. The film was made by documentary filmmaker: Timothy Mahoney. He sought to answer the question of whether or not there really is existing archeological evidence of the presence of the Israelites in Egypt and their mass exodus from that country. Have earlier reports been incorrect and inaccurate? Mahoney raises this possibility as he considers a different timeline than others have used in the past. As a documentary film, "Patterns of Evidence" both held my interest and intrigued me. I believe it will do the same for anyone seeking truth. For further information about this film, please visit: A quote from this website: <Mahoney> journeys across the globe to search for patterns of evidence firsthand. The result is the most in-depth archaeological investigation into the Exodus from Egypt ever captured on film. In-depth and thought-provoking. ![]() | ||
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![]() Created May 06, 2016 at 6:12am •
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