ID #110221 |
A Druid's Herbal for the Sacred Earth Year (Rated: ASR)
Product Type: BookReviewer: Kerri Connor Review Rated: ASR |
Amazon's Price: $ 12.67
Summary of this Book... | ||
A Druid’s Herbal for the Sacred Earth Year by Ellen Evert Hopman. Destiny Books: Rochester, Vt. 1995. This is a great resource book for anyone looking to learn more about the herbal practices of the Druid’s and to add working with herbs to their own practices. The book begins with a brief description of the life of the Druids and their practices and then dives into the herbal world, giving information such as herbal preparations, homeopathic remedies, suggested magical uses of herbs, and a description of the earth festivals of the sacred earth year. Set up to coincide with the calendar year, (instead of just giving listing of herbs), we learn what herbs are associated with and correspond to different calendar and life events. The categories given are: Samhain (All Hallows) Mean Geimhridh (Winter Solstice, Yule) Imbolc/Oimealg (Candlemas) Mean Earraigh (Spring Equinox) Beltaine (May Eve) Mean Samhraidh (Summer Solstice, Midsummer) Lugnasad (Lammas) Mean Fomhair (Fall Equinox) Herbal Alchemy and the Planets Sun-ruled plants Moon-ruled plants Mercury-ruled plants Venus – ruled plants Mars-ruled plants Jupiter – ruled plants Saturn-ruled plants Sacred Groves and Circles Herbs of consecration and purification Last Rites and the Celtic Otherworld Herbs for funerals Under the Marriage Oak Handfasting herbs Home, A Haven of Peace and Prosperity House blessing herbs From Childbirth to Puberty and Initiation Baby blessing herbs The information given about each herb includes common name, scientific name, parts used, herbal uses, homeopathic uses and magical uses. This book also includes a pronunciation guide at the end which is a really nice added bonus. | ||
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Created Dec 26, 2009 at 2:23pm •
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