ID #110226 |
Amazon's Price: $ 6.35
Summary of this Book... | ||
Change the World for Ten Bucks: Small Actions X Lots of People = Big Change Edited by Eugenie Harvey. Chronicle Books. 2009. This is a short, yet book that as the title says, cost $10. There are different ideas inside of small things you can do to change the world. Most of these things are pretty much just plain common sense, or can be found on the internet or news or elsewhere on a daily basis. Things like use reusable bags instead of plastic ones. Very similar to 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Save the Earth (which you can find used copies extremely cheap), only Change the World for Ten Bucks doesn’t contain even 50 ideas. Though the book is cute, trendy, and the pages are well laid out, this book isn’t going to give you any real new information. | ||
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Created Dec 26, 2009 at 2:42pm •
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