Summary of this CDs & Vinyl... | ||
This special edition offers a stereo CD and an Audio DVD that contains close to an hour and a half of music, 26 songs including the transitions. The music is offered as a soundscape of a famous Beatles songs plus instrumental music and vocals excerpted from their old multi-track tapes. The songs included are: 1. Because 2. Get Back 3. Glass Onion 4. Eleanor Rigby/Julia 5. I Am The Walrus 6. I Want To Hold Your Hand 7. Drive My Car/The Word/What You're Doing 8. Gnik Nus 9. Something/Blue Jay Way 10. Being For The Benefit of Mr. Kite!/I Want You (She's So Heavy)/Helter Skelter 11. Help! 12. Blackbird/Yesterday 13. Strawberry Fields Forever 14. Within You Without You/Tomorrow Never Knows 15. Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds 16. Octopus's Garden 17. Lady Madonna 18. Here Comes The Sun/The Inner Light (Transition) 19. Come Together/Dear Prudence/Cry Baby Cry (Transition) 20. Revolution | ||
This type of CDs & Vinyl is good for... | ||
Reminiscing the Beatles era for those of us who lived it and for those who came after to take a sip from some wonderful songs. | ||
I especially liked... | ||
the transitional melodies, but I doubt everyone will, since some of them are not exactly faithful to the originals. | ||
I recommend this CDs & Vinyl because... | ||
this is an excellent mix of the familiar and the not-so-familiar Beatles songs, offered in flawlessly mixed medleys in a pleasing package. This package does not, however, stay loyal to the original experience because of its cut-and-paste nature. Still, it is music worth listening to. | ||
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Created Feb 09, 2010 at 12:26am •
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