Summary of this Book... | ||
Gavin, the bastard son of an English prince, is given orders to burn a Scottish church by the king. He refuses to do it and leaves Edward's army heading north to Scotland. Claire has gone out with a small party and her falcon to hunt. Claire adores her falcon, Wee One. She encounters Gavin and reluctantly, she allows him shelter in the keep. Despite the unspoken chemistry between them, Claire keeps Gavin at a distance. The war is over for now, and Claire's father returns with his soldiers, including a Frenchman, Alain. Claire was fostered at his manor in France and knows the ways of lady-like behavior. She expects Alain to ask for her hand. Her father knows better, he gives her until Beltane for Alain to come forward. Gavin proves himself to Claire's father. He's chosen between his divided loyalties and that choice is Scotland. When Alain doesn't speak for Claire, her father betroths her to Gavin. Claire has many misgivings about Gavin. They do share a passion - falcons, but is it enough of a foundation to build a loving marriage on? | ||
This type of Book is good for... | ||
Old fashioned romantics who like HEA. | ||
I especially liked... | ||
The setting. Very historical and romantic. | ||
I didn't like... | ||
When Claire let Gavin go to England. I was frustrated with her. LOL!! | ||
This Book made me feel... | ||
happy. It's always rewarding to see love win in the end. | ||
The author of this Book... | ||
is Blythe Gifford. She's written several books for Harlequin. | ||
I recommend this Book because... | ||
Because it's a good read. The heroine is firm in her convictions, as is Gavin. | ||
Further Comments... | ||
Gifford's plot flows well and never lingers. Her writing is sharp, yet a bit terse as she uses quick, short sentences. They impart a sense of urgency and apprehension to the reader, capturing the spirit of the times, yet it can be disconcerting to read. Gifford weaves in a falcon/hunting analogy into the story which is interesting. Her use of dialogue brings a convincing authenticity to the story. It's easy for the reader to picture the setting in their mind. Both Gavin and Claire are dynamic leads. Gavin feels a duel nature within, being half-English and Scottish. He doesn't necessarily fit in either world so it is admirable he makes a decision to embrace, his Scottish heritage. He suffers from an ill-warranted reputation, but wear the stain with courage and nobility. Despite Claire's apprehension, he is loyal to her. Claire, having been fostered in France, has certain high-minded ideals of what its like to be a lady and a knight. Gavin meets none of her knightly expectation, yet she can't deny that his attention excites her. After having her ideals shattered by Alain's lack of action, Claire has to learn to reconcile her upbringing to what reality is. The novel has several love scenes between Gavin and Claire that are sensual. Overall, "His Border Bride" is a passionate escape into the past. | ||
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![]() Created Sep 05, 2010 at 9:51pm •
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