Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/110962-Mario-Kart-DS
ASIN: B000A2R54M
ID #110962
Mario Kart DS   (Rated: E)
Product Type: Video Games
Reviewer: Annette Author Icon
Review Rated: E
Amazon's Price: Price N/A
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Summary of this Video Game...
Disclaimer: this review is for the DS version, not the Wii version where you get to hold a steering wheel.
This video game is a fine kart racer game. You can unlock characters and different karts. You can play as the same character and use different karts at the end. You can also play as different characters. You start with Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Bowser, and Wario. You have to unlock Daisy, Rob, and Waluigi.
This type of Video Game is good for...
People who want to have kart racing action on their DS.
I especially liked...
The weapon filled action of kart racing. You can have ba-boms that explode. There are also green, red, and blue shells for throwing - each with their own power. The way you can bump into people with your mushroom boost and bump them into sand or grass.
I didn't like...
When I was playing Nintendo Wi-Fi connection, I came across another player who had cheat codes, which gave him infinite power-ups. One time at the star of the race, he used his invincible star and whenever I was in first place, he would throw three blue shells at me. A blue shell causes a big blue explosion and caused me to jump off track several times, and I ended up in last place. Boo!
When I finished playing this Video Game I wanted to...
Experiment with all the karts that I have.
This Video Game made me feel...
Happy and sort of excited.
The creator of this Video Game...
I recommend this Video Game because...
You can race in all of these character inspired tracks. All of those weapons are so cool to have.
I don't recommend this Video Game because...
Beware of cheaters in Wi-Fi with cheat codes and then claim to be "winners." His messing with the game forced me to stop the game and re-start my system.
Created Aug 29, 2011 at 2:57am • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/110962-Mario-Kart-DS