Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/111283-Fifty-Shades-Of-Grey-Book-One-of-the-Fifty-Shades-Trilogy-Fifty-Shades-of-Grey-Series-1
ASIN: 0345803485
ID #111283
Amazon's Price: $ 11.48
Product Rating:
  Story Plot:
  Author's Writing Style:
  Length of Book:
  Overall Quality:
Summary of this Book...
This is the story of a young woman who meets an extremely attractive, very rich man and is taken with him.

I was curious about this book because of its success. I didn't enjoy it. Usually I give a book 25-50 pages maximum. If, at that point, I do not care, I quit reading. I gave this book 64 pages and I did not care. I skimmed the rest.

It is a lot of dominating sex stuff, but the bottom line was the characters of Ana and Christian were predictable and boring too me. I think I am getting too old for this sort of stuff.
I didn't like...
all the emphasis on how attractive he is and how it makes her weak in the knees. I didn't see much strength in Ana and that led me to not care.
This Book made me feel...
like I wasted about ten dollars and a few hours.
The author of this Book...
knows how to market the writing.
I don't recommend this Book because...
I didn't enjoy it. Maybe you have be younger than 40 to enjoy it. I do not know.
Created Sep 27, 2012 at 4:03pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/111283-Fifty-Shades-Of-Grey-Book-One-of-the-Fifty-Shades-Trilogy-Fifty-Shades-of-Grey-Series-1