Summary of this Book... | ||
Lestat, the Brat Prince, shows his more adult side in this book, uniting all.vampires of the world to, once again, try and save their race/tribe. Uncanny, funny, capable, he gives in to the wishes of others and becomes something many had expected or wanted for a long time. A prince. But not without some struggle and very little self doubt. | ||
This type of Book is good for... | ||
Anyone who enjoys reading Anne Rice books, especially those who've already ready the Vampire Chronicles. It's a must. | ||
I especially liked... | ||
The fact that many old vampires come together, most of all those whom we've read about in the previous books. | ||
When I finished reading this Book I wanted to... | ||
I must say that I was left wondering about the future of the vampires and their tribe. While some questions were answered, a few major ones could present us with another book and I'm really looking forward to that. | ||
This Book made me feel... | ||
One word: giddy. I'm a huge fan of Anne Rice and her writing. The first time I read the book Lestat I was in love with the rebel vampire and can't wait to read anything involving him. | ||
The author of this Book... | ||
Anne Rice, an inspiration to me with her continuous prose which many of her books contain. Wonderful and amazing writer. | ||
I recommend this Book because... | ||
It's about Lestat! The most famous vampire of modern times! | ||
Further Comments... | ||
I've seen many different reviews about this book, some even said that it was a bit disappointing but that must be only due to the fact that Lestat's presence isn't all over each page. I found it intriguing, reading about already known as well as unknown vampires and I wish that each one tell their story. Aside from that, Anne never rushes to finish a book. When the conclusion arrives, she draws it out, leaving that bitter sweet taste with the reader to savor each word until the end and to hope for more. | ||
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Created Jan 13, 2015 at 2:24pm •
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