Summary of this DVD... | ||
A boy and a girl who are both suffering from cancer (he's in remission) meet in a support group. The girl has lung cancer and difficulty breathing and has to have oxygen. They fall in love, travel to Amsterdam on a kind of Make a Wish journey to meet the cantankerous author of a book that she loves. The man is horrid to them and they return home only to find out that the boy is now dying. It's very sad and a tear jerker. The performances of the actors are good. It was a tough movie to watch. Laura Dern was good in it and the girl especially, played by Shailene Woodley was excellent. This type of movie is one I don't typically go for, but this was good and not overly sappy or anything like that. | ||
This DVD made me feel... | ||
sad. It is just so sad and hard to deal with doctors and dying. The medical profession in reality is pretty darned insensitive to peoples' feelings. | ||
Further Comments... | ||
This movie has a sad ending. I don't know if I was prepared for this when I watched it. I probably wasn't. I liked the visit to Amsterdam and the Anne Frank references. I liked seeing her house, as an aside and the place where she was confined throughout most of the war before she was taken. | ||
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![]() Created Jul 13, 2015 at 12:04pm •
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