Summary of this Book... | ||
This latest book by Danielle Steel is a twist on the notion of the evil stepmother. In this novel, some of the worst villains are stepchildren who make their stepmother's life a living hell after the death of their father. Karma has a way of fixing things in Ms. Steel's world. I won't give away the ending, but after going through a horrible time, the protagonist, Sydney Wells comes out better than she started. The stepchildren, not so much. I know it is trendy to knock Ms. Steel, but she has an amazing ability to get her reader to care about her characters. I think this is one of the secrets of her phenomenal success. I would have to add that this book, her latest, is (in my opinion) one of her best efforts to date. I enjoyed every minute of the reading. | ||
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Created Jan 31, 2018 at 8:32am •
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