Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/113539-Understanding-Show-Dont-Tell-And-Really-Getting-It-Skill-Builders-Series-Book-1
ID #113539
Product Type: Kindle Store
Reviewer: JayNaNoOhNo Author Icon
Review Rated: E
Amazon's Price: $ 3.99
Product Rating:
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Summary of this Book...
From Amazon
With in-depth analysis, Understanding Show, Don't Tell (And Really Getting It) looks at what affects told prose and when telling is the right thing to do. It also explores aspects of writing that aren't technically telling, but are connected to told prose and can make prose feel told, such as infodumps, description, and backstory.

From Me

118 pages of very a streamlined, basic, focused look at the difference between showing and telling.
This type of Book is good for...
Anybody who is tired of hearing "show don't tell" and not understanding what that means;

Anyone who thinks they know what it means and keep getting told that they're telling and not showing;

Someone who wants a quick-and-dirty reference for 'red flag' words to slice through quick edits.
I especially liked...
There is zero nonsense filler in the book. There's no judgement. It's also not boring, it's cheap (really cheap as an ebook), and it's 118 pages so you can zip through it, and then go back and filter out what you really, really need (which is most of it, not going to lie.)

The writing style is extremely basic. There is no technical stuff to get through, anyone at any level can get through this book.

So far, I've used it once on a short story and the approach worked pretty well.
I didn't like...
Some of the examples were weak - as in "I wouldn't want to read that", but she acknowledges that some of aren't perfect, just better and I can't disagree with her on that point.

This is not all encompassing book - it is very specific on this topic, so if you need something more robust, from start to finish in writing, this is not your book.
The n/a of this Book...
Founded Fiction University, a site dedicated to helping writers improve.

She writes YA and for adults.
I recommend this Book because...
Every writer does this in their first draft.

The more you write, the less you do it, but you still do it.
I don't recommend this Book because...
I cannot stress enough how specific this book is. It is extremely helpful, but very specific.
Created Feb 28, 2018 at 11:38pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/113539-Understanding-Show-Dont-Tell-And-Really-Getting-It-Skill-Builders-Series-Book-1