Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/113750-In-The-Strawberry-Patch-Jessicas-Collection-of-Poetry-Short-Stories-Creative-Non-Fiction-and-Prose
ASIN: 1456435450
ID #113750
Amazon's Price: $ 12.00
Product Rating:
  Illustrations / Photographs:
  Author's Writing Style:
  Length of Book:
  Overall Quality:
Summary of this Book...
An eclectic collection of poetry, prose, and short stories that gives us a peek into the artistic soul of the author.
This type of Book is good for...
This book is perfect for me to keep in my purse so I can read a bit here and there while waiting at the doctor's office or any other place I have time to spare.
I especially liked...
The variety of topics is my favorite feature. There's sure to be something for everyone to enjoy. I especially love the personal stories.
When I finished reading this Book I wanted to...
Purchase more works from the same author.
This Book made me feel...
This book made me feel like I was reading the diary of a close friend.
The author of this Book...
The author of this book is one of our very own WdC members.
I recommend this Book because...
Jessica has a way with words that made me feel like she was speaking directly to me. Like she was trusting me with her secrets.
Created Sep 21, 2018 at 2:57pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/113750-In-The-Strawberry-Patch-Jessicas-Collection-of-Poetry-Short-Stories-Creative-Non-Fiction-and-Prose