Summary of this Book... | ||
A teen aged girl (Hanneke) in the Netherlands does her part for the black market in defiance of the Nazi occupiers. Things happen and she is asked to find another girl, a Jewish girl, who has been hiding, but disappeared from her hiding place. Events overtake her and much is not what it seems. She gets much more involved with helping others than she ever intended to do. One girl survives and the other perishes and Hanneke must face her own responsibility in the outcome. The war brings many losses and many chances for heroism. Choices are made in the heat of the moment that have life-long ramifications. Impulse can easily lead to tragedy. It is a good book in its portrayal of life in the Netherlands at the time. The climax and the ending were a bit of a let down. But life does go on and the world kept turning, while we struggle to make sure that those lost are not forgotten in the passage of time. | ||
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![]() Created Nov 12, 2019 at 9:31am •
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