Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/active_neutral
May 7 1993
Upper Peninsula of Michigan
About Me
I'm a seventeen year-old senior in a high school that can be found in the middle of nowhere! Unfortunately, I'm less of a writer and more of a visual artist. So I'm not really sure what I'm doing here, but I write sometimes for fun. So this should be interesting haha I don't bite, so talk to me if you'd be so kind :) Also, fake mustaches. That is all.
Type of Writer
The terrible type.
Writing Style
It's complete nonsense. Almost.
I like to draw (recently took up painting...sort of), read, play video games, go running, make small animations, and waste away on social networking sites. Please take notice of the fact that writing is not in the list.
My Blog
Breaking the first rule of tumblr (don't talk about tumblr) - http://www.aimforclarity.tumblr.com
Favorite Books
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky; You Are A Little Bit Happier Than I Am by Tao Lin
Favorite Poets
Tao Lin, Emily Dickinson....I should read more poetry.
Favorite Music
Tegan and Sara, Metric, Rilo Kiley, Death Cab for Cutie, Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, The Blow, Kaki King, Coldplay, The Raconteurs, Peter Frampton, Florence and the Machine
Favorite Movies
Scott Pilgrim vs The World
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/active_neutral