Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/bertiebrite
February 18 1948
Bayonne, New Jersey USA
About Me
My name is Bertie Williams. I am the mother of three, grandmother of two. I graduated from New Jersey City State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Commercial Art. I have published two books, Out Of Chaos, a collection of poetry, and Tales on the Road of Life, a collection of stories and poems with friends. I have received numerous awards, among them Poet of the Month 2001, from Poetry.com.
Type of Writer
I write short stories, novels and poetry.
Writing Style
Injustice has to be at the top of the list. How people bear up under foul treatment is another. Strong personalities, determination in the face of adversity; all of these things interest me greatly.
Group Memberships
WDC Power Reviewers Group, The Talent Pond, The Talent Pond Leaders, WDC Angel Army, TGDI (The Green Dragon Inn), Youth Suicide Prevention Supporters, The Coffee Shop for the Fantasy Society,The Story Tellers
Favorite Genres
Short stories, mystery and some science fiction.
Favorite Books
The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury The Stand by Steven King Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell Atlas Shrugged by Ayne Rand Any science fiction collection by Dick
Favorite Authors
Ray Bradbury, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Isaac Asimov, Margaret Mitchel, Stephen King
Favorite Poets
Carl Sandburg, Emily Dickenson, Elizabeth Barret Browning
Favorite Quote
It matters not how straight the gate how filled with punishment the scroll I am the master of my fate I am the captain of my soul.
Favorite Music
Sting, Five For Fighting, Neal Young, Moody Blues, Bob Dylan
Favorite Movies
Bladerunner, Lost Horizon (the orginal black and white)
Favorite Shows
Ghost Hunters, America Unearthed, House of Cards, How the States Got Their Shapes
Sometimes, memories are all we have.
Rated: E
~2,189 Words
Contest, Contest Entry
Type: Short Story
Updated 13 years ago
The Star and the Phoenix - A Novel
Rated: 13+
3 Items
Fantasy, Cultural, Melodrama
Type: Folder
Updated 3 years ago
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/bertiebrite