Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/cadence
November 19 1994
About Me
Seventeen, high school, writer... Not more to say, really. Unless of course you're actually genuinely interested. In which case there is a great deal behind my often stoic facade. Just kidding, I'm anything but stoic. I read, I write, I paint, I etch, I work with wood, I hope to go to Utah Valley University, I have a sister and two half brothers... Yes. Much to be said. Sadly, I think, perhaps, I might not have enough room here to say it all. Indeed, I believe I'm about to be horribly.... cut of
Type of Writer
I write fantasy and science fiction. I have already posted, in fragments, what I have of one such novel.
Writing Style
Sadly, in this area I am ignorant. I am unfamiliar with the term writing style, and hope someone contacts me with information
I enjoy a great many things. Clearly, the computer. Unbeknownst to me, I have this odd obsession of writing... I live for laughter, and incorporate humor in many of my works.
Website / Homepage
My Blog
Don't have one
Favorite Link
Don't have one
Favorite Link
Don't have one!
Favorite Link
Favorite Genres
Fantasy, fantasy, fantasy, science fiction, fantasy, and a bit of romance... Fantasy...
Favorite Books
Homeland, by R. A. Salvatore. Sojourn, by R. A. Salvatore. The Crystal Shard, by R. A. Salvatore. Most anything if it's written by R. A. Salvatore.
Favorite Authors
R. A. Salvatore.
Favorite Poets
William Shakespeare... And R. A. Salvatore...
Favorite Quote
The biggest danger in this day and age is not in us shooting too high and missing, but shooting too low, and hitting our mark. "Why is the rum gone?"-Captain Jack Sparrow. "Look, Vageta! A pokemon"-Nappa "Doctor Octogonapus, BLAAAHH!!!!" Dr. O.
Favorite Music
Basically, anything except most Hip Hop and Rap. And extremely hick music. Like banjos non-stop... I hate it... But mostly angry music, ironically. I am most certainly not angry... On the outside... lol...
Favorite Movies
I don't watch many, but I like Hancock, Jumper, Sherlock Holmes, Unborn, and most other action, scary, awesomenesses.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/cadence