Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/chosenone
April 2 1998
A small town in rural NY, near Howe Caverns
About Me
When I was in third grade my grandma published a short story I wrote.At the time I thought I must be the best writer ever, but now I realize: my grandma would've publish a sticky note if I'd wanted it. Since then my writing has grown imensly and-hopefully-will continue to improve.The best way for me to become a better writer and really be published is through feedback. Someday, before I'm done with school,I want to have a book on my shelves; right next to my favorites.A book with my name on it.
Type of Writer
Mostly Novels and short stories. Sci-fi, fantasy, comedy, and realistic fiction, but I'll try almost anything.
Writing Style
Dry humor, sarcasm and puns are things often found in my writing, along with unexpected twists and a lot of 1st person.
Writing,reading,forensics,phsycology,playing cello, listning to music,singing, acting,drawing,figure skating, travel, going to the theater, baking, going out with friends, playing the occasional vidio game...it'd be easier to say what I don't like!
Favorite Link
Favorite Genres
I read a lot of mystery, fantasy, and sci-fi, but like to read a bit of everything.
Favorite Books
harry potter, the hungergames, matched, Artimis Fowl, The Wish List,STIFF, The Giver, Gathering Blue,Vampire Acadamy, Peter and the Star Catchers, Percy Jakson,Runny Babbit,13 Little blue envelopes,The Uglies "Trilogy", Num8ers, the Help
Favorite Authors
J.K. Rowling, Maureeen Johnson, Scott Westerfeld, Eoin Colfer,Virginia A. Ward, Laura Ingles Wilder,Rachell Mead, Lois Lowry, Michael Crichton, Margret Peterson Hadix, William Shakespeare, Mary Roach, the brothers Grimm.
Favorite Poets
Charles R. Smith, Dylan Thomas, Edgar Allen Poe and Shel Silverstein.
Favorite Quote
Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a friut. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in friut salad.
Favorite Music
yo-yo ma, lady ga ga, Prince Poppycock, Wicked, Phantom of the Opera, Sons of Pitches, Lion King, BNL, H2SIBWRT(Dan Radcliff), Very Potter Musical, Dr.Horrible's sing along Blog, and The Maccabeats.
Favorite Movies
Avatar, The Ring, Water World, Harry Potter (but the books are much better), The Matrix, Spirited Away, Up, True Grit, Super 8, Million Dollar Baby, Raven
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/chosenone