Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/deesnow1707
September 7
I live in Alburqurque, New Mexico
About Me
I grew up in a home where I had no support from my parents. No one cared that I had hopes and dreams. There was so much negativity in my life, I thought that I was someone who would never experience a dream come true. Now that I am an adult with two children, who are my life, I dedicate time every day to show them support and be their cheer leader in order to motivate them to continue to do great things. In this, I have discovered a personal motivation to chase my dreams and lead by example.
Type of Writer
Not sure what kind of writer I am. I have been working on a fantasy novel, but I also have ideas for a thriller.
Writing Style
Again, not sure yet but I am eager to learn from others and I encourage constructive criticism.
There is not enough room in this box to list all my interest. I am a well rounder person. I love to read and write. My favorite sport is bowling, music is a necessity Greys Anatomy is my anti depressant, I am Wiccan, and I love to learn.
Favorite Genres
Fantasy, non-fiction, historic, and some romance
Favorite Books
Harry Potter, The Twilight Saga, Lord of the Flies, The Demoniaca series,
Favorite Authors
JK Rolling, Steven King,
Favorite Quote
"We are what we repeatedly do, excellence, then is not an act but a habit." Aristotle
Favorite Music
Everything, I love music period.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/deesnow1707