Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/devilsknot
August 19 1978
Edge of the Pit, Mi
About Me
I've been writing forever, but unfortunatly, at this point it's never been more than a hobby. I love it but I'm not at the level were it pays the bills. I'm also a musician, lush, antagonist, mild misanthrope, bowling machine mechanic, amature photog, and general layabout.
Type of Writer
I'm a horror FREAK. Love getting into the darker thinks in life. I like to look for the heart and humanity in my writing.
There's not much that doesn't interest me...with the exception of heating and cooling. That shit's just boring.
Favorite Genres
Horror, Biography, History, Historical Fiction, Fantasy. Short Stories, Flash Fiction.
Favorite Books
The Godfather, The Exorcist, If Chins Could Kill, A Song of Ice and Fire series, Holy Devil, Good Omens, Flowers for Algernon. There's really to many to get into, but this is a good representation of the kind of stuff I like.
Favorite Authors
Stephen King, Clive Barker, George R.R. Martin, Neil Gaimen, Rick Riorden.
Favorite Quote
I have the heart of a small child. It's in a jar on my desk. -Stephen King-
Favorite Music
I like a vast array of music, but early eighties punk and hardcore are where my heart lies.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/devilsknot