1958 |
Lincolnshire, UK |
I'm an ill health retired psychie nurse, lived and worked in London for 30 years. Fairness and compassion are very important. I don't comment on pieces I don't like. Poetry recently decided to be my soul - blessing or curse? I don't know. I write to expel words that would otherwise clog my brain, poetry is a 'must do' rather than 'like to do'. I've been described as meticulous and as 'anal' - I take joy and honour from both epithets. |
Poet |
variable |
esp. English language, literature and poetry, history, sci-fi, people, lots of others I expect. |
Coleridge, Keats, the Browning's, Wilfrid Owen, Yeats, MacNeice, Dylan Thomas, Edwin Muir, Stevie Smith, Plath, Larkin, Simon Armitage. |
"If you can meet with triumph and disaster / And treat those two imposters just the same" - Tennyson, If. |