Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/dreedwhittaker
September 28 1946
Salt Lake City, Utah.
About Me
74 yo retired engineer transitioning to writer. Most of my 'professional' life has been spent in Oil & Gas, with forays into Power and Chemicals. My audience is early Boomers - those born between 1946 and 1952. My intent is to paint our world in optimistic colors and hopeful textures. We have a much to give, and more to live. I hope you'll join me on my quest.
Type of Writer
Boomer Lit. Focus is on early Boomers, though I'm not confined to that generation. Exploring the human condition.
Writing Style
1st person POV with minimal description and narration. I like to let the characters speak for themselves. Novel as screenplay
Writing, writing, and writing. Along with that is food - cooking and eating, modern art, classical rock and roll, and a general interest in life. As an INTJ with a borderline ENTJ, I can move between both the social and the introspective.
Website / Homepage
My Blog
Group Memberships
Mensa, Triple Nine Society, AARP, Houston Writer's Guild, Utah Valley Writers. Several Facebook groups dealing with writing. Open to suggestions.
Favorite Genres
Detective, biography, non-fiction, and whatever I'm reading at the moment.
Favorite Books
"East of Eden", "The Old Man and the Sea", etc. List goes on and on.
Favorite Authors
Steinbeck, Hemingway, Connelly, and the next one I read.
Favorite Poets
Favorite Quote
"This too, shall pass."
Favorite Music
Classical Rock and Roll. Interest ended with "Joy to the World" by Three Dog Night. About the time of Kent State.
Favorite Movies
"Casablanca", "To Catch a Thief", "North by Northwest", and ever so many more.
Favorite Shows
No longer have TV. What shows I watch are on PBS via their Passport service. "Endeavour", various Ken Burns documentaries, "Poldark", "Vienna Blood", etc.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/dreedwhittaker