Female |
October 19 |
Bristol UK |
Developing |
Theosophy, Contemorary Dance, Theatre, Film, Noticing the small moments |
Sci fi, Drama, Comedy , Pshycological Horror, Fantasy, Spiritual |
These are some that made an impression. Lanark by Alasdair Gray. The Fourth Way PD Ouspensky. Man and his symbols Carl Jung. Tao Te Ching Lao Tzu, 1984 George Orwell, Johnathon Livingston Seagull, Richard Bach. |
Alasdair Gray, Philip k Dick, Herman Hesse, Stephen Fry, Kurt Vonnegut, Douglas Adams, Kafka |
Shakespeare, Philip Larkin, Rupert Brooke, Maya Angelou, Stevie Smith, Wordsworth |
'Know that there is nothing,Then relinquish your attachment to the nothingness.' Hua Hu Ching |
Reggae, soul, funk, jazz, Various Classical, Celtic |
The Matrix, All about Eve, Being John Malkovich, Rope, Dark Water, Waking Life, Iception |