Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/halfloved
May 11 1998
Oregon, United States
About Me
My name is Rachel, or as some of you will come to know me(if we talk), Storm. I'm an avid writer, singer, and role-player. I enjoy carrying a note-book around so I can write whenever the urge strikes.(Which happens a lot)
Type of Writer
I write fantasy and romance mainly, but recently I'm trying a zombie story. I also write fan-fiction occasionally.
Writing Style
I write with a flare for the dramatic and loooove putting tiny details in for a enveloping read.
I have a large variety of interests. Writing, singing, swimming, painting, drawing, sculpting, acting, role-playing, shopping, horse-riding, reading, and fishing are just a few of them.
Favorite Genres
I enjoy a good fantasy, but one thats more real, like Lord of the Rings. I also read romance, and occasionally a good sci-fi.
Favorite Books
I have a lot of favorite books. Lord of the Rings, pretty much anything by Tamora Pierce, The Xanth series, East, Harry Potter.
Favorite Authors
Tamora Pierce is by far my top favorite author, but I also enjoy J. K. Rowling and the Author who did Lord of The Rings, whose name escapes me at the moment.
Favorite Poets
Edgar Allen Poe, most definitely.
Favorite Quote
"You don't get a second chance, life is no Nintendo game."-Eminem, Love the Way you Lie part 1.
Favorite Music
Evanescence, Eminem, Rhianna, Kelly Clarkson, Katy Perry, etc.
Favorite Movies
Titanic. Best movie ever, if you ask me. It makes me cry, but its still the best movie ever.
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    Rated: 13+ · Dark · #1874836
    This is a piece I started as a free write. I'm not sure how long its gonna be quite yet.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/halfloved