Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/herbaciousm
November 14 1985
About Me
Hi, Thank you for reading this bio, I'll keep it short for you. I want to write at a professional level, but like most newbies I lack experience and possibly skill. If you read one of my stories please be as brutal to it as you can be, I won't learn otherwise. I write science fiction and fantasy and I believe that an element of humor is a must for most stories.
Type of Writer
Science Fiction / Fantasy / Comedy
Writing Style
No clue yet, working on it.
History, Politics, Science, Anime/Manga, and People, I think people are the only thing that makes life interesting enough to be worthwhile. Dogs too of course. (Does not mean I hate cats)
Favorite Link
Favorite Genres
Science Fiction, Fantasy
Favorite Books
Walk into the science fiction / fantasy section of a library or book store and throw a rock.
Favorite Authors
Herbert, Heinlein, Straczynski, Whedon... the list goes on.
Favorite Poets
Rudyard Kipling
Favorite Quote
Lemme check tv tropes, brb.
Favorite Music
Everything, so long as it doesn't glorify stupidity.
Favorite Movies
In 250 characters? yea, right. Also, they should have a favorite web comics section, I'm just saying.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/herbaciousm