Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/jennydecki
June 30 1975
About Me
My first childhood memory is reading a Richard Scary book. Since then my joy of reading has only increased. I went back to school last semester and someone with an amazing amount of hard-won writing experience told me I had a gift. Now, I'm on a journey to see where that voice leads.
Type of Writer
I love novels and short stories. As much as I'd love to write fun, snappy, hilarious chick lit author, that's not my style.
Writing Style
I don't know how to answer this question.
Reading, my closely guarded social life, my family, and watching television.
My Blog
Favorite Genres
I like something from every genre, but if I have to choose, I reach for fiction.
Favorite Books
The Great Gatsby
Favorite Poets
Emily Dickinson
Favorite Movies
American Beauty, The Professional, What Dreams May Come, Boiler Room
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/jennydecki