Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/joevan
About Me
I used to read a ton as a kid. Quit books to do dumb teenager stuff. Cracking a few open these days, finding out what I've missed.
Type of Writer
Slow, painful and filled with mistakes. A very common style.
Writing Style
Weak echoes of the great things I've seen or read. In time I hope to find a voice of my own.
Favorite Link
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Favorite Genres
Pretty much anything except YA and erotica.
Favorite Music
I'll put some stuff I enjoy in the links from time to time. Music's the thing I love most in life. Nothing can carry me away quite like a great song.
Favorite Movies
The Naked Gun, Windy City Heat and Groundhog Day. Known to enjoy a Western.
Favorite Shows
Arrested Development, The Wire, Star Trek(TNG, DS9), Seinfeld. Special High Stakes Poker mention. If you want to hear great dialogue, watch this. Poker's an interesting game but the table banter is what makes the show immortal.
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    Rated: 18+ · Satire · #2212315
    Gary craves YouTube stardom. Will his great idea get him there?
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/joevan