Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/kenzie1997
July 17 1997
South Carolina
About Me
i love to read and write about things i care about like history and other things for example i love to do things that have to do with writing and someday i would love to go back to school for history or journalism and become either of those things
Type of Writer
i am a casual writer who writes about things she cares about and i would love to write about history someday
Writing Style
i would write on a computer as a writer for a newspaper or write the nest great thing that happens in history
my interests are reading writing working at my job so i might not be on here everyday because i might be working but when i am on here i would write about anything that peaks my interests
Favorite Genres
young adult or teen books even though i am 23 i love to read those books cause they help with my creativity
Favorite Books
the selection series dragon rider waterfire saga twilight series everafter high series the clique novels the lunar chronicles educational book in history or english books
Favorite Authors
jennifer donnelly marissa meyers cleo coyle stephine meyers corniela funke sorry for the wrong spelling
Favorite Music
musicals classic rock pop k-pop punk rock
Favorite Movies
barbie all the movies twilight movies harry potter movies hallmark movies dc superhero girls movies fame the movie the clique movie bratz the movie cindrella movies national treasure book of secrets national treasure
Favorite Shows
gossip girl the flash kaety keen arrow batwomen lost treasure of egypt
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/kenzie1997