Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/lainaluv
February 24 1998
Texas, United States
About Me
I love writing. I aspire to become an author and I have since I was young when multiple individuals in my life believed that I had a talent. I am still searching for THE idea but until then I want to read and write as much as possible. I want the words of my novel to somehow change the world; whether its by insipring, emotionally moving, or even just intruiging those into the literary world.
Type of Writer
I love every genre and the novel I would like to write will most likely be a mix of a number of genres.
Writing Style
I am a descriptive writer, but I love all other styles as well.
~Writing ~Reading ~Technical Theatre ~Dance ~Music
Favorite Books
~The Outsiders ~Harry Potter ~The Twilight Saga ~Percy Jackson and the Olympians ~The Heroes of Olympus ~Soo many more
Favorite Authors
~S.E. Hinton ~J.K. Rowling ~Stephanie Meyer ~Rick Riodran ~Many more :)
Favorite Poets
~Robert Frost ~Edgar Allen Poe
Favorite Quote
I have too many, but these lyrics mean a lot to me. "What good is it to live with nothing left to give; forget but not forgive, not loving all you see?" ~Coldplay (Swallowed in the Sea)
Favorite Music
~Coldplay ~Maroon 5 ~One Republic ~Mumford and Sons ~The Fray ~Musicals (Phantom of the Opera, Mamma Mia, Les Miserables) ~Glee ~Alternative/Indie
Favorite Movies
~Remember Me ~Twilight Saga ~Harry Potter ~Perks of Being a Wallflower ~Phantom of the Opera TV SHOWS ~Glee ~Vampire Diaries ~Degrassi ~The Big Bang Theory ~Gossip Girl ~Dance Academy ~American Idol ~America's Next Top Model
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/lainaluv