Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/martinsgirl
June 16 1963
Cork, Ireland, way down south.
About Me
Hi World of writers! I'm Julieanne from Cork in Ireland. I'm a mother of 5 children and have had so many life experiences, including being separated from my husband of 26 years. Not such a good thing to do in Ireland, still, but I am somewhat of a pariah with my ex-husbands family but frankly dears I don't give a damn!! So I'm going to write about all and sundry and enjoy myself. Please encourage me and I will do the same for you! Deal? Done so!! Julieanne (Cork spelling)
Type of Writer
I write factual stories, fiction and poetry covering many genres.
Writing Style
Simple and unique. Apologies if I sound boastful!
Writing! Also reading, especially thrillers, always American authors. The more gruesome, the better! Keeping in touch with friends and of course keeping up with my amazing children! Travelling abroad and regularly going to the cinema.
Favorite Genres
Thrillers and biographies.
Favorite Books
We need to talk about Kevin. The Lovely Bones. No time for goodbye. Panic.
Favorite Authors
Lionel Shriver. Harlan Coben. Linwood Barclay. David Baldacci. Tara French.
Favorite Poets
Shakespeare. Wentworth. Slvia Platt.
Favorite Quote
"While greasy Joan doth keel the pot".
Favorite Music
Every kind of music except Heavy Metal. yeoch!
Favorite Movies
Con Air. Face Off. Pulp Fiction. Inglorious Bastards. The Lovely Bones. Armageddon. Gladiator. Boondock Saints. Braveheart. 300. The exorcism of Emily Rose. Sixth Sense. Pay it forward. Anger Managemment. Die Hard series. Loads more,
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/martinsgirl