Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/mojo7
June 30 1946
Detroit, MI
About Me
I am a divorced, retired, auto worker. I prefer to write in the black, urban, street life, genre, but also enjoy concocting an occasional science fiction tale. With eleven manuscripts completed, I'm working on four others, and have one published, “Snakes Don’t Walk,” to be on the shelves soon, or so I've been told.
Type of Writer
I write mostly from experience, but not against trying to compose a story around any topic I feel could be interesting.
Writing Style
I sometimes construct a story or chapter outline; other times I wing it, while letting my imagination take over the story.
Reading, writing, golf, chess, spending time with family, travel, and many more far to numerous to mention here.
Website / Homepage
My Blog
Favorite Link
http://pred-ed.com/pubagent.htm (A great resource site for writers)
Favorite Link
Any writers oriented website, such as this one, Writers Beware, Litopia, Absolute Write, and so on.
Favorite Genres
Urban fiction, murder, romance, crime, science fiction.
Favorite Books
Most of my reading is confined to two genres, urban fiction, and science fiction.
Favorite Authors
Donald Goines, Iceberg Slim, Isaac Asimov, and Michael Chrititen to name a few.
Favorite Poets
I don't read much poetry.
Favorite Quote
"Some people dream of success... while others wake up and work hard at it." Author unknown
Favorite Music
I like everything from classical, to some rap, or hip-hop.
Favorite Movies
The most recent movie to stick in my mind is “Avatar.” I found the movie to have many original ideas that I hadn’t seen before, and loved the plot.
    Item Cover
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    Rated: E · Sci-fi · #2043978
    Humankind’s first extraterrestrial encounter is not friendly, and we are not prepared.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/mojo7